It has been established that it is in the best interest of the Borough of Mantoloking to become part of the district of the Ocean County Sewerage Authority established pursuant to the provisions of the Sewerage Authority's law (P.L. 1946, c 138) of New Jersey as an aid in achieving relief from pollution or threatened pollution of waters in or bordering the State from causes arising within the County and consequent conditions affecting the public health thereof.
The Borough of Mantoloking shall become part of the district of the Ocean County Sewerage Authority.
Pursuant to the provisions of a certain Ordinance adopted by the Borough of Mantoloking on the 27th day of February, 1971 wherein the Borough of Mantoloking determined that it would participate as part of the district of the Ocean County Sewerage Authority, and, in accordance with the Master Plan for Waste Water Management, as revised by the Ocean County Sewerage Authority, Resolution No. 73-231, dated July 5, 1973, it has been determined that the Borough of Mantoloking is included in the Central Service Area and that waste water treatment for the Central Service Area will be provided by the Ortley Beach waste water treatment facility, presently operated by the Dover Sewerage Authority.
To facilitate timely and economical implementation of the intentions expressed in Paragraph A and to comply with applicable statutes, rules and regulations of various interested governmental agencies, it is deemed necessary and appropriate that the Borough of Mantoloking execute an agreement with the Dover Sewerage Authority whereunder the Dover Sewerage Authority will accept sanitary sewage effluent from Mantoloking and will transmit, transport, and dispose of said sewage in a good and efficient manner at its Ortley Beach treatment facility until such time as said facility shall be operated by Ocean County Sewerage Authority.
The Borough of Mantoloking shall enter into the proposed service agreement with the Dover Sewerage Authority and the Mayor, upon final passage of this Ordinance, shall execute the agreement on behalf of the Borough.
All plumbing fixtures of any nature whatsoever situated within the Borough shall be connected to the sanitary sewerage system of the Borough within nine months from the date of notification by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the community that the system is operational and approved for connection.
No connection shall be made to, into, or with the streets, mains, sewers, laterals, or other sewerage facilities of the Borough, unless the owner, or his duly authorized agent, shall have obtained a plumbing permit issued by the Borough Construction Official or his designee. Permit applications shall be made upon forms furnished by the Borough and submitted to the Construction Official or his designee together with payment of the application fee of $10 and inspection fees at such rates as are, or may be, from time to time, charged by the Ocean County Office of Construction and Inspection.
In order to insure that all new sewers and connections are properly designed and constructed, they shall be in conformance with the standards as promulgated by the State Uniform Construction Code and amendments thereto effective as of the date of application. Upon completion of each new sewer or connection, the Borough shall have same inspected and issue an approval only if said new sewer or connection is constructed in conformance with the aforesaid standards.
[Amended 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-15]
All costs shall be borne by the owner of the premises served.
The fee for connecting to the sanitary sewerage system shall be $100. This fee includes the fee for inspection of this connection.
All new connections from inflow sources into the sanitary sewerage portions of the sewerage system are hereby prohibited.
[Amended 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-15]
All owners of improved premises subject to connection and who have not connected and paid shall pay a prorated annual sewer charge. The prorated charge shall be due and payable from the expiration of the six-month period and shall be paid in full not later than seven months from the announcement of availability of connection.
There are hereby established the following annual rates and charges to be imposed by the Borough for the use and service of the sanitary sewerage system:
The minimum charge per unit shall be $340.70 annually. In addition to the minimum charge each user shall pay a fee of $16.31 per fixture for all fixtures over four exclusive of the laundry facility and one dishwasher.
The annual sewer charge based on the type of property shall be as follows ("X" indicates one unit):
Annual Rental Charge
Single-family dwelling, apartment unit (an apartment unit will be deemed any living unit having cooking facilities)
Commercial establishments - retail stores
Yacht clubs
In addition to the foregoing charges, any user who discharges toxic pollutants into the system which causes increased operations and maintenance costs shall be responsible for such increased operation and maintenance costs.
Each user shall be provided with an annual statement of the sewer charges. The annual sewer charges shall be due and payable on April 20 of each year and shall become delinquent unless paid within the ten-day grace period after stated due date of April 20 each year. Failure to timely pay the sewer charges will expose the property to a municipal lien sale. Delinquent sewer accounts shall accrue interest at the rate of 12% per annum.
Any person violating this section or these rules and regulations, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,000 dollars per day or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.