[1967 San. Code § 15]
The Board of Health shall have the power to adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary concerning any matter which involves the protection or promotion of health, and all persons concerned shall comply with the provision thereof.
[1967 San. Code § 16]
The Board of Health may appoint a person qualified by competitive Civil Service examination to be known as Health Officer of the Township of Millburn. The Health Officer shall be, subject to the authority of the Board, its general agent for the enforcement of its ordinances and the sanitary laws of the State within the Township and shall perform such other appropriate duties as the Board may direct. The Health Officer shall have and exercise all of the powers and authority conferred by law upon the Board of Health which the Board may lawfully delegate.
The Board of Health may also employ physicians, inspectors, nurses, clerks and any other persons as may be deemed necessary to assist the Health Officer in the performance of the duties of this office.
In accordance with applicable State Statutes, the office of Secretary of the Board of Health is hereby established. The Secretary of the Board of Health shall be employed for a period of one (1) year beginning on January 1 and terminating on December 31 annually, at a salary established in the Board of Health Salary Ordinance.
[1967 San. Code § 16A]
The Board shall appoint a person qualified as provided by law as the Registrar of Vital Statistics for a term of three (3) years and until a successor has been appointed and qualified; provided always, however, that if the Registrar is the Clerk or Secretary of the Board, the term of office shall be concurrent with the term of office as Clerk or Secretary; further provided, that any such appointment shall be subject to approval of the State Department of Health, as required by law; and further provided, that any and all appointments heretofore made in and for the registration district of the Township are hereby ratified and confirmed.
The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall have, exercise and perform the rights, powers and duties provided by law.
[1967 San. Code § 20A; Ord. No. BH:1-95 § 1; Ord. No. 1-04 § 1; BH:Ord. No. 2-04 § 1; Ord. No. BH:1-07 § 1; Ord. No. 2459-16 § 1]
Transcripts of Death, Birth, Marriage or Domestic Partnerships. The fee for a transcript of a death, birth, marriage or domestic partnership certificate, which the Registrar shall furnish to any applicant therefor, shall be twenty ($20.00) dollars, other than to such officer or board as may be entitled by law to receive the same without payment of fee, or upon payment of a lower fee. The fee shall be five ($5.00) dollars for each correction of a transcript of a birth, marriage or domestic partnership certificate or death transcript.
Burial Permits. The fee for a burial permit shall be five ($5.00) dollars.
Accounting for Fees. All fees shall be accounted for and paid over as required by law.
[1967 San. Code § 14]
The Board of Health, Health Department, and its members, agents or employees shall have the right of entry into and upon any public or private building or premises, for the purpose of enforcing or determining whether the provisions of this Code or the rules and regulations of the Board are being complied with or obeyed. No person shall oppose such entry or hinder or interfere with the Board of Health, Health Department or any of its members, agents or employees in the performance of their duty. Every notice or order required to be served by any of the sections of this Code may be served personally or by mail, addressed to the last known place of residence, except where otherwise specifically provided.