[1967 San. Code § 88]
Owners of real property abutting on streets in which a sewer is now laid or may hereafter be laid shall connect their houses and other buildings therewith, and every such owner who fails so to do within thirty (30) days after notice in writing by the Board of Health or Health Officer shall pay a fine of two hundred ($200.00) dollars and an additional fine of fifty ($50.00) dollars for each and every day after the thirty (30) days that the notice shall not be complied with. The notice shall be served as provided by chapter 314 of the Laws of 1913, and the supplements thereto and amendments thereof.
[1967 San. Code § 90]
No connection nor alteration of such connection shall be made between any septic tank or cesspool and any ground, building, structure or place of business without a permit for that purpose obtained from the Board of Health.
[1967 San. Code § 90H]
No sewage wastes from any cesspool or septic tank shall be dumped, emptied or suffered to fall, spill or remain upon the surface of any land, street or building, or stream or source or body of water in the Township of Millburn.
[1967 San. Code § 90L; New]
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be liable, upon conviction, to the penalties established in BH1-4.
Any person who violates or fails to comply with the provisions of any section of this Code or any orders of the Board of Health or of the Health Officer shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter BH1, Section BH1-4.