[Adopted 7-10-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
This article shall be known as the "Bethlehem Conservation Easement Agreement Law."
In accordance with the provisions of State of New York Real Property Tax Law § 491, qualified conservation easement agreement exemptions in the Town of Bethlehem shall be exempt from County taxation as set forth below.
As is authorized by Real Property Tax Law § 491, the County of Albany does hereby provide that qualifying open space in the Town of Bethlehem shall be exempt from taxation to the extent provided for in New York State Real Property Tax Law § 491.4(b).
Procedures for obtaining a conservation easement agreement exemption will be followed pursuant to Real Property Tax Law § 491, Local Law No. 2-2014 of the Town of Bethlehem and any other local law implementing the provisions of Real Property Tax Law § 491.
Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law § 844(1)(b)(ii), the County enacts an "add back" provision specifying that "taxable assessed value" for purposes of apportionment of County taxes will include the amount of assessed value partially exempt from County taxation under Real Property Tax Law § 491, which shall ensure that the Town of Bethlehem will not pay less County property taxes in the aggregate than it would have had the conservation easement agreement exemption not been applied to properties within the town.
This article shall be effective upon filing with the Secretary of State and subject to Real Property Tax Law § 491 and other relevant sections of the Real Property Tax Law.