[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Child Care Code" of the Montgomery Board of Health.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The purpose of this chapter is to protect the health, safety and welfare of children by setting minimum standards for certain child care providers.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings:
Shall mean any person under 14 years of age.
Shall mean an individual in whose private residence child care services are regularly provided to no fewer than three and no more than five children at any one time for no fewer than 15 hours per week.
Shall mean any private residence in which a child care provider renders child care services.
Shall mean an agreement between a provider and a parent to exchange child care services in lieu of a fee for child care services.
Shall mean the payment of money or the provision of any service(s) other than child care, by the parent(s) of enrolled children, in exchange for child care services by the provider.
Shall mean a natural, foster or adoptive parent, guardian or any person with responsibility for, or custody of, a child.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The following minimum standards are hereby established for the safe and healthful operations of child care providers.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
No individual shall provide services as a child care provider without having first received a permit therefor in accordance with the Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 16) of the Township of Montgomery.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
A provider shall be permitted to care for, for a fee, no more than five children at any one time.
A provider may serve additional children as part of a cooperative agreement between parents or guardians for no fee.
Children regularly residing in the provider's home shall not be counted in the total number of children being cared for in the home.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The provider shall ensure that:
Thirty square feet of floor space per child is available for the children's activities.
The temperature of rooms used by children is maintained at 65° F.
Floors, walls, ceilings, furniture, equipment and other surfaces are kept clean and in good repair.
Adequate ventilation is provided by means of open windows, fans, air conditioning or other mechanical ventilation systems.
Warm and cold running water are available.
Working indoor toilets are easily accessible to children.
Play equipment, materials and furniture for indoor and outdoor use are of sturdy and safe construction, non- toxic, easy to clean and free of hazards that may be injurious to young children.
The home contains sufficient furniture and equipment to accommodate the needs of the children in care.
A working telephone is available in the home.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The provider shall have a written plan for the emergency evacuation of the children from the home.
The provider shall ensure that:
At least one working smoke detector is installed on each floor of the home, including the basement and sleeping rooms;
All interior doors that can be locked from the inside have a means to be unlocked from the outside in case of an emergency;
All heating or cooling devices are adequately vented, protected by guards and kept clear of combustible materials;
Wood-burning stoves have protective barriers and are not accessible to children;
Portable liquid fuel-burning heating appliances are not in use when children are in care;
Stairways, hallways and exits from rooms and from the home are unobstructed, except for safety barriers;
Electrical cords are maintained in good condition;
One fire extinguisher is located on each floor of the house, one of which shall be in the kitchen. The provider shall be responsible for proper maintenance of the level of charge in such fire extinguishers. All fire extinguishers shall be inspected annually as part of the inspection authorized in subsection BH17-4.15;
There are no multi-plug adapters, such as cube adapters, unfused plug strips, or any other device that is not approved by a nationally recognized testing agency;
There are no extension cords or flexible cords used as a substitute for permanent wiring or affixed to structures, extended through walls, ceilings, floors, under doors or floor coverings, or subjected to environmental damage or physical impact which may result in damage.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The provider shall ensure that the home and its furnishings present no hazard to the health and safety of the children in care, including but not limited to the following:
All corrosive agents, insecticides, bleaches, detergents, polishes, medicines, poisonous plants, and all toxic substances are stored out of the reach of children.
Non-permanent safety barriers are installed to prevent children from falling from stairs, ramps, balconies, porches or elevated play areas.
All electrical outlets that are accessible to the children have protective covers.
A working flashlight is available for emergency lighting.
All sharp objects are out of reach of the children.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
If outdoor activity is provided, the provider shall ensure that an adequate, safe outdoor play area is available either adjacent to or within a reasonable and safe walking distance of the home.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
Whenever the provider transports enrolled children, the provider shall be in possession of a valid automobile driver's license and valid vehicle inspection sticker and shall comply with all applicable state laws and rules regarding the use of infant seats, child passenger restraint systems, and seat belts. Such transportation requires parental permission as set forth in subsection BH17-4.14a.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
A record of a health examination shall be provided by the child's parent to the provider upon or within one month following admission to the home. The record shall include:
The name and address of the examining physician.
A statement by the examining physician indicating, when applicable, information on any condition or handicap affecting the child and any recommendations for needed medical treatment or special requirements as to diet, supplements to diet, rest, allergies, avoidance of certain activities and other care.
An up-to-date immunization record appropriate to the child's age or documentation that the child is under a prescribed medical program to obtain immunizations and the timetable for doing so.
If immunizations are not given to a child for medical reasons, the provider shall require the parent to submit a written statement from a licensed physician attesting to the reason the immunization is medically contraindicated and the specific time period that the immunization is medically contraindicated.
A child shall be exempt from the aforementioned physical examination, immunization and/or medical treatment requirements if the parent or parents of said child submit a signed, written statement claiming that same interferes with the free exercise of the child's religious rights.
Immunization information shall be kept on standardized forms as provided by the Montgomery Township Health Department.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
When an accident or injury occurs to a child while in the provider's care, the provider shall take the necessary action to protect the child from further harm and arrange for any necessary emergency medical attention. The provider shall notify the child's parent(s):
Immediately in the event of a serious injury; or
By the end of the operating day, if the injury is not serious.
Basic first aid supplies shall be in the home, and shall be stored out of the children's reach but readily accessible to the provider.
Telephone numbers of the nearest police department, fire department, ambulance service or rescue squad, and poison control center, the provider's address, and a telephone number through which the provider can be reached shall be posted in a readily accessible area of the home.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
When coming into contact with bodily fluids or secretions, the provider shall use disposable gloves whenever possible; when not possible, the provider shall immediately wash with soap and water any exposed area of the child and of the provider and, whether or not gloves are used the provider shall sanitize any contaminated surface or equipment with an approved disinfectant, such as a 1:100 part solution of chlorine bleach and water.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The provider shall ensure that all enrolled children receive nutritious meals.
Drinking water shall be made available to the children at all times. In the event the provider's home is served by a private well, an authorized agent of the Montgomery Township Board of Health shall, on an annual basis, draw a sample of raw water from the private well for delivery to a New Jersey certified potable water laboratory. The sample shall be analyzed for bacteriological and nitrate content. Failure of the water to meet the bacteriological and nitrate requirements of the State of New Jersey Primary Drinking Water Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:10-1 et seq.) shall be cause for the Board of Health to require adequate disinfection in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:10-12.33.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Montgomery Township Board of Health may require the well water to be sampled more frequently than once per year, and/or the Montgomery Township Board of Health may require additional analyses for additional contaminants if there is a reasonable cause to believe maximum contaminant levels of any contaminant regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act are being exceeded.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1; Ord. #93-5, S 3]
The provider shall inform the Montgomery Township Board of Health and the parents of enrolled children regarding the circumstances under which sick children will be admitted to or excluded from the home.
If the provider chooses to care for sick children in the home, the provider shall report by telephone to the Montgomery Township Health Officer the suspected or confirmed presence of any of the communicable diseases set forth in Exhibit A, which is annexed to and made a part hereof.[1] Said Exhibit A is based upon the listing of reportable diseases set forth in N.J.A.C. 8:57-1.3 et seq.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A, referred to herein may be found as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The provider shall be responsible for directly supervising the children at all times.
The provider shall inform each child's parent(s) of the name of the substitute provider who will be called upon to care for the children when the provider is unavailable.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The provider shall discuss the child's daily activities and routines with each child's parent(s) upon enrollment and periodically thereafter, and the parent(s) and the provider shall enter into a written agreement (which may be in the form of a letter signed by the parent(s) and provider) which shall set forth the foregoing, as well as the method(s) of authorized transportation for the child. The provider shall allow only the guardian, parent or adult(s) specifically designated by the parent(s) in writing to take the child from the provider's residence. Both father and mother will be authorized to pick up their child unless a court order states otherwise.
The provider shall inform each child's parent(s) upon enrollment about the presence of pets in the home.
The provider and the child's parent(s) shall discuss and agree upon positive methods of discipline.
The provider shall permit the parents of enrolled children to visit the home at any time when enrolled children are present. Parents may be restricted to visit only those areas of the home designated for care of enrolled children.
The provider shall consult with each child's parent(s) regarding the child's feeding schedule and nutritional needs.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
The standards set forth in this chapter shall be applied in a uniform manner to all child care providers and the premises on which child care services are rendered. These standards have been promulgated in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of children who are enrolled, for a fee, with a child care provider, and who are not otherwise specifically protected by state statute or rule.
In order to assure compliance with these standards, the Montgomery Township Fire Official or Fire Subcode Official, and an authorized agent of the Board of Health shall inspect annually, or as often as deemed necessary, all premises where child care providers render services, and such individuals shall not be denied access to said premises. Denial of access for inspection purposes shall result in an immediate recommendation to the Zoning Officer that the provider's permit be denied or revoked, as applicable.
The costs for the analytical tests required in subsection BH17-4.11 and for the inspections authorized in this section shall be borne by the provider and shall be payable to the Township of Montgomery. Inspection fees shall be as follows:
Initial and annual inspections by an authorized agent of the Board of Health
Each additional inspection by an authorized agent of the Board of Health
Each inspection by the Fire Official or Fire Subcode Official
Each analytical water test
Special additional water test
Reimbursement of Township's cost
Upon the completion of any inspection by an authorized agent of the Board of Health, said agent shall issue to the provider a letter of compliance stating that the provider has complied with the requirements of this chapter, or a letter indicating any deficiency or deficiencies and a schedule setting forth the required date(s) by which such deficiency or deficiencies must be corrected and reinspected. Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver of the enforcement and penalty provisions set forth in subsection BH17-4.17, if deemed applicable by the Health Officer.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1; Ord. #99-01, S 8]
In the event a provider or prospective provider believes that an extreme hardship will result from the strict enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter, a written application for a temporary variance from such provision may be filed with the Health Officer, who shall render a decision no later than seven working days after receipt of a written variance request and inform the Board of such decision at the next regularly scheduled meeting. In the event the provider or prospective provider is dissatisfied with the determination of the Health Officer, an appeal may be filed with the Board of Health in accordance with the procedures set forth in section BH1-3.
[Ord. #93-1, S 1]
In the event a provider does not meet the minimum standards set forth in this chapter, the Health Officer and/or the Fire Official or Fire Subcode Official, as appropriate, may immediately recommend to the Zoning Officer that the provider's permit to provide child care services be revoked, denied or suspended, as applicable.
In addition to the provisions of paragraph a of the subsection, any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter BH1 of this Code.