The purpose of this section is to provide a procedure for the maintenance of the public premises described below at the lowest cost to the Borough and with the least possible inconvenience to the public.
No person, firm or corporation shall excavate or open or dig in or upon or otherwise disturb the surface, soil or materials of any public street, easement, rights-of-way or other public place for the purpose of making connections to any water pipe, sewer pipe, gas pipe or other utility installation to replace any sidewalks or curbs, or for any other purpose whatsoever, unless a permit so to do shall have first been obtained from the Borough Engineer. A permit shall be issued to the applicant after he has complied with the following:
Execution and delivery of a complete written application to the Borough Engineer on a form to be furnished for that purpose which shall specify the name and address of applicant; the name and address of the contractor; the specific location of the proposed excavation; the width, length and depth thereof; the type of road or other surface; and the owner of the property for whose benefit the excavation is to be made. The application shall be accompanied by a sketch or plans, and specifications which indicate the location and details of the work. The application shall also be accompanied by a non-refundable fee for the issuance of the permit as hereinafter provided in Subsection 17-1.9.
Satisfactory compliance with the requirements of Subsection 17-1.8 pertaining to posting of cash and approved surety bond to guarantee that the opening or trench made by the applicant will be properly closed in the street, right-of-way, easement or other public land, and that the same will be constructed to specifications promulgated by the Borough.
No opening and excavation of any public streets, easements, and rights-of-way will be allowed to begin, nor will construction of any project be allowed to continue, during the period between July 4th and Labor Day except as may be deemed an emergency as hereinafter provided in Subsection 17-1.4.
No permits for major road openings, as herein defined, shall be granted for the benefit of any utility provider to cut, alter, change or disturb said newly constructed paved surfaces and within the same lineal boundary for a period of five years from the completion of the project, after due notice from the Borough to avail itself of the opportunity to coordinate its utility work by other utility or by the same utility provider. The prohibition against major street openings sooner than five (5) years, as noted above, may be relaxed upon application to the Governing Body, which may, for good cause shown in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, be granted by resolution, and upon such conditions as shall be consistent with the purposes of this section. A major opening shall be that required for the installation, replacement or repair of any utility facility or portion thereof which involves opening of a trench or cut in the pavement longer than a total of seventy-five (75) feet to achieve the installation replacement or repair.
Once the applicant is issued a permit, it shall be the obligation of the permittee to:
Prior to any excavation, erect and maintain such signs, lights, barricades and other protective devices in accordance with details of the most current editions of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Standard Specifications and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as may be necessary for the public safety and as may be required by the Borough Police Department or the Borough Engineer. In the event that the permittee shall fail to provide the protective devices to the satisfaction of the Borough, the Borough may, upon twelve (12) hours notice to the permittee, erect and maintain the necessary devices and charge the permittee for the cost thereof. In the event that any failure to act by the permittee may have an immediate adverse effect on the public safety, the Borough may erect the necessary protective devices without prior notice to the permittee and the permittee shall be responsible for the reasonable cost thereof;
Avoid unnecessary interference with the public use of the right of way in question;
Prosecute the work to completion within the date fixed by the permit. In the event the work is not completed on or before such date, the Borough may, upon the advice of the Borough Engineer or on its own initiative, complete the work; all costs thereof shall, in such event, be borne by the permittee. The permittee is to make all efforts to keep the opening or trench open for a minimum period of time to accomplish the purpose of the permittee and close such opening or trench just as soon as possible thereafter. All trenches shall be backfilled, compacted and at least temporarily paved, as of the termination of each day's work, without exceptions;
Take affirmative action to protect children and other members of the public from any hazardous equipment while on the site of permittee's activity;
Maintain all streets and other property affected by the project on a continuing basis in a clean condition; free from all rubbish, dust, excess earth, rubble and other debris. The permittee shall also be liable for any damage to the Borough roads caused by the operator of equipment over said roads. In the event the permittee fails to act as provided herein, the Borough may, upon twelve (12) hours notice to the permittee, clean and remove all rubbish, dust, excess earth, rocks, debris and unused material and/or repair any roads in the Borough damaged by the operation of equipment by the permittee over said roads, and charge the permittee the cost thereof. In the event that any failure by the permittee may have an immediate adverse effect upon the public safety, the Borough may clean, repair or protect the area in question prior to notice to the permittee and the permittee shall be responsible for the costs thereof;
Perform all work so as to accommodate, to the greatest extent possible, a normal flow of traffic. All streets shall remain open to traffic during construction unless specific permission for closing and detour is contained in the permit. All applications to close a road and to detour shall be forwarded to the Police Department and to the Borough Engineer for their review. Permission to close a street or utilize a detour shall not be granted unless it is necessary to reasonably complete the work and will not substantially or unnecessarily impair the public safety and convenience. If permission to detour is granted, such fact shall be communicated in writing to the Fire Department and local First Aid Squads at least twelve (12) hours prior to closing. No road which had been closed shall be reopened without prior approval of Borough Engineer and the Police Department;
Assume full liability, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Borough, its officers, appointed officials, consultants, servants, and employees from and against any and all cost, loss, injury, or damage resulting from any negligence or fault of the permittee, his agents, employees, contractors and consultants in connection with the activities covered by the permit. The Borough shall require that the applicant furnish appropriate liability insurance covering this undertaking at the expense of the permittee, to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Borough and the persons listed above, in a sum not less than one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars for each claim arising directly or indirectly out of permittee's activity. Permittee shall also furnish excess liability insurance for this undertaking to defend, indemnify and hold harmless in such sum as permittee may usually carry but, in the case of utility providers, not less than five million ($5,000,000.00) dollars for personal injury and one and one-half million ($1,500,000.00) dollars for property damage.
Permittee's contractor or subcontractor, when work is not performed by permittee's personnel, shall, as a minimum furnish comprehensive general public liability insurance for all risks entailed in the project of not less than one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars per claimant for personal injury and not less than five hundred thousand ($500,000.00) dollars for property damage, per occurrence.
The permittee's obligations herein to defend, indemnify and hold harmless shall not be conditioned upon the availability or viability of any insurance coverage, but shall be absolute, unconditional and unlimited.
All persons providing labor on the site of the permitted activity shall furnish proof of workers compensation coverage prior to commencement of work. All insurance required to be furnished shall be evidenced by issuance of a Certificate or Certificates of Insurance in companies acceptable to the Borough and shall, as to liability coverage, specifically refer to the obligations assumed by the permittee in reference to the project which is the subject of the application.
A "memorandum" copy of the complete policies and all endorsements shall be furnished to the Borough. The Borough, upon its request, shall be named as "an additional insured as its interest may appear." No Certificate will be accepted unless it provides for at least thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Borough before the effective date of cancellation for any reason, or of expiration of the policy;
Assume responsibility for notifying all utility companies or other jurisdictional authorities which may have underground facilities in the project area and which may be affected by the proposed work, and shall further be fully responsible to secure mark-outs of the underground facilities, all in advance of any construction;
Assume responsibility for securing all other necessary permits from regulatory agencies including, but not limited to, Soil Erosion Permit from Soil Conservation Service, Dewatering Permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, etc. The Borough shall have no liability for applicant's failure to obtain other permits or to comply with the provisions of any other regulatory authority of any nature whatsoever. Any interruption of the project by order of the Borough or any other authority shall not extend the time for completion as set forth in the permit;
Pavement markings shall be placed, as directed by the Borough Engineer, on the finished pavement prior to opening the roadway to traffic. Traffic paint shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsections 912.34 and 912.35 of the NJDOT Standard Specifications. Pavement markings shall be maintained during the construction period;
The permittee shall insure that the noise generated by the construction operation is controlled and equipment shall be equipped with properly maintained mufflers, pneumatic exhaust silencers, and the like. Construction equipment shall not be operated during those hours prohibited by Borough regulations 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. weekdays and from Saturday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday morning and on legal holidays. (§ 12-4.2(5) Peace and Good Order). However, properly silenced pumps may, with the approval of the Borough Engineer, be operated as necessary;
The permittee shall insure that dust control is maintained during construction. Work shall be performed to minimize the creation and dispersion of dust. Water shall be used to control dust. The use of chemicals for dust control is prohibited;
Permittee shall be responsible for the removal, storage and replacement, as necessary, to facilitate his work and to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, of mailboxes, street and road signs, street lights, traffic control devices, etc. If street and road signs are to be removed even for a short time, the State Police, local Police, and/or appropriate public authority having jurisdiction shall be notified in advance;
The permittee shall assume responsibility that all temporary construction facilities and structures are removed when the work is complete. Any remaining waste or surplus material shall be removed and the project site and adjacent properties affected by the work shall be left in a neat and satisfactory condition. All silt or other foreign debris that may have been deposited in channels, storm drains or other points of water discharge shall be removed. All waste material collected as a result of the work shall become the property of the permittee to dispose of off site in accordance with the requirements of the NJDEP, Solid Waste Administration;
The extent of excavation open at any one time will be controlled by the condition of the site, but in no event shall the opening exceed two hundred fifty (250) feet;
Prior to construction, permittee shall conduct a subsurface soils investigation to determine the existing soil types, soil density, and groundwater levels. The extent of investigations and testing required will be dependent upon the type of project and as such, the permittee shall meet with and obtain the approval from the Borough Engineer of the subsurface investigation program, prior to submission of an application; and
Routing of new or replacement utility lines shall be subject to review and approval of the Borough Engineer with due regard to the purposes of this section.
No person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity shall direct or cause any employee, agent or contractor of such person, firm, partnership, corporation or entity to open or dig a trench in any public street, right-of-way or other public place until a written permit for such opening or trench has been issued by the Borough, except that openings may be made without the necessity of a previously issued permit in the case of emergencies which would immediately endanger the health, safety or property; subject, however, to the condition that prior notice thereof shall be given verbally to the Police Department and thereafter a written application in accordance with the provisions of this section is made within twelve (12) hours after such emergency opening is commenced. The person or entity acting under this emergency procedure shall, in all respects, be bound by all other requirements of this section. No opening shall be finally repaved without the written approval of the Borough Engineer.
No opening shall be commenced on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday except in case of emergency.
The issuance of a permit under this section shall not in any way be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other lawful requirement in connection with public utility installation requirements. Any work permitted under this section shall be conducted in a manner so as not to interfere with public utilities or other authorized installations, public or private property.
On a bituminous surface treated road the edges of the opening shall be cut straight through the bituminous surface before the trench is excavated.
No excavation shall commence until such time that an adequate dewatering system is installed and operating satisfactorily, as required for underground utility work. An adequate dewatering system shall be defined as having lowered the groundwater to a point at least two (2) feet below the proposed pipeline invert.
All excavations shall be completely backfilled with clean suitable material, and the material shall be compacted by mechanical tamping in layers or other acceptable means. All trenches shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer. Whenever the Borough Engineer shall deem that the material removed is unsatisfactory for backfill, the permittee shall backfill the trench with sand or other proper and acceptable material from off-site sources, and shall compact the fill material as required by the Borough Engineer. Unsuitable material shall include, but not be limited to, organic matter, trees, stumps, frozen material, clays, rubble, refuse, cinders or rock. All excess materials shall be removed from the premises. Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the top eight (8) inches of any such excavation below final bituminous paving shall be filled with compacted soil gradation I-5 in accordance with NJDOT specifications. If tamping alone is employed, the material shall be placed in layers, not exceeding twelve (12) inches in thickness, moistened, as directed, and each layer energetically tamped until thoroughly compacted. Compaction shall achieve ninety-five (95%) percent Proctor density in accordance with ASTM D-1557 test procedures.
No trench shall be backfilled until all proper inspections of any connections shall have been made as required by any and all regulations concerning the inspection of sewer, water, gas, electrical or other utility installations. No backfilling shall be commenced without prior approval of the Borough Engineer. Permittee shall pay for such independent testing of compaction and paving as may be employed by the Borough Engineer to determine compliance with conditions of this section.
All surface paving and surface paving foundation shall be resurfaced and restored by the permittee in accordance with the standards set forth in this section. Compliance, for the purpose of discharging surety or refund of cash bond, shall be as determined by the Borough Engineer and in accordance with the following applicable rules:
In the case of a gravel pavement, the permittee shall fill in the top eight (8) inches of the excavated trench or opening with compacted soil gradation I-5 as specified in the NJDOT standard specifications;
In the case of a bituminous surface, the permittee shall restore the surface with a minimum of six (6) inches of hot mixed bituminous concrete stabilized base course, NJDOT mix #I-2, covered with two (2) inches of hot mixed bituminous concrete surface course, NJDOT mix #I-5, each course to be as specified in the NJDOT Standard Specifications;
In the case of a concrete surface, the permittee shall reconstruct the subgrade with six (6) inches of soil gradation I-5, and shall restore the reinforcement and the concrete pavement with Class "B" concrete, as directed by the Borough Engineer.
In no event shall the pavement be restored to specifications of lesser quality or dimension than that pavement which was removed or damaged by permittee;
Bituminous concrete surface course, hot-mixed, shall conform to the requirements of the NJDOT Standard Specifications, Subsections 404.02 and 404.03 and shall be a crushed stone mix, designation #I-5. Tack coat shall be utilized and shall conform to NJDOT Standard Specifications, Subsection 404.02. Mix design shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Engineer prior to commencement of the work.
Restoration of roadways, in general, shall consist of replacement of the roadway for the trench area plus twelve (12) inches on either side. Should, however, the proposed construction disturb more than one-third (1/3) of roadway width, and be in combination with service or lateral trenches, then the permittee shall be responsible to restore the trench area as described by this section, as well as provide a complete overlay of the existing roadway, from curb to curb or edge of roadway to edge of roadway. The trench area shall receive the stabilized base course as described elsewhere in this section. The existing pavement in the area not disturbed by trench excavation shall be milled, removed, or as otherwise approved by the Borough Engineer, to provide for a minimum of one and one-half inches (1.5) of bituminous surface course from curb to curb or edge of roadway to edge of roadway. The grades of the proposed restoration shall be determined by the permittee and approved by the Borough Engineer prior to start of the work. In the event the proposed project will not involve excavation across the existing road for service laterals, but the main trench width exceeds one-half (1/2) of the existing roadway width (measured from curb to curb or edge of roadway to edge of roadway), then the entire roadway shall also be restored as described above.
The Borough Engineer shall order such testing and observation of work in progress as is reasonably required to obtain compliance by the permittee with all provisions of this section, all at the expense of the permittee.
In the event of default by the permittee in the restoration of the premises, the Borough may, on its own account, complete the work and charge the expenses thereof against the cash or surety bond posted in addition to any other legal remedy that may be available to it.
The Borough reserves the right to remove and replace any defective patch work or surface treatment work made by the permittee and charge the cost of the labor and materials for such removal and replacement to the permittee.
It is the obligation of the permittee to maintain the restoration of the premises for one (1) year after completion and acceptance by the Borough. The Borough may, in the discretion of the Borough Engineer, require a one (1) year maintenance bond from approved sureties.
All concrete curbs and sidewalks shall be restored, if damaged during construction, or if being removed and replaced by the permittee, in accordance with the standards set forth in this section and those defined in Chapter 30, entitled "Land Use Regulations." Compliance for the purpose of discharging surety or refund of cash bond shall be as determined by the Borough Engineer.
Each applicant for a permit for such opening or trench shall post cash or approved surety company bond or other satisfactory bond with the Borough Clerk to cover the estimated costs of excavating, backfilling, compaction, repaving, engineering, observation and testing as required in accordance with the estimate of the Borough Engineer, in each instance. Not less than twenty (20%) percent of the required surety shall be by cash or certified check paid to the Borough. The balance of the estimate shall be posted by approved bond, as noted above.
Each surety bond shall be executed by the permittee as principal. If a surety company bond is given, it shall be issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey acceptable to the Borough and in form sufficient to guarantee the permittee's compliance with this section.
Upon completion of the project by the permittee and the restoration of the public street in accordance with this section and payment of all costs incurred by Borough in accordance with this section, the permittee shall receive the return of his bond or cash deposit, as the case may be, upon proper application therefor to the Borough Clerk, and upon acceptance of the restoration of the public street opening or trench in a certification executed by the Borough Engineer. The Borough may, at its option, apply any or all of the cash portion of the Bond in satisfaction of its unreimbursed expenses. It is expected, however, that the permittee will pay Borough's expenses, as invoiced, in the ordinary course of business and not later than thirty (30) days after presentation.
Basic fee. For every opening or excavation the basic permit fee shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
Fee for technical review and services. In addition to the basic fee of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars, the applicant shall be obligated to pay the Borough's actual cost for technical review of the application. The Borough Clerk shall obtain an estimate of the review fee from the Borough Engineer and advise the applicant of the fee estimate. The application shall not be complete for review until all information in the nature of plans, specifications and survey and/or soil borings, if required, together with funds (cash or check acceptable to the Clerk) sufficient to pay the estimated review fee have been delivered to the Clerk. Upon completion of the technical review, the applicant shall receive a refund or credit for any unearned review fees. In the event that the actual cost of review exceeds the cost estimated, the applicant shall pay such documented increase, if any, before any permit will issue.
The permittee shall, upon completion and before discharge of surety or refund of cash bond, pay all fees and disbursements of the Borough Engineer incurred in conjunction with the work for which the permit was granted. Permittee shall receive credit for all sums paid on account at issuance of permit.
If the work is not being performed in accordance with the provisions of this section or if the work is being performed in a manner which is hazardous to the safety and well-being of the public, then the Borough Engineer or the Police Department shall issue a stop work notice to the permittee or persons actually in charge of the work at the location thereof. Upon the issuance of a stop notice, the progress of the work shall cease until the defects are corrected and the stop order rescinded.
Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to provide a process for and to regulate openings and excavations and restoration of the public streets, easements, highway roads and rights-of-way in the Borough of Mantoloking for the purpose of installation, replacement or repair of utilities to and for the benefit of individual lots (one (1) or more), known as "minor" openings.
Definition. As used in this subsection:
Shall mean any excavation, cut or removal of pavement of less than seventy-five feet necessary to install, replace or maintain a service connection to one or more individual lots.
No person, firm or entity shall excavate, cut or remove any pavement, curb, sidewalk or like facility within the public right-of-way without first obtaining a municipal road opening permit for such work.
The Borough Clerk shall provide, to any person interested, a Municipal Road Opening Permit application form. Upon receipt of a complete application and the required fee, of one hundred ($100.00) dollars, the application shall be forwarded to the Borough Engineer for review. The form of application shall be as specified in § 17-1.2 of this chapter, together with a competent written rationale, which sets forth the applicant's need for and justification of the proposed road opening.
In recognition of the desire of the Borough to minimize occasions of road openings which involve disturbance of paved roadway surfaces, the applicant must show a cogent and persuasive rationale which will persuasively support the need for roadway opening as opposed to alternative methods and means which would reasonably facilitate attainment of the applicant’s legitimate purposes. Whenever, in the sole discretion of the Borough Engineer, with due regard to the condition of existing connections, and the demonstrated needs of the applicant, and the project may be reasonably prosecuted without undermining, cutting or excavating paved surfaces, said permit may be issued for work within the right-of-way shall specifically proscribe and prohibit any undermining, cutting or excavating of paved roadway surfaces.
The Municipal Road Opening Permit may, in the discretion of the Borough Engineer, be conditioned upon the posting of cash surety in a sum sufficient to cover the cost of roadway restoration. The surety shall be released upon preliminary inspection of the restored roadway by the Borough Engineer.
The permit shall be conditioned upon the permittee's undertaking, by accepting the permit, to guarantee to the Borough that the restoration will, in all respects, comply with performance specifications of this subsection as amended. The guarantee shall expire one (1) year following the restoration of the paved surface. In the event of the appearance of defective work within the one (1) year period the owner of the property shall, upon the written direction of the Borough Engineer, promptly take such action as shall be necessary to achieve compliance with the specified standards. In the event that the owner shall fail to, within one hundred twenty (120) days following notice, completely correct the deficient condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, the Borough may, at its cost, do so and in that event, all costs, direct and indirect, shall be charged against the lot or lots, as a municipal lien, subject to collection in the manner permitted by law. The failure of any owner to provide the corrective work and/or pay the reasonable cost of such corrective work, upon demand, shall be a violation of this section and the owner shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties set forth in § 17-5.
In the event of circumstances of emergency and wherein the Borough Clerk and Borough Engineer are not available to process applications in the ordinary course of business, the Mayor, or in his or her absence, the President of Council, may issue an emergency road opening permit and such emergency permit shall be subject to all of the conditions of this section.
This amendatory Subsection 17-1.11 is supplementary to and not in derogation of any of the provisions of Ordinance 281, codified as § 17-1, Subsections 17-1.1 through 17-1.10. All of the provisions of Ordinance 281 which are not eclipsed by or in clear conflict with this subsection shall remain in full force and effect. This subsection shall be construed, interpreted and enforced to the attainment of the goal that disturbance of paved roadways shall be minimized (avoided) whenever to do so is reasonably practicable. The requirements of the installation, replacement or repair of utility "main" lines is not impacted by this subsection, all of which remain subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 281 (codified as Subsections 17-1.1 through 17-1.10) as initially adopted.
Any person owning any real property fronting on any street in the Borough shall at his or her charge and expense maintain the sidewalk and curb of the street in front of such house or lot in good repair.
Upon failure of any owner of a lot or lots to maintain the sidewalk and curb fronting thereon as provided in Subsection 17-2.1, the Borough shall cause a notice to be served upon such owner, describing the lot or lots affected, the improvement or repairs required, and stating that it is the intention of the Borough to cause such improvement or repairs to be made within thirty (30) days after service of the notice in the event that the owner shall fail to do so, and that the entire expense of the improvement or of the repairs will be charged against the owner of the lot or lots and enforced as authorized by law.
If after service of the notice as provided for in Paragraph A above, the owner or lessee of the lot or lots affected thereby shall neglect or fail to make the improvement or repairs directed by such notice, the Public Works Supervisor shall cause such improvement and/or repairs to be made and shall certify the cost of work done on each lot to the Chief Financial Officer who shall impose, collect and enforce the expense of such sidewalk and curb improvements and repairs and assess the same against the several lots, as provided by law.
In order to provide for the free and unobstructed use of sidewalks and in order to prevent any visual obstructions to the streets of the Borough, the Public Works Supervisor or the Borough Council may serve written notice upon any owner or tenant of lands in the Borough, requiring that such owner or tenant shall within ten (10) days of such notice remove from or over the sidewalks abutting his property, impediments of any nature whatsoever and cut all brush, hedges and other plant life growing within ten (10) feet of any road and within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of two (2) roadways to a height of not more than two and one-half (2.5) feet where it shall be necessary and expedient for the preservation of the public safety as such notice may specify. It is the intention of this section that the sidewalks shall be clean and unobstructed full width and to an elevation not less than eight (8) feet over the sidewalks, and that the streets of the Borough shall be free from all visual obstructions caused by brush, hedges and other plant life growing within ten (10) feet of any street and within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of two (2) streets.
The notice provided for in Subsection 17-3.1 may be served by personal service or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the owner or tenant of lands abutting the obstructed sidewalk or street.
Whenever any owner or tenant of any lands in the Borough has been notified to remove, within ten (10) days, impediments of any nature whatsoever, as such notice may specify, and such removal has not been accomplished, the Borough may by action of the Borough Supervisor of Public Works or the Borough Council remove any such impediments from the sidewalk or lands abutting the street at the direction of the Borough Supervisor of Public Works who shall, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.14 certify the cost thereof to the governing body, which shall examine the certificate, and if found correct shall cause the cost as shown thereon to be charged against said dwelling or lands; the amount so charged shall forthwith become a lien upon such dwelling or lands and shall be added to and become and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such dwelling or lands, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
Statement of purpose. The Borough finds and declares that it is necessary to set forth clear standards in relation to the siting of poles, cabinets, and antennas for the benefit of its citizens and any utilities which use the Borough's rights-of-way. The purpose of this section is to protect the property of the Borough and its citizens by creating a permit system for all new poles, antennas, and cabinets which are proposed to be placed in the municipal right-of-way.
For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:
The cost of processing an application for a right-of-way permit including, but not limited to, all professional fees such as engineering, planning or attorney fees such as are normally charged for approval escrows.
A box-like or rectangular structure used to facilitate utility or wireless service from within the municipal right-of-way.
The part of the electrical system, after the transmission system, that is dedicated to delivering electric energy to an end user.
A pole that is in lawful existence within the municipal right-of-way.
A cabinet that is not attached to an existing pole and is touching the ground.
The surface of, and the space above or below, any public street, road, place, public way or place, sidewalk, alley, boulevard, parkway, drive or the like, held by the Borough as an easement or in fee simple ownership. This term also includes rights-of-way held by the County of Ocean where the Borough's approval is required for the use of the same pursuant to N.J.S.A. 27:16-6.
A long, slender, rounded piece of wood, concrete, or metal.
A device that is attached to a pole and used to transmit radio or microwave signals and shall include, but not be limited to, small cell equipment and transmission media such as femtocells, picocells, microcells and outside distributed antenna systems.
A cabinet that is proposed to be placed on an existing or proposed pole.
A pole that is proposed to be placed in the municipal right-of-way.
Any lands, areas, buildings or installations owned by the Borough of Mantoloking or any of its departments, agencies or commissions, and shall include municipal Board of Education lands, areas, buildings or installations.
An agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions for use of the municipal right-of-way and includes, but is not limited to, municipal franchise agreements.
An approval from the Borough, setting forth the applicant's compliance with the requirements of this section.
The placement of one new pole, one replacement pole, one antenna along with one cabinet on an existing pole, or a combination of the placement of one new or replacement pole and one antenna and cabinet.
Existing poles within the same right-of-way which are located within 500 feet of the proposed pole.
A cabinet that is located beneath the surface of the ground.
Companies subject to regulation by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities under Chapter 48 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Electric, telephone or cable service.
Notwithstanding any franchise or right-of-way agreement to the contrary, all facilities proposed to be placed within the municipal right-of-way by a utility regulated by the Board of Public Utilities and all other entities lawfully regulating any facility, equipment, antenna, cabinet or other installation within the municipal right-of-way shall be subject to the standards and procedures set forth within this section and shall require right-of-way permits for the siting of poles, antennas, cabinets and related facilities, equipment or other installation within the municipal right-of-way.
No person shall operate or place any type of pole-mounted antenna within the municipal right-of-way without first entering in to a right-of-way agreement pursuant to the provisions of this section.
The terms of said right-of-way agreement shall include:
A term not to exceed 10 years;
Insurance requirements as set forth in this section of this Code pertaining to the excavation of streets;
A fine for unauthorized installations;
A reference to the siting standards set forth in this section;
Requirements to remove and restore the area to its previous condition; and
Any other items which may reasonably be required for the applicant's operation within the municipal right-of-way.
No pole, antenna or cabinet shall be installed in the municipal right-of-way without the issuance of a right-of-way permit for that installation.
Pole siting standards.
Height. No pole shall be taller than 35 feet above the grade at the base of the pole or 110% of the height of poles in the surrounding streetscape, whichever is higher.
Distance from the curbline: No pole shall be farther than 18 inches from the curbline or roadway.
Location, safety and aesthetics: No pole shall be erected in the municipal right-of-way unless it:
Is replacing an existing pole; or
Is approved pursuant to a land development application by the Borough's Land Use Board pursuant to a land use application; or
Is located on the opposite side of the street from a part of the electrical distribution system; and
Is located in the municipal right-of-way; and
Is a minimum of 200 linear feet away from any other existing pole or proposed pole along the same side of the street; and
Is not located in an area with underground utilities; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way; and
Is finished and/or painted so as to blend in compatibly with its surrounding streetscape and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties.
Poles are prohibited in the municipal right-of-way located in any public grounds.
Ground level cabinet site standards. Ground level cabinets are prohibited in the municipal right-of-way.
Underground cabinet site standards.
Underground cabinets are the preferred method of cabinet siting within the Borough of Mantoloking and permitted in the municipal right-of-way in all Zones.
Underground cabinet siting shall not disturb any underground utilities.
The Borough shall require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any underground cabinet.
Pole-mounted antenna and pole-mounted cabinet siting standards.
Pole-mounted antennas are permitted on existing poles, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed three cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
Pole-mounted cabinets are permitted on existing poles, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed 16 cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
The Borough shall require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any pole-mounted antenna or pole-mounted cabinet.
Pole-mounted antenna and underground cabinet siting standards.
Pole-mounted antennas are permitted on existing poles, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed three cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
Underground cabinets are permitted with existing poles, provided that each underground cabinet:
Shall not disturb any underground utilities.
The Borough shall require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any pole-mounted antenna and underground cabinet.
Pre-application meeting. Prior to making a formal application with the Borough for use of the municipal right-of-way, all applicants are advised to meet with the Borough Engineer to review the scope of the applicant's proposal.
The Borough Council shall, by resolution, approve or disapprove every right-of-way permit application based upon the recommendations provided to it pursuant to Subsections E and F below.
All applications made under this section and chapter shall be expedited so as to comply with the shot clocks set forth in the Federal Communications Commission Order entitled "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment By The Removal Of Barriers To Infrastructure Investment," WT Docket No. 17-79; WC Docket No. 17-84.
Every application made under this section and chapter must include a stamped survey prepared by a New Jersey licensed land surveyor demonstrating that any proposed pole, cabinet or antenna is located within the municipal right-of-way. Any such application which does not include such survey shall immediately be deemed incomplete.
New poles. The Mantoloking Land Use Board shall, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25b(3), review all applications for the placement of new poles and ground level cabinets proposed to be located in the municipal right-of-way and advise the Borough Council of its recommendations to approve, deny or approve with conditions such applications. If the Planning Board recommends a denial of such application it shall set forth the factual basis for such denial in writing.
Pole-mounted antennas and pole-mounted cabinets. The Borough Engineer shall review all applications to place pole-mounted antennas and pole-mounted cabinets within the municipal right-of-way and advise the Borough Council of his or her recommendation to approve, deny or approve with conditions such applications.
Pole-mounted antennas and underground cabinets. The Borough Engineer shall review all applications to place pole-mounted antennas and underground cabinets within the municipal right-of-way and advise the Borough Council of his or her recommendation to approve, deny or approve with conditions such applications.
If the Borough Council denies any application made under this section and chapter, it shall do so in writing and set forth the factual basis therefor.
Waiver. The Borough Council may waive any siting standard set forth in this section where the applicant demonstrates that strict enforcement of any siting standard will:
Prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting any interstate or intrastate telecommunications service pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 253(a); or
Prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless service pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(II); or
Will violate any requirement set forth in the Federal Communications Commission Order entitled "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment By The Removal Of Barriers To Infrastructure Investment," WT Docket No. 17-79; WC Docket No. 17-84.
Every right-of-way permit application must include a right-of-way permit fee in the following amounts:
One to five sites: $500.
Each additional site: $100.
Deposit toward anticipated municipal expenses.
In addition to the right-of-way permit application fee, the Borough Engineer shall require the posting of an escrow in the amount of $2,000 toward anticipated municipal expenses including, but not limited to planner, engineer, legal or other municipal fees related to review of an application for a right-of-way permit under this section.
The applicant's deposit shall be deposited in an escrow account. If at any time such deposit contains insufficient funds to enable the Borough to conduct its review of the right-of-way permit application, the Borough Engineer shall provide the applicant with notice of an insufficient balance. The applicant shall deposit within 10 days of such notice such additional deposit as shall be agreed upon by the applicant and the Borough Engineer to complete the Borough's review.
After a final decision has been made by the Borough Council in accordance with this section regarding the applicant's right-of-way permit application, any unused balance from the applicant's deposit toward anticipated municipal expenses shall be refunded.
Any approval granted pursuant to this section does not relieve the applicant from receiving consent of the owner of the land above which an applicant's facility may be located as required under New Jersey law.
Applicant must, in addition to obtaining a right-of-way permit pursuant to this section, also receive any and all necessary road opening permits, construction permits and any other permits required under the Ordinances of the Borough of Mantoloking including, but not limited to the Uniform Construction Code.
Applications for Borough consent pursuant to N.J.S.A. 27:16-6 requires adherence to the standards set forth in this section. No such applicant shall be required to enter into a right-of-way agreement with the Borough.
Any person violating this Chapter or these rules and regulations, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars per day or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.