This article shall apply to all site plan applications.
The following standards shall be used to prepare and review the architectural design of all buildings and structures in a development plan. Where a development plan involves an existing building or a site upon which an existing building is located, the existing building shall be repaired, renovated and restored to comply with this article.
Massing. A building shall not be permitted to have a total measurement greater than 150 feet in length along any wall, roof or footprint plane. Building wall offsets, including both projections and recesses, shall be provided along any building wall measuring greater than 50 feet in length in order to provide architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and relieve the negative visual effect of a single, long wall. The total measurement of such offsets shall equal a minimum of 10% of the building wall length. The maximum spacing between such offsets shall be 40 feet. The minimum projection or depth of any individual offset shall not be less than two feet. Roofline offsets shall be provided along any roof measuring longer than 75 feet in length in order to provide architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and relieve the negative visual effect of a single, long roof.
Horizontal courses. All visibly exposed sides of a building shall have an articulated base course and cornice. The base course shall be traditionally proportionate to the overall horizontal and vertical dimensions of a facade and shall align with either the kickplate or sill level of the first story. The cornice shall terminate the top of a building wall, may project out horizontally from the vertical building wall plane and shall be ornamented with moldings, brackets and other details that shall be appropriate to the architectural style of a building. The middle section of a building may be horizontally divided at floor, lintel or sill levels with belt courses. Building courses shall be considered an integral part of the design of a building and shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building.
Continuity of treatment. The architectural treatment of a facade or roof shall be completely continued around all visibly exposed sides of a building. All sides of a building shall be architecturally designed so as to be consistent with regard to style, materials, colors and details.
Roof. The type, shape, pitch, texture and color of a roof shall be considered as an integral part of the design of a building and shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building. The minimum permitted roof pitch shall be eight on 12, and all gables on a building shall be of the same pitch. A flat roof may be permitted on a building of a minimum of two stories in height, provided that all visibly exposed walls shall have an articulated cornice that projects out horizontally from the vertical building wall plane. A mansard roof may be permitted, but only if such is located on the third story of a building, completely and integrally enclosing such story. Flat or mansard roofs shall be prohibited on all one-story buildings. Architectural embellishments that add visual interest to roofs, such as dormers, belvederes, masonry chimneys, cupolas, clock towers and such similar elements shall be permitted, provided that such are architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building.
Windows. Fenestration shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of a building. Windows shall be vertically proportioned wherever possible. The location of windows on the upper stories of a building shall be vertically aligned with the location of windows and doors on the ground level of such building. Permitted retail and personal service business uses located in business districts may have large pane display windows on the ground level, provided that such window shall be framed by the surrounding wall and shall not comprise greater than 75% of the total ground level facade area of such building. All other windows shall be double-hung or casement types. A building designed of an architectural style that normally has windows with muntins or divided lights shall utilize them. Such muntin or divided light grids may be the snap-on type, if fitted on the exterior of the window or between the glazing of the window units.
Entrances. All entrances to a building shall be defined and articulated by utilizing such elements as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, porticoes, porches, overhangs, railings, balustrades and other such elements, where appropriate. Any such element utilized shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building.
Physical plant. All air-conditioning units, HVAC systems, exhaust pipes or stacks and elevator housing shall be shielded from view for a minimum distance of 500 feet from the site. Such shielding shall be accomplished by utilizing the walls or roof of the building or a penthouse-type screening device that shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building.
Materials, colors and details. All materials, colors and details used on the exterior of a building shall be architecturally compatible with the style of such building, as well as with each other. A building designed of an architectural style that normally includes certain integral materials, colors and/or details shall have such incorporated into the design of such building.
Shutters. A building designed of an architectural style that normally includes shutters shall provide such on all windows on the front facade. If such building is located on a corner lot, shutters shall be provided on all windows of all facades fronting on a street.
Lighting. Light fixtures attached to the exterior of a building shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building and other lighting fixtures used on the site. Consideration shall also be given to the type of light source utilized and the light quality such produces. The type of light source used on buildings, signs, parking areas, pedestrian walkways and other areas of a site shall be the same or compatible. The use of low-pressure sodium or mercury vapor lighting either attached to buildings or to light the exterior of buildings shall be prohibited.
Signage. Signs affixed to the exterior of a building shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of the building and other signs used on the site. All signage affixed to a building shall conform to Article 48.
Awnings and canopies. The ground level of a building in a business district shall have awnings or canopies, where appropriate, to complement the architectural style of a building. Awnings may also be used on the upper levels of a building, where appropriate. The design of awnings shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors and details of such building. All signage on awnings or canopies shall conform to Article 48 of this chapter.
Multiple uses. A building with multiple storefronts or other multiple uses, no matter whether such uses are the same type of use or located on the same floor level, shall be unified through the use of architecturally compatible styles, materials, colors, details, awnings, signage, lighting fixtures and other design elements for all such storefronts or uses.
Corner buildings. A building on a corner lot shall be considered a more significant structure from an urban design standpoint since such building has at least two front facades visibly exposed to the street. Such building may be designed to have additional height and architectural embellishments relating to its location on a corner lot, if deemed appropriate by the Board.
Multiple buildings. A development plan that contains more than one building or structure shall be unified through the use of architecturally compatible styles, materials, colors, details, awnings, signage, lighting fixtures and other design elements for all such buildings or structures.
Editor's Note: Former § 110-136.1, Applicability and design standards for single-family and two-family dwellings, added 12-15-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-19, was repealed 9-3-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-12.
The following standards shall be used to guide and determine the specific exterior materials and colors of all buildings and structures in a development plan located in the B-1 Central Business District or D-1 Downtown Development District:
Materials. Exterior building materials shall consist of the following:
Walls shall consist of brick, stone, cast stone or other smooth finished surface masonry and wood, aluminum or vinyl horizontal clapboard.
Roofs shall consist of asphalt or cedar shingles, tile, slate, synthetic slate (mineral fiber reinforced roofing shingles) and standing or batten seam metal.
Door trim shall consist of wood, stone, steel, anodized aluminum or fiberglass.
Window trim shall consist of wood, stone, steel, anodized aluminum, fiberglass or vinyl clad wood.
Cornices shall consist of wood, stone or fiberglass.
Shutters shall consist of wood or vinyl with woodgrain imprint.
Awnings shall consist of canvas, acrylic or vinyl.
Gutters, leaders and flashing shall consist of galvanized steel, copper, colored anodized aluminum or terne coated stainless steel.
Prohibited materials. The use of bare aluminum or other bare metal materials or exposed concrete block as exterior building materials shall be prohibited.
Colors. All exterior portions of a building and all materials used on such shall conform to the approved Metuchen Downtown Colors. Colors not contained on the Metuchen Downtown Colors list or building materials that are not available in colors specifically contained on the Metuchen Downtown Colors list may be permitted if such are proven to be substantially consistent and compatible with the Metuchen Downtown Colors.