[Ord. 12-09-02-60, 9-17-2012]
Offices Created By City: Various City offices have been created prior to the effective date hereof. The following is a list of the City offices now in existence.
Elective Officers: The following are the elective officers of the City:
Appointive Officials: The following are the appointive officials of the City, however, said appointive officials are not limited to the following:
City Attorney
City Collector
City Clerk
Deputy City Clerk
City Treasurer
Assistant City Treasurer
Police Chief
[Ord. 800, 6-1-1998; amended by 2003 Code]
Authority: The Mayor shall appoint, at the first regular City Council meeting of each fiscal year and with the advice and consent of the City Council, all City officers and employees where specific provision is made and whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for; provided, however, that the City Clerk shall appoint the Deputy City Clerk, with the advice and consent of the City Council, and the City Treasurer shall appoint the Assistant City Treasurer, with the advice and consent of the City Council.
Temporary Appointments: In the event the City Council withholds its advice and consent as to the approval of any person appointed by the Mayor, the Mayor may make a temporary appointment of a person to that office; however, such temporary appointment may not be for longer than three months from the date of the appointment, and said appointed person may not be reappointed to such office on a temporary basis at any later time during the City's fiscal year.
[Ord. 800, 6-1-1998; amended by 2003 Code]
Every appointed officer shall hold office for the term of one year, although that year shall be deemed to end on the next April 30 following the officer's appointment, unless the Mayor shall designate (with the advice and consent of the City Council) a shorter period, or unless the office holder is appointed for a temporary period, a probationary period, or the term of office is otherwise designated to expire before the next April 30 or in a period of less than one year.
[Ord. 800, 6-1-1998]
Every City officer and employee, upon the expiration of his term, shall deliver to his successor all books and records which may be the property of the City; and if no successor has been appointed within one week after the termination of the office or employment, such property shall be delivered either to the City Clerk or to the City Treasurer, who shall give his written receipt therefor.
[Ord. 18-02-01-60, 2-12-2018]
Schedule: The effective date of the salary and compensation schedules, as well as the other provisions regarding compensation and benefits shall be May 1, 2018.
Annual Salary Schedule For Elected Officers:
Council member; per Council meeting attended; 2 paid absences per fiscal year
Salary And Pay Schedule For Appointed Officers And Employees: The salary and pay schedule for appointed officers and employees is as provided by ordinance of the City Council.
Increases And Reductions:
The City Council delegates authority to the City Administrator from time to time, to raise the pay of any employee up to the maximum amount indicated under the salary and pay schedule for appointed officers and employees as set forth previously in Subsection A2 of this section up to a maximum of 8% annually. Reduction in pay or other compensation may only be made by the City Council.
The City Council delegates authority to the City Administrator to raise the rate of any employee up to $2 per hour for the purpose of increasing the responsibility of said employee for a specific job and duration.
All new employees, not including police officers, shall remain on probation for a period of 90 days, said probation period being for the purpose of determining the individual's ability to perform the duties of his or her job.
All new police officers shall remain on probation for a period of 12 months, said probation period being for the purpose of determining the individual's ability to perform the duties of his or her job.
Additional probation time may be added at the discretion of the City Administrator as deemed necessary after a performance evaluation near or at the end of the probation period.
[Ord. 147, 6-1-1981]
The City hereby elects to participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, effective January 1, 1982.
Definitions: The terms used in this section are hereby defined as follows:
Any interest which shall yield, directly or indirectly, a monetary or other material benefit (other than the duly authorized salary or compensation for his services to the City of Le Roy) to the official or employee, or to any person employing or retaining the services of the official or employee.
Any person elected or appointed to, or employed or retained by, any public office or public body of the City of Le Roy, whether paid or unpaid, and whether part time or full time.
Any interest arising from family or marriage relationships or from close business or political association, whether or not any financial interest is involved.
Any agency, board, body, commission, committee, department or office of the City of Le Roy.
[Ord. 231, 12-10-1984; amended by 2003 Code]
Fair And Equal Treatment:
No official or employee shall grant or make available to any person any consideration, treatment, advantage or favor beyond that which it is the general practice to grant or make available to the public at large.
No official or employee shall request, use or permit the use of any publicly owned or publicly supported property, vehicle, equipment, labor or service for the personal convenience or the private advantage of himself or any other person. This rule shall not be deemed to prohibit any official or employee from requesting, using or permitting the use of such publicly owned or publicly supported property, vehicle, equipment, material, labor or service which it is the general practice to make available to the public at large or which is provided as a matter of stated public policy for the use of officials and employees in the conduct of official business.
Conflict Of Interest:
Financial Or Personal Interest: It shall be unlawful for any City official or employee to participate directly or indirectly through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a purchase request or contract bid document, influencing the content of any specification or purchase standard, rendering of advice, investigation, auditing or otherwise, in any: a) proceeding or application; b) request for ruling or other determination; c) claim or controversy; or d) other matter, pertaining to any contract or subcontract, in any solicitation or proposal therefor, where to the official's or employee's knowledge there is a financial interest possessed by: a) the employee or official, or the official's or employee's immediate family; b) a business other than a public agency in which the official or the employee, or a member of the official's or employee's immediate family, serves as an officer, director, trustee, partner, or employee; or c) any then person or business with whom the official or employee, or a member of the official's or employee's immediate family, is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment.
Disclosure And Disqualification: Whenever the performance of his official duties shall require any official or employee to deliberate and vote on any matter concerning his financial or personal interest, he shall publicly disclose the nature and extent of such interest and shall disqualify himself from participating in the deliberation as well as in the voting. Any employee or official who has or obtains any benefit from any City contract with a business in which the official or employee has a financial interest shall further report such benefit to the City Council. In the event that such official or employee knows or should have known of such benefit, and fails to report such benefit to the City Council, he shall be considered to be in violation of the ethical standards of this Code.
Gratuities And Kickbacks:
It is unlawful for any person to offer, give or agree to give to any person, while a City official or employee, or for any person, while a City official or employee, to solicit, demand, accept or agree to accept from another person, anything of a pecuniary value for or because of: 1) an official action taken, to be taken or which could be taken; and 2) a legal duty performed, to be performed, or which could be performed; or
It is unlawful for any payment, gratuity or benefit to be made by or on behalf of a contractor or subcontractor, or any person associated therewith, as an inducement for the award of a contract or subcontract or order.
Incompatible Employment: No official or employee shall engage in private employment with, or render services for, any private person who has business transactions with any public body unless he shall first make full public disclosure of the nature and extent of such employment or services to the City Council. Further, no official or employee shall act as an agent or attorney for another in any matter before the City Council or any board or commission of the City in which a conflict of interest exists or may exist. Further, no official or employee shall directly or indirectly receive, or agree to receive, any compensation, gift, reward, or gratuity, in any matter or proceeding connected with, or related to, the duties of his office except as may be provided by law.
Confidential Information: No official or employee shall, without prior formal authorization of the public body having jurisdiction, disclose any confidential information concerning any other official or employee, or any other person, or any property or governmental affairs of the City, nor shall any official or employee use confidential information for actual or anticipated personal gain, or the actual or anticipated personal gain of any other person.
Violations By Contractors: The City may impose for violations of this Code of ethics by any contractor the following sanctions:
Oral or written warnings or reprimands;
Cancellation of transactions;
Suspension or disqualification for being a contractor or subcontractor under City or City funded contracts;
The value of anything transferred in violation of the ethical standards of this Code of ethics or of regulations or rules issued hereunder, by a person other than an official or employee, shall be recoverable by the City from such person; and
Suspension may be imposed during an investigation of charges of a serious and compelling nature based on adequate evidence indicating violation under this Code of ethics or other irregularities which, if true, would affect the person's integrity as a contractor.
Recovery Of Kickbacks By City: Upon a showing that a contractor or subcontractor made a kickback to the contractor, a higher tier subcontractor, or a City officer or employee in connection with the award of a contract, subcontract or order thereof, it shall be conclusively presumed that the amount thereof was included in the price of the contract, subcontract or order, and was ultimately borne by the City, and will be recoverable hereunder from the recipient. The contractor or subcontractor or subgrantee making such kickbacks shall be jointly and severally liable.
Due Process Of Law: All procedures under this section shall be in accordance with due process requirements, including, but not limited to, a right to notice and hearing prior to imposition of any cancellation or suspension from being a contractor or subcontractor under a City contract.
[Ord. 231, 12-10-1984]
[Ord. 800, 6-1-1998]
It shall be unlawful to interfere with or hinder any City officer or employee while engaged in the duties of his office or employment. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an ordinance violation. Each day that such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.