[Adopted 12-21-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-18]
[Amended 12-5-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-31; 12-12-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-24]
There shall be an annual registration fee for the period January 1 to December 31 for nonresident senior citizens (age 60 and over) in the amount of $60 per person. The payment of the annual registration fee shall be required prior to the participation and/or use by any nonresident senior citizen of the Metuchen Senior Center or participation in any program, event and/or service offered at the Metuchen Senior Center. The payment of such registration fee shall be in addition to any costs or fee established by the Borough for the participation in an event, service or program.
The payment of the annual registration fee shall not provide a nonresident senior any right or entitlement to any or all of the benefits, programs, assistance and services offered by the Borough of Metuchen to the Borough of Metuchen senior citizens. The payment of the above annual registration fee set forth above shall be solely for the eligibility to participate in events, programs and services offered at the Metuchen Senior Citizen Center and shall not be a guarantee, license or entitlement to any services offered by the Borough of Metuchen.
Senior citizen program fees. In addition to those fees established above, fees are established for participation in the following programs:
Senior Center sponsored luncheons
$5 to $20 (dependent upon the costs of luncheon)
Atlantic City chartered bus trips
$20 to $150 (dependent upon cost of bus rental)
The Council of the Borough of Metuchen authorizes and directs the Metuchen Seniors Commission, in coordination with the Borough Administrator and the Director of Recreation/Senior Services, to establish practices and procedures relating to the collection, enforcement and monitoring of the annual registration fee for nonresident seniors, including but not limited to providing notice to the seniors, the creation of an application for nonresident seniors, and the proration of the annual registration fee, which will be equal to 50% of the full-year membership for members joining after June 30, and the fees to be charged for the programs, services and events in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines.