[Adopted 3-8-1993 by Res. No. 180-1993]
Article 25-AA of the Agriculture and Markets Law permits County legislative bodies to establish County agricultural and farmland protection boards in accord with § 302(1)(a)(b) of Article 25-AA.
Said boards shall advise the County legislative body and work with the County Planning Board in relation to the proposed establishment, modification, continuation or termination of any agricultural district and perform such other and further duties as outlined in Agriculture and Markets Law § 302(1)(c), (d) and (2).
The Albany County Legislature hereby immediately establishes an Albany County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board pursuant to Article 25-AA, § 302, of the Agriculture and Markets Law for the purposes set forth therein.
The terms of office and the duties and responsibilities of said Board's members shall begin immediately upon appointment as set forth in the aforementioned law.