[R.O. 1992 § 430.010; Ord. No. 228 § 705.1, 5-10-1990]
The commercial districts are established to provide space and suitable locations for commerce and trade while coordinating physical development in accordance with present and future needs as developed by the City's Comprehensive Plan.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.020; Ord. No. 228 § 705.2, 5-10-1990]
The commercial classifications are listed herein.
"C-1" Neighborhood.
"C-2" Central Business.
"C-3" Shopping Center.
"C-4" General.
"C-5" Downtown.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.030; Ord. No. 228 § 705.3, 5-10-1990]
These uses are allowable in commercial districts provided they meet the necessary criteria established by the density requirements listed herein.
Consumer service and retail trade establishments to serve nearby residential and commercial-professional areas.
Office services of addressing, duplicating, mailing and stenographic;
Eating and drinking establishments with alcoholic beverages, excluding catering and entertainment/dancing establishments;
Parking lots or parking structures for passenger automobiles;
Personal service shops, including barber and beauty shops, dance studios or schools, garment pressing, repair and alteration, laundry and cleaning pickup stations, music studios or schools, photographic studios, shoe repair and shoe shine shops and taxi-cab stands.
Retail Trade Establishments For Convenience Goods. Food stores, drug stores, gift, novelty and souvenir shops, package liquor stores and variety stores.
Business Offices And Professional Offices And Laboratories. Administrative offices, banks, business offices, dental and medical laboratories, dispensing opticians, dispensing pharmacies, professional offices, x-ray laboratories.
Educational, Cultural, Institutional And Recreational Uses Serving Urban Regions Or Major Sub-Areas. Public art galleries, botanical gardens, municipal offices and buildings, branch libraries, public and private not-for-profit parks, parkways and playgrounds, recreation/community centers and child care facilities.
Temporary Uses. Voting places.
Signs. Business, directional and information.
Local public service facilities and utility transmission/transportation lines, providing any installation of utility lines, other than poles and equipment attached thereto, shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing, walls or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner to blend with and compliment the surrounding area's character. All plans for screening said facilities shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. No building permit or installation permit shall be issued until said plans have been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Accessory buildings, land uses and activities customarily incident to any of the above uses.
Portable storage containers and temporary storage units, subject to the temporary use permit procedures of Section 400.050(A)(3)(f) and conditions of Section 405.100(A)(1)(b)(18).
[Ord. No. 910, 4-27-2017]
[R.O. 1992 § 430.040; Ord. No. 228 § 705.4, 5-10-1990]
These uses may be permitted in commercial districts provided they meet at least the necessary criteria established by the density requirements listed herein and any additional requirements of the Planning and Zoning Commission elsewhere in this Chapter.
Private Institutional Buildings/Uses Serving Local Residential Area. Churches.
Public Institutional Buildings/Uses Serving Local Residential Area. Fire stations.
Temporary Buildings And Uses. Real estate sales, fireworks, and marketing/promotional searchlights [but only as set forth in Section 405.400(A)(3)].
[Ord. No. 810 § IV, 10-24-2013; Ord. No. 910, 4-27-2017]
Public Utilities Service Installations And Facilities. To include gas metering stations, water and sewer pumping stations and off-street parking areas to serve adjoining property in an adjacent district.
Major Utility And Transportation Installations. To include sewage treatment plants and outfall sewers, radio, television and communication transmitting or relay towers and facilities, electrical substations, telephone exchanges and water towers.
Multi-Family Uses. Boarding or rooming houses, multiple dwelling units, non-profit membership organizations with accommodations for members only and apartment hotels.
Cultural Uses Serving Urban Region Or Major Sub-Areas. Public main libraries.
Food trucks.
[Ord. No. 812 § II, 12-12-2013]
Indoor Firing Ranges. In districts where permitted by Section 405.460 as an accessory use and subject to the conditional use procedures of Section 400.050(A)(3)(c) and Section 405.100(A)(1)(b)(19).
[Ord. No. 910, 4-27-2017]
[R.O. 1992 § 430.050; Ord. No. 228 § 705.5, 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 827 § III, 5-22-2014]
See Section 405.100, Supplemental Regulations, within this Title.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.060; Ord. No. 228 § 705.6, 5-10-1990]
Listed herein are the classifications of lot dimensions, lot areas, and yard requirements within the commercial districts:
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(1), regarding parking regulations, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § VII.
Any church shall be situated on a tract providing areas not less than one (1) acre.
Any fire station shall be situated on a tract providing areas not less than one (1) acre.
Any hospital shall be situated on a tract providing areas not less than five (5) acres.[2]
Editor's Note: R.O. 1992 § 430.070, Off-Street Parking and Loading, All Commercial Classifications, enacted 5-10-1990 by Ord. No. 228 § 705.7, as amended, which immediately followed this Section, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § XIV.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.080; Ord. No. 228 § 705.8, 5-10-1990]
Listed herein are the sign regulations for all classifications of commercial district:
Signs shall be illuminated by non-intermittent light sources.
Lighting arrangements shall be situated so no light will be cast directly from any illumination source onto any public right-of-way or onto any property in any residential district.
Marketing/Promotional Searchlight. The use of laser source light or any similar high-intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment, including the operation of searchlights for advertising purposes, is prohibited, unless temporarily permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission under an application for a conditional accessory use pursuant to the requirements of Section 400.050(A)(3)(c) and in the districts delineated in Section 405.460, Commercial Permitted Uses, Conditional Uses, and Temporary Uses.
[Ord. No. 810 § II, 10-24-2013]
[R.O. 1992 § 430.090; Ord. No. 228 § 705.10, 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 271 § 1, 2-10-1994; Ord. No. 311 § I, 3-14-1996; Ord. No. 356 § I, 3-25-1999; Ord. No. 767 § I, 7-26-2012]
Every lot, tract, parcel or building site in this type of district shall be subject to the following regulations and to all general provisions contained herein.
Intent. To provide for certain limited sales and service facilities as a convenience to residents in the immediate neighborhood while protecting the general character of the residential areas surrounding these particular districts.
Additional permitted uses and developments.
Those permitted uses, conditional uses, and temporary uses listed in the "C-1" column of the Table of Commercial Permitted Uses set forth in Section 405.460.[1]
[Ord. No. 829 § III, 6-26-2014]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
Additional height limitations.
No dwelling structure shall exceed two and one-half (2 1/2) stores or thirty (30) feet in height.
No structure shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height above the average finished ground elevation at the perimeter of such structure.
Additional lot dimension, lot area and yard requirements.
Every tract shall be a minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area.
In lieu of a fence or hedge along a side or rear property line abutting property lying wholly in a residential district, a landscaped yard a minimum of ten (10) feet wide may be provided.
No "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District shall be located closer than one-half (1/2) mile from another commercial zoning district.
No structure more than six (6) feet in height shall be erected within thirty-five (35) feet of any public roadway right-of-way line.
No structure shall be erected within six (6) feet of any side property line.
No primary structure shall be erected within twenty-five (25) feet of any rear property line and no accessory structure shall be erected within ten (10) feet of any rear property line.
The minimum lot width in this district shall be sixty-five (65) feet.
Any non-dwelling structure exceeding thirty (30) feet in height shall be set back at least one (1) additional foot from all property lines for every foot of height above twenty-five (25) feet.
Principal and accessory buildings shall not cover more than sixty percent (60%) of the lot area.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(5), additional off-street parking and loading regulations, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § VIII.
Additional sign regulations.
No more than one (1) business sign shall be used in connection with any permitted business. Each such sign may be twenty (20) square feet in outline area per facing; however, a building occupied by only one (1) business with a front wall facade exceeding four hundred (400) square feet and facing a public street may have a business sign or a marquee sign equal to ten percent (10%) of said front wall, but the maximum sign area shall not exceed forty-five (45) square feet.
Business signs shall not project beyond buildings more than eighteen (18) inches horizontally.
Every sign shall be permanently affixed to the building face, or painted on ground-floor window glass, fronting a street and shall not project above the highest roof elevation.
Portable, billboard type, detached or off-premise advertising signs shall not be permitted.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.100; Ord. No. 228 § 705.11, 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 271 § 2, 2-10-1994; Ord. No. 311 § I, 3-14-1996; Ord. No. 356 §§ II – III, 3-25-1999]
Every lot, tract, parcel or building site in this type of district shall be subject to the following regulations and to all general provisions contained herein.
Intent. To facilitate conditions suitable for small business operations to provide a wide range of those goods and services usually used, consumed or needed in the home or by individuals within this district.
Additional permitted uses and developments.
Those permitted uses, conditional uses, and temporary uses listed in the "C-2" column of the Table of Commercial Permitted Uses set forth in Section 405.460.[1]
[Ord. No. 829 § IV, 6-26-2014]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
Additional Height Limitations. No structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height above the average finished ground elevation at the perimeter of such structure.
Additional lot dimension, lot area and yard requirements.
Every tract shall be a minimum of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet in area.
Commercial uses in this district shall have no additional front, side and rear yard setback requirements.
No structure shall be erected within fifteen (15) feet of any property line adjoining property of a residential district.
Any structure exceeding thirty (30) feet in height adjoining property in a residential district shall be set back from such property line an additional one (1) foot for every two (2) feet in height above thirty (30) feet.
Any non-dwelling structure exceeding fifty (50) feet in height shall be set back at least one (1) additional foot from all property lines for every foot of height above fifty (50) feet.
The minimum lot width in this district shall be fifty (50) feet.
Principal and accessory buildings shall not cover more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the lot area.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(5), additional off-street parking and loading regulations, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § IX.
Additional Sign Regulations.
Each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in width.
[Ord. No. 951, 10-11-2018]
A building occupied by only one (1) business, or only one (1) business above the first floor, may have a flat attached business sign or marquee sign on each wall facing a public street, each sign equal in outline area to not more than ten percent (10%) of said wall, provided the maximum sign area does not exceed four hundred eighty (480) square feet and provided any sign does not project more than five (5) feet above the highest roof elevation.
[Ord. No. 951, 10-11-2018]
Business signs shall not project beyond buildings more than eighteen (18) inches horizontally and shall not extend closer than ten (10) feet to the sidewalk or ground elevation at the base of the wall to which the sign is attached.
One (1) freestanding business sign relating to articles and services offered within the building or identifying the building or land use, may be erected within the building line facing each public roadway, provided the sign does not extend more than thirty (30) feet above the elevation of the adjacent street or above the elevations of the average finished ground elevation along the side of the building facing said street, whichever is highest.
No more than one (1) portable or temporary sign, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in outline area, may be displayed at any one (1) time in connection with one (1) commercial use, and such sign shall not be placed on any public right-of-way.
Directional signs related to aisles, entrances and exits, having outline areas less than ten (10) square feet per facing, may be located where necessary, except no such sign shall be located on or over a public right-of-way without the approval of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
No outdoor billboard-type advertising signs shall be permitted within this district.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.110; Ord. No. 228 § 705.12, 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 271 § 3, 2-10-1994; Ord. No. 311 § I, 3-14-1996; Ord. No. 356 §§ IV – V, 3-25-1999]
Every lot, tract, parcel or building site in this type of district shall be subject to the following regulations and to all general provisions contained herein.
Intent. To provide for areas in which pedestrian-oriented, comparative shopping facilities offering fashionable and durable goods and services would be encouraged.
Additional permitted uses and developments.
Those permitted uses, conditional uses, and temporary uses listed in the "C-3" column of the Table of Commercial Permitted Uses set forth in Section 405.460.[1]
[Ord. No. 829 § V, 6-26-2014]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
Additional Height Limitations. No structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height above the average finished ground elevation at the perimeter of such structure.
Additional lot dimension, lot area and yard requirements.
Every shopping center development shall be a minimum of ten (10) acres in area.
No structure other than directional or informational signs or boundary walls or fences shall be erected within fifty (50) feet of any public roadway right-of-way line.
No structure shall be erected within thirty-five (35) feet of any rear property line.
No structure shall be erected within fifty (50) feet of any property line adjoining property of a residential district.
Any structure exceeding thirty (30) feet in height adjoining property in a residential district shall be set back from such property line an additional one (1) foot for every two (2) feet in height above thirty (30) feet.
Any structure exceeding fifty (50) feet in height shall be set back at least one (1) additional foot from all property lines for every foot of height above thirty (30) feet.
Principal and accessory buildings shall not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(5), additional off-street parking and loading regulations, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § X.
Additional sign regulations.
Each sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in width.
One (1) flat attached business sign or marquee sign may be provided on each wall facing a public street, each sign equal in outline area to not more than ten percent (10%) of said wall, provided the maximum sign area does not exceed three hundred (300) square feet and provided any sign does not project more than five (5) feet above the highest roof elevation.
Business signs shall not project beyond buildings more than eighteen (18) inches horizontally and shall not extend closer than ten (10) feet to the sidewalk or ground elevation at the base of the wall to which the sign is attached.
One (1) freestanding business sign relating to articles and services offered within the building or identifying the building or land use, may be erected within the building line facing each public roadway, provided the sign does not extend more than thirty (30) feet above the elevation of the adjacent street or above the elevations of the average finished ground elevation along the side of the building facing said street, whichever is highest.
No more than one (1) portable or temporary sign, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in outline area, may be displayed at any one (1) time in connection with one (1) commercial use, and such sign shall not be placed on any public right-of-way.
Directional signs related to aisles, entrances and exits, having outline areas less than ten (10) square feet per facing, may be located where necessary, except no such sign shall be located on or over a public right-of-way without the approval of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
No outdoor billboard-type advertising signs shall be permitted within this district.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.120; Ord. No. 228 § 705.13, 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 271 § 4, 2-10-1994; Ord. No. 311 § I, 3-14-1996; Ord. No. 356 §§ VI – VII, 3-25-1999; Ord. No. 755 § I, 4-26-2012]
Every lot, tract, parcel or building site in this type of district shall be subject to the following regulations and to all general provisions contained herein.
Intent. To facilitate increased traffic flow and higher density land use conditions suitable for the conduct of retail trade catering to the motoring public by ensuring adequate movement of goods and services with reasonable accessibility.
Additional permitted uses and developments.
Those permitted uses, conditional uses, and temporary uses listed in the "C-4" column of the Table of Commercial Permitted Uses set forth in Section 405.460.[1]
[Ord. No. 829 § VI, 6-26-2014]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
Additional Height Limitations. No structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height above the average finished ground elevation at the perimeter of such structure.
Additional lot dimension, lot area and yard requirements.
Every tract shall be a minimum of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet in area.
The minimum lot width in this district shall be fifty (50) feet.
No structure other than a directional or informational sign or boundary wall or fence greater than six (6) feet in height shall be erected within fifty (50) feet of any public roadway right-of-way line.
No structure shall be erected within six (6) feet of any side property line or fifteen (15) feet if said property line adjoins a residential district.
No structure shall be erected within twenty-five (25) feet of any rear property line.
Any structure exceeding thirty (30) feet in height adjoining property in a residential district shall be set back from such property line an additional one (1) foot for every two (2) feet in height above thirty (30) feet.
Any exceeding fifty (50) feet in height shall be set back at least one (1) additional foot from all property lines for every foot of height above thirty (30) feet.
Principal and accessory buildings shall not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(5), additional off-street parking and loading regulations, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § X.
Additional sign regulations.
No advertising sign shall exceed six hundred (600) square feet in outline area, no information or business sign shall exceed fifty (50) square feet in outline area per facing and billboard signs shall be allowed in this district only with the issuance of a conditional use permit.
A building occupied by only one business, or with only one business above the first floor, may have a flat attached business sign or marquee sign on each wall facing a public street, each sign equal in outline area to not more than ten percent (10%) of said wall, provided the maximum sign area does not exceed three hundred (300) square feet and provided any sign does not project more than five (5) feet above the highest roof elevation.
Business signs shall not project beyond buildings more than eighteen (18) inches horizontally and shall not extend closer than ten (10) feet to the sidewalk or ground elevation at the base of the wall to which the sign is attached.
One (1) freestanding business sign relating to articles and services offered within the building or identifying the building or land use, may be erected within the building line facing each public roadway, provided the sign does not extend more than thirty-five (35) feet above the elevation of the adjacent street or above the elevations of the average finished ground elevation along the side of the building facing said street, whichever is highest.
No more than two (2) portable or temporary signs, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in outline area, may be displayed at any one (1) time in connection with one (1) commercial use, and such sign shall not be placed on any public right-of-way.
Directional signs related to aisles, entrances and exits, having outline areas less than ten (10) square feet per facing, may be located where necessary, except no such sign shall be located on or over a public right-of-way without the approval of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.130; Ord. No. 228 § 705.14, 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 271 § 5, 2-10-1994; Ord. No. 311 § I, 3-14-1996; Ord. No. 829 § I, 6-26-2014]
Every lot, tract, parcel or building site in this type of district shall be subject to the following regulations and to all general provisions contained herein.
Intent. The “C-5” Downtown Commercial District is primarily for the conduct of personal and business services and general retail business centrally located in the Downtown area as well as the continuation of the residential component of Downtown that makes it so unique. This district requires good access and ample parking, either public or private. Traffic should be oriented toward passenger movements, and only servicing trucks are encouraged in this shopping area. The Downtown Commercial District, generally encompasses an area beginning at the north side of the Norfolk Southern railroad right-of-way one hundred (100) feet west of and parallel to Hedeman Avenue and continuing north along said parallel line to Interstate 70, then continuing east along Interstate 70 to the eastern boundary of North Locust Street, then continuing south 160 feet to an alley way, then continuing along said alley way east to the west boundary of Cherry Street, then continuing north along Cherry Street to Interstate 70, then continuing east along Interstate 70 one thousand two hundred thirty-two (1,232) feet to a line parallel of Mueller Avenue, and then south along said line to Veteran’s Memorial Parkway, then continuing west sixty-five (65) feet to a line parallel to Mueller Avenue, then continuing south along said line parallel to Mueller Avenue to the north side of the Norfolk Southern railroad right-of-way, then continuing west along said Norfolk Southern railroad right-of-way to the point of beginning ("Downtown"). The official boundaries of “C-5” Downtown Commercial District are hereby established as shown on the City of Wright City Zoning District Map.
[Ord. No. 1020, 4-28-2022]
Additional Permitted Uses And Developments.
Those permitted uses, conditional uses, and temporary uses listed in the "C-5" column of the Table of Commercial Permitted Uses set forth in Section 405.460.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
Single-family dwellings, provided that the single-family residential use shall be:
A continuation of the use of an existing single-family dwelling;
Construction of a new single-family dwelling on a lot or subdivision of a lot which currently has single-family dwellings on the adjoining lots to each side; or
The construction of a new single-family dwelling on a lot or subdivision of a lot upon which a single-family dwelling currently exists.
Additional Height Limitations. No structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height.
Additional Lot Dimension, Lot Area And Yard Requirements.
Principal structures shall be exempt from set back requirements, unless the lot abuts a residential district, in which event a side yard of not less than eight (8) feet shall be provided.
Principal and accessory structures may occupy one hundred percent (100%) of the lot area.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(5), additional off-street parking and loading requirements, was repealed 4-23-2015 by Ord. No. 852 § XII.
Additional Sign Regulations.
[Ord. No. 956, 12-27-2018]
Maximum Width. Each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in width.
Wall Signs. A building occupied by only one (1) business, or only one (1) business above the first floor, may have a flat, attached business sign or marquee sign ("wall sign") on each wall facing a public street, provided that:
Each sign is equal in outline area to not more than ten percent (10%) of said wall;
The aggregate sign area of all wall signs does not exceed four hundred eighty (480) square feet;
No wall sign projects more than five (5) feet above the highest roof elevation;
No wall sign projects beyond the vertical face of the wall on which it is attached by more than eighteen (18) inches horizontally; and
No wall sign extends closer than ten (10) feet to the sidewalk or ground elevation at the base of the wall to which the sign is attached.
Freestanding Signs. One (1) freestanding business sign relating to articles and services offered within the building or identifying the building or land use, may be erected within the building line facing each public roadway, provided the sign does not extend more than thirty (30) feet above the elevation of the adjacent street or above the elevations of the average finished ground elevation along the side of the building facing said street, whichever is highest.
Freestanding Signs — Downtown Interstate Frontage. In lieu of the freestanding sign permitted by Subsection (A)(6)(c) above, lots zoned C-5 and fronting Interstate 70 may have one (1) freestanding business sign relating to articles and services offered within the building or identifying the building or land use, may be erected within the building line facing the public roadway, provided the sign does not extend more than thirty-five (35) feet above the elevation of the adjacent street or above the elevations of the average finished ground elevation along the side of the building facing said roadway, whichever is highest. Notwithstanding the foregoing, freestanding sign height may be increased by one (1) foot over thirty-five (35) feet for every ten (10) feet of excess frontage over two-hundred (200) feet of property line fronting the interstate. Maximum sign height shall be (50) fifty feet.
Portable Signs. No more than one (1) temporary portable sign, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in outline area, may be displayed at any one time in connection with one (1) commercial use, and such sign shall not be placed on any public right-of-way. No portable sign may be located on a lot for more than thirty (30) days without approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to aisles, entrances and exits, having outline areas less than ten (10) square feet per facing, may be located where necessary on a lot, except no such sign shall be located in, on or over a public right-of-way.
Billboards Prohibited. No outdoor billboard-type advertising signs shall be permitted within this district.
[R.O. 1992 § 430.140; Ord. No. 271 § 6, 2-10-1994; Ord. No. 326 § I, 12-12-1996; Ord. No. 807 § II, 9-26-2013; Ord. No. 810 § III, 10-24-2013; Ord. No. 812 § III 12-12-2013; Ord. No. 872 § III, 2-11-2016; Ord. No. 890, 8-25-2016; Ord. No. 910, 4-27-2017; Ord. No. 968, 5-23-2019; Ord. No. 969, 5-23-2019; Ord. No. 1008, 10-28-2021]
The following table sets out all the permitted uses, conditional uses, and temporary uses in the "C-1," C-2," "C-3," "C-4" and "C-5" Districts.[1] The uses which are permitted shall have an "X" in the column under the specific district such use is allowed in; if the use allowed is conditional, there sh all be a "C" in the column under the specific district in which the use is conditionally permitted; and, if the use allowed is temporary, there shall be a "T" in the column under the district where the use is temporarily permitted. If there is no "X," "C" or "T" under a specific district, then that use is not permitted in that district.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A, Table of Commercial Uses, is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 968, 5-23-2019]
No building or area of land shall be constructed, altered or used for a medical marijuana dispensary without complying and remaining in compliance with the following standards:
State License Required. All medical marijuana dispensaries must have the appropriate license and any other required authorization to operate the medical marijuana dispensary from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to operate in the City. Applicant may seek zoning approval upon showing of a submitted application for a State license, but no final approval shall be given until such State-issued license has been obtained and satisfactory proof of such licensure has been provided to the City. Continued operation in the City shall always require such licensure to remain valid.
Outdoor Operations Or Storage. No outdoor operations or storage shall be allowed.
On-site Usage Prohibited. No marijuana may be smoked, ingested, or otherwise consumed or administered on the premises of any medical marijuana dispensary facility.
Hours Of Operation. All sales or distribution of medical marijuana and any other products sold to the public through a medical marijuana dispensary shall take place between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. Monday – Saturday (no Sunday sales).
Odor Control And Nuisance. Every medical marijuana dispensary shall have and maintain an odor control system at least as stringent as that which is required by State regulations and shall at all times operate in compliance with Chapter 215, Nuisances, of the City Code.
Security. Medical marijuana dispensaries shall be secured and closed to the public after the hours listed in this Subsection and no persons not employed by the medical marijuana dispensary may be present in such facility at any time closed to the public. Every medical marijuana dispensary shall have and maintain security systems, equipment, and procedures at least as stringent as those which are required by State regulations.
Display Of Licenses Required. The medical marijuana dispensary facility license issued by the State of Missouri and any and all licenses issued by the City of Wright City shall be displayed in a prominent place in plain view near the front of the facility as required by State regulations.
Site Plan Review Required. A medical marijuana dispensary shall be subject to the site plan application requirements of Section 405.110(B) and all applicable supplemental regulations contained in Section 405.100 and any other applicable development requirements included in Chapter 410.
Additional Requirements. All medical marijuana dispensary facilities shall comply with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wright City, all provisions of Article XIV, Section 1, of the Missouri Constitution as well as any and all rules and regulations promulgated by the Department of Health and Senior Services for the State of Missouri regulating medical marijuana, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to security, lighting, parking, record maintenance and retention, and patient verification requirements.