[1975 Code § 21.08]
This district is composed of land being used for agricultural activities and other such open land uses and located near the periphery of the jurisdictional boundary which is not expected to develop in intensive urban uses within the near future. It is the intent of this district to allow open type uses, to conserve the desirable characteristics of land, to prevent conflicts between agricultural and nonagricultural land uses and to act as a holding zone for land not immediately necessary for orderly urban development. Orderly growth can thus be attained by subsequent reclassification of areas in this district to other classifications, in accordance with the City's capital improvements program for the extension of basic utilities, streets and county utilities to attain desired urban development.
[Ord. 14-08-01-51, 8-4-2014]
The following uses are permitted in the A agricultural district:
Agricultural uses
Cannabis cultivation centers
Parks and recreation areas
Single-family residences accessory to agricultural operations
[1975 Code § 21.08; amended by Ord. 04-10-02-51, 10-18-2004; Ord. 14-11-02-51, 11-17-2014]
A kennel may be allowed as a special use, but only upon the following conditions and only upon review and approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-2-4 of this title and approval of the City Council:
Fencing/Screening: A six foot high wire mesh fence shall be required to enclose outdoor animal areas. Deciduous and evergreen landscaping, which may include trees, bushes and ornamental grasses shall be provided to screen outdoor animal areas from view beyond the property line of the special use.
Minimum Lot Area: 1/2 acre.
Minimum Lot Width: 100 feet.
Minimum Yard Requirements: The same as the underlying zoning district.
Maximum Height: The same as the underlying zoning district.
Minimum Parking: One space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area designated for the special use.
Additional Requirements: Outdoor animal areas shall be no closer than 300 feet to a residential zoning district (R-1, R-2 and R-3) and no closer than 300 feet to a residential dwelling.
Other uses of the same general character as those listed in Section 10-5-2 of this chapter may be permitted upon review by the zoning board of appeals in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-2-4 of this title.
[1975 Code § 21.08]
Building Height: No structure shall exceed three stories or 35 feet in height.
Lot Area, Frontage And Yard Requirements: The following minimum requirements shall be observed:
Lot area: 9,000 square feet.
Lot width: 75 feet.
Front: 50 feet.
Rear: 50 feet.
Side: 20 feet.
[1975 Code § 21.08]
Nonflashing, illuminated signs shall be permitted subject to the following:
Number, Size And Contents:
Agricultural uses: May have one per farm dwelling, not more than 12 square feet in area, indicating name of occupant and specialized agricultural activities. Such signs as required for crop identification during the growing seasons are also permitted.
Nonagricultural uses: May have one sign, not exceeding 16 square feet in area.
Projections: No sign shall project into a public right of way.
Height: No sign shall be more than 15 feet in height.