[1975 Code § 3.02; amended by 2003 Code]
The City Clerk, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall take the oath prescribed for other City officials and shall execute a bond to the City in the penal sum of $20,000, with such sureties as may be approved by the City Council, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and the payment of all monies that may be received by him according to law and the ordinances of the City. The bond shall be filed with the City Treasurer.
[1975 Code § 3.02; amended by 2003 Code]
The City Clerk shall:
Attend Council Meetings; Notices And Records: Attend all meetings of the City Council and keep in a suitable book, to be styled "Record of the City Council", a full and faithful record of its proceedings. He shall issue and cause to be served notices to the members of the different committees of the City Council, and to all other persons whose attendance may be required before any such committee, when so directed by the chairman thereof.
Corporate Seal; Certified Copies Of Documents: Keep the corporate seal, to be provided under the direction of the City Council, and all papers belonging to the City and copies of all papers filed in the office and transcripts from the records, and files of the office certified by him under the corporate seal shall be evidence in all courts in like manner as if the original were produced.
Documents To Committees And Officers: Without delay, upon the adjournment of the meeting of the City Council, notify and, upon demand, shall deliver to the several committees of that body and to the officers of the corporation all petitions, communications, reports, resolutions, orders, claims and other papers referred to those committees or officers by the City Council. He shall, without delay, deliver to the Mayor all ordinances or resolutions in his charge which may require the approval or other action by the Mayor.
Prepare Official Papers: Prepare all commissions, licenses, permits and other official documents required to be issued by him either under the law or the ordinances of the City, and shall attest the same and affix thereto the corporate seal, and shall in like manner attest all deeds for the sale of real estate owned and conveyed by the City.
General Supervision Of Revenues; Charge Of Official Papers, Etc.: Exercise a general supervision over all City officers charged in any manner with the receipt, collection or disposal of corporate revenues, and the collection and return of all such revenues into the treasury. He shall have charge, custody, and control of all deeds, licenses, warrants for the payment of money, contracts, obligations, vouchers, books and papers of every kind, the custody of which is not herein given to any other officer.
Records Kept:
Generally: Carefully preserve in his office all books, records, papers, maps, plats and other documents of every description belonging to the City, or appertaining to his office, and at the expiration of his term of office or upon resignation or removal, turn over all of said papers and effects to the successor in office.
Bonds: Keep in his office, in books kept expressly for the purpose, a correct list of all the existing bonds against the City, showing the number and the amount of each, for what purpose the same were issued, and when any such bonds are purchased, paid or canceled, said books shall show such fact or facts.
Elections And Appointments: Keep a record of the elections and appointments of all officers of the City, and record shall be so construed as to exhibit the name of the officer, to what office elected or appointed, the date of such election or appointment and, in the case of an appointive officer, the date of confirmation; also, the dates of any commission or commissions, together with the date of deaths, resignations, removals or expirations.
Accounts Of Revenues: Open and keep in a neat and methodical manner a complete set of books, in which shall be kept a detailed account of the City revenue and of each separate fund, crediting the same with all receipts or budgeted items, and charging it with all warrants or checks drawn thereon. The Clerk shall also keep a correct account of all debts due from or owing to the City, and shall keep a correct list of all notes, warrants or other obligations given by or payable to the City, with the dates thereof, the persons to whom or by whom payable, the rate of interest, the time and manner in which the principal and interest are payable, and such other particulars as may be necessary to the full understanding thereof. The books and all contracts, bonds, deeds, warrants, vouchers, receipts, and other papers kept in said office shall at all times be subject to the examination of the Mayor, the members of the City Council, the City attorney, or any committee of the City Council.
Monthly Reports To Council: Make a report to the City Council at the first regular meeting in each month of the exact condition of each fund or budgeted item, the total amount which has been used or expended therefrom, and the balance, if any, which is subject to be drawn upon. Whenever any budgeted item or fund is exhausted, the Clerk shall, without delay, notify the City Council thereof, and shall not thereafter draw any warrant against such fund or budgeted item until the same shall be renewed or replenished by action of the City Council according to law.
Audit Of Accounts: Revise and audit all accounts or claims allowed by the City Council, and all other accounts in which the corporation is concerned, either as debtor or creditor, where provision for their adjustment is not otherwise made. Upon ascertaining the amount due to any person, he shall draw his warrant or check therefor in due form upon the City Treasurer. If, upon the examination of any such claim or account, the Clerk shall have reason to doubt its correctness, it shall be his duty to make report thereof to the City Council.
Require Claimants To Make Oath: In making all adjustments and settlements, be authorized to require any claimant to file with a verified statement as to any fact, matter or thing touching the correctness of any such claim or account.
List Of Warrants And Checks: Keep in a suitable book an accurate list of all checks and warrants drawn upon the City Treasurer, showing the date, number and amount of each, and the name of the person in whose favor drawn and shall preserve all warrants returned to him.
Other Duties: In addition to the foregoing duties, perform all such other and further duties pertaining to the Clerk's office as are or may be imposed upon him by the law of the state, the ordinances of the City, or by resolution of the City Council.
[Ord. 4, 4-21-1975; amended by 2003 Code]
The office of the City Clerk will be open for the transaction of City business Mondays through Fridays, except holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
[Ord. 94, 5-7-1979; amended by Ord. 213, 9-4-1984]
Collector[1]: The City Clerk shall concurrently hold the appointive office of City Collector and shall continue to receive the compensation provided for the office of City Clerk and concurrently shall receive the compensation provided for the appointive office of City Collector.
Editor's Note: See Article D of this chapter.
Freedom Of Information Officer:
Office Created: There is hereby created the appointive office within the City government to be known as the "freedom of information" officer.
Duties: The duties of the freedom of information officer shall be to reply to all public and employee requests for records and information, and to comply with all necessary and applicable provisions of the freedom of information act.[2]
Editor's Note: See 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.
Clerk Serve As: The City Clerk is hereby appointed to the office of freedom of information officer.
[Ord. 775, 12-15-1997]
Office Created; Appointment And Term: There is hereby created the office of Deputy City Clerk. The City Clerk is authorized to appoint a Deputy City Clerk,[1] which appointment shall be final with the advice and consent of the City Council, said appointment to be for a one-year term of office and to be made on the first Monday in May or as soon thereafter as practical, annually.
Editor's Note: See also Subsection 1-8A-2A of this title.
Powers And Duties: The Deputy City Clerk shall have the power and duty to execute all documents required by any law or ordinance to be executed by the Clerk and to affix the seal of the City thereto whenever required. Further, the Deputy City Clerk shall work under the instruction of the City Clerk, and shall carry out such other duties and functions as the City Clerk is required by ordinance or other law to perform, especially in the absence of the City Clerk. The Deputy Clerk shall have not only that authority and those powers as herein described, but shall also have such further power and authority as may be provided by ordinance, statute, or other law.
Signature: When signing any documents, the Deputy City Clerk shall sign the name of the City Clerk followed by the word "By" and the Deputy City Clerk's own name and the words "Deputy City Clerk".
Time Of Authority: The powers and duties herein described shall be exercised by the Deputy City Clerk only in the absence of the City Clerk from his office in the City hall and only when either written direction has been given by the City Clerk to exercise such power, or the City Council has determined by resolution that the City Clerk is temporarily or permanently incapacitated to perform such function.