[Ord. No. 332 § 1]
The following procedures shall be followed in making commitments which financially obligate the Borough and for the approval or disapproval of all claims submitted to the Borough.
[Ord. No. 332 § 1]
Any person claiming payment from the Borough shall present a detailed bill of items or demand to the Borough Clerk, upon forms furnished by the Borough Clerk, duly certified as to the true, accurate and correct nature of such demand.
[Ord. No. 332 §§ 3—5]
Every claim shall be approved for payment by at least two (2) members of the Committee having jurisdiction over the material furnished or the services rendered whose signatures shall appear thereon. The Treasurer shall certify upon each claim that sufficient funds are available in the appropriate account being charged therefor. All claims shall then be presented to the Mayor and Council for formal approval at a public meeting.
Claims shall be considered by the Borough Council which shall approve the same, except that the Borough Council may by majority vote of those members present and eligible to vote reject any claim presented to it stating the reason for such rejection. Any disapproved claim shall be referred back to the Borough Clerk with such instructions as the Borough Council may give at the time of disapproval.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Clerk or such other officer as may be designated by resolution of the Mayor and Council, to indicate on each approved claim that it has been approved for payment and to note the day of approval thereon. Thereupon the necessary checks for the payment of approved claims shall be prepared forthwith, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or other chief executive officer and the Borough Clerk or Deputy Borough Clerk, and thereafter countersigned by the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer or other custodian of funds. After checks have been prepared for payment of claims and duly signed, they shall be recorded in proper books of account and thereafter mailed or otherwise distributed to the respective claimants.
[Ord. No. 332 § 6]
In the case of payroll, the officers or employees as may be designated by resolution of the Mayor and Council shall prepare the necessary payrolls for all employees, which payrolls shall be duly certified by the persons authorized to certify that the services have been rendered and the amount specified is then due and owing to the employee or employees in accordance with the applicable provisions of the salary ordinance then in effect or resolutions adopted pursuant thereto. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to supervise preparation and certification of the payrolls and, if found to be in proper order, the Treasurer shall cause the payrolls to be paid in due course. The payrolls shall then be presented to the Mayor and Council for approval and ratification at the next succeeding public meeting.
[Ord. No. 407 § 1; New]
The rate of interest to be charged by the Borough of Peapack and Gladstone on delinquent taxes be and hereby is set by Resolution in January of each year.
[Ord. No. 754 § 1; Ord. No. 1001-2015]
Establishment of Trust Fund.
There is hereby established a reserve in the General Capital Fund which shall be noted and designated as the "Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund" hereinafter known as "Trust Fund". The Trust Fund may be used to further the goals of open space, recreation, farmland and historic preservation. A separate bank account shall be established and maintained for the Trust Fund entitled, "Borough of Peapack and Gladstone Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Account". As directed by the Borough Council, funds from the Trust Fund may be utilized to acquire, maintain or improve all types of interests in real property, including, not by way of limitation, fee simple acquisitions, easements, development rights, or any other lesser interests in real estate which will further the goals set forth above.
Consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40: 12-15.7, the purposes of the Trust Fund shall include:
Acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes;
Development of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes;
Maintenance of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes;
Acquisition of farmland for farmland preservation purposes;
Historic preservation of historic properties, structures, facilities, sites, areas, or objects, and the acquisition of such properties, structures, facilities, sites, areas, or objects for historic preservation purposes; or
Payment of debt service on indebtedness issued or incurred by the municipality for any of the purposes set forth in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this paragraph.
The lands in which such interests may be acquired shall include undeveloped land as well as land containing improvements at the time of acquisition provided the principal purpose of the acquisition is to further the goals of this section.
The Borough Council shall have the option of paying for land acquisitions with improvements upon them either solely through the Trust Fund or by apportioning the cost thereof by charging the Trust Fund for the land portion and the Borough's capital account for the improvement portion. It is understood that such acquisition may occur via gift, purchase or by eminent domain proceedings pursuant to N.J.S.A. 20:3-1 et seq.
In addition, the Borough Council may authorize the disbursement of monies from the Trust Fund to assist any recognized public or recognized not-for-profit private entity in acquiring interests in real property, primarily located within the Borough, for the purposes stated herein, provided that suitable arrangements are made to assure (i) that such lands are made subject to such restrictions as are imposed by this section; and (ii) that in the event such interests subsequently are sold, the net proceeds of such disposition will be paid over to the Borough's Trust Fund in the same proportion that the Borough's contribution bore to the original purchase price.
Funding of the Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund.
Beginning in 1999, a special tax rate was added to the total Borough tax rate in the amount of two ($0.02) cents per one hundred ($100.00) dollars of the annual assessed valuations and tax rate, the revenue from which was deposited into the Trust Fund. In subsequent years, the Borough Council, annually by resolution, after a public hearing, shall establish the rate, not to exceed three ($0.03) cents per one hundred ($100.00) dollars of the assessed valuation of the new year. By virtue of the adoption of Ordinance Number 754, the rate was increased from two ($0.02) to three ($0.03) cents per one hundred ($100.00) dollars of the assessed value. The Trust Fund shall also be permitted to accept donations and testamentary bequests.
The funds accumulated within the Trust Fund shall be utilized as delineated in subsections 3-3.1a1 through 5 above. In connection with any acquisition, the funds may be utilized for appraisals and other items of expense permitted by law or as a down payment for the issuance of bonds or for debt service for the same purpose at the discretion of the Borough Council. Any and all interest accruing shall remain in the Trust Fund and may be utilized for the above described purposes.
In no event shall the Borough pay more than fair market value for any acquisition. The Borough shall obtain a minimum of one (1) appraisal from a certified appraiser plus the appraisal of the Borough Tax Assessor, as a guide to the fair market value. The cost of such appraisals may be paid out of the Trust Fund.
Utilization of the Land Acquired Through the Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund.
The land acquired under the Trust Fund shall be utilized for open space including parks, recreation areas, natural areas, greenways, wild life habitats, preservation of farmland and historic areas and such other uses consistent with this section as well as for necessary improvements to further the goals of this section, including the improvement of land for recreational purposes.
Sale of Property.
No real property or interest therein acquired with funds from the Trust Fund shall be sold, conveyed, leased or otherwise alienated unless it is needed for another public use or otherwise furthers the purposes of the Trust Fund. If such a sale, lease or conveyance is made, the Borough Council shall be required to (1) place the monies received into the Trust Fund and (2) following the procedures set forth herein, replace such property(s) or interest(s) with property(s) or an interest(s) of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness, size, quality and location.
The deed of any property acquired with funds from the Trust Fund shall contain a specific notation reflecting that the property was acquired with funds from the Trust Fund and shall not be conveyed except in accordance with the provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 754 § 2]
Establishment of an Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. There is hereby established an Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Advisory Committee hereafter known as the "Advisory Committee" to review and recommend parcels of land and interests therein for acquisition and preservation as open space within the Borough of Peapack and Gladstone and such improvements that will further the goals of this section.
Appointment, Membership, Term. The Advisory Committee shall consist of:
One (1) member of the Borough Council;
A minimum of five (5) additional regular members, who shall not be elected officials, to be recommended by the Mayor and appointed by the Borough Council, drawn from among the following:
Members of the Land Use Board of the Borough of Peapack and Gladstone;
Members of the Environmental Commission;
Members of the Recreation Commission; and
Residents of the Borough of Peapack and Gladstone.
In making the five (5) regular appointments to the Advisory Committee, the Mayor and Borough Council shall attempt, but shall not be required, to select individuals who have a strong interest in promoting the purposes of this section and to create a distribution of membership which as nearly as possible includes one (1) member from each category above. Except for the positions to be held ex officio by the Mayor, and by a member of the Borough Council, the Borough Council may fill any vacancy or make any new appointment from within any of the categories above, without regard to the category to which the former member belonged. Members from the Land Use Board, the Environmental Commission, the Recreation Commission, the Mayor and the Borough Council shall have terms which correspond with the term of his/her respective appointive/elected office. The resident members of the Advisory Committee shall serve three (3) year terms. However, the initial term of every resident member shall be specified at the time of appointment so as to create staggered terms among the resident members, as nearly as possible.
Duties and Functions.
Within six (6) months of its formation, the Advisory Committee shall prepare and submit to the Borough Council an Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Plan for the Borough of Peapack and Gladstone. The Plan shall include an inventory of suitable properties within the Borough and evaluate and prioritize such suitable properties through the development of appropriate criteria. Such Plan shall consist of a parcel ranking as well as recommendations concerning the nature of the interests in such real estate to be acquired and the purposes for which such land should be utilized. The Advisory Committee shall submit to the Council an amended and updated Plan annually thereafter.
The Advisory Committee shall assist the Borough in the establishment of an Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Tracking Program to catalog the state of privately-owned open space, recreational areas, farmland and historic areas in the Borough and record the Borough's progress with respect to acquisition and preservation.
The Advisory Committee shall provide guidance and support to the Borough Council and Land Use Board on issues and matters of open space and shall submit its initial Plan and all annual amendments thereto to the Land Use Board for consideration and inclusion in the Borough's Master Plan.
The Advisory Committee shall periodically review its functions and submit a recommendation to the Borough Council as to whether additional duties should be assigned or delegated to the Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee shall annually select from among its members a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson to serve as the presiding officer in the absence of the Chairperson. The Committee shall also select a Secretary, from its membership, whose function shall be to maintain minutes of the Committee's meetings and records of the proceedings of the Committee. The Committee may appoint such clerks and other employees and professional consultants as it may from time to time require and as may be within the limits of funds appropriated to it for that purpose out of the Trust Fund or out of general revenues.
The Advisory Committee shall have such other duties as the Borough Council may assign to it from time to time.
[Ord. No. 754 § 3]
The section will be in effect for a period of five (5) consecutive years. The Borough Council shall then conduct a review and, if it deems appropriate, issue a report with recommendations and conclusions concerning the continuation of the Trust Fund and whether a public referendum is appropriate.
[Ord. No. 936 § 1]
Any person under the legal age, who, without legal authority, knowingly possesses or knowingly consumes an alcoholic beverage on private property shall be in violation of this section.
First offenses shall be punishable by a fine of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars. Subsequent offenses shall be punishable by a fine of three hundred fifty ($350.00) dollars.
The Municipal Court may, in addition to the monetary fine, suspend or postpone for six (6) months the driving privilege of the defendant. Upon the conviction of any person and the suspension or postponement of that person's driver's license, the Municipal Court shall forward a report to the Motor Vehicle Commission, stating the first and last day of the suspension or postponement period imposed by the Municipal Court pursuant to this section. If a person at the time of the imposition of sentence is less than seventeen (17) years of age, the period of license postponement, including a suspension or postponement of the privilege of operating a motorized bicycle, shall commence on the day the sentence is imposed and shall run for a period of six (6) months after the person reaches the age of seventeen (17) years.
The Municipal Court shall immediately collect the person's valid New Jersey driver's license at the imposition of sentence and forward it to the Motor Vehicle Commission with a report. If for any reason the license cannot be collected, the Municipal Court shall include in the report the complete name, address, date of birth, eye color, and sex of the person, as well as the first and last date of the license suspension period imposed by the Municipal Court. The Municipal Court shall inform the person orally and in writing that if the person is convicted of operating a motor vehicle during the period of license suspension or postponement, the person shall be subject to the penalties set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:3-40. A person shall be required to acknowledge the receipt of such written notice in writing. Failure to receive a written notice or failure to acknowledge in writing the receipt of a written notice shall not be a defense to a subsequent charge of a violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-40.
If a person convicted under this section is not a New Jersey resident, the Municipal Court shall suspend or postpone, as appropriate, the nonresident driving privilege of the person based on the age of the person and submit a report to the Motor Vehicle Commission. The Municipal Court shall not collect the license of a nonresident convicted under this section. The Motor Vehicle Commission will notify the appropriate officials in the nonresident's licensing jurisdiction.
[Ord. No. 936 § 2]
This section shall not prohibit an underage person from consuming or possessing an alcoholic beverage in connection with a religious observance, ceremony, or rite or consuming or possessing an alcoholic beverage in the presence of and with the permission of a parent, guardian, or relative who has attained legal age to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages.
As used in this section:
Guardian shall mean a person who has qualified as a guardian of the underage person pursuant to testamentary or court appointment.
Relative shall mean the underage person's grandparent, aunt or uncle, sibling, or any other person related by blood or affinity.
This section shall not prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages by a person under the legal age while actually engaged in the performance of employment by a person who is licensed under Title 33 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, or while actively engaged in the preparation of food while enrolled in a culinary arts or hotel management program at a County vocational school or post-secondary educational institution; however, this section shall not be construed to preclude the imposition of a penalty under this section, N.J.S.A. 33:1-81, or any other section of the State law against a person who is convicted of unlawful alcoholic beverage activity on or at premises licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages.