The regulations of the LI - Limited Industrial District are designed to provide an area in which a variety of limited industrial uses and some commercial uses may be located. Essentially, this district provides for limited industrial uses as permitted by right, along with limited commercial uses and accessory retail sale of uses produced or stored on the same lot. New residential uses of land are to be excluded in this district. Limited industrial areas have been located near existing or future public utility service areas and along major roads. Design standards have been imposed to create attractive site designs and moderate the objectionable impacts associated with industrial uses. Substantial setbacks are used to protect adjoining residences.
Permitted uses. In the LI - Limited Industrial District, the following uses are permitted:
Establishments housing light industrial uses and having a gross floor area of 100,000 square feet or less;
Laboratories for medical, science, industrial research and development;
Bookbinding, printing and publishing;
Warehousing and wholesale trade establishments having a gross floor area of 100,000 square feet or less;
Sign makers;
Vocational and mechanical trade schools;
Public uses and public utilities;
Parking lots and facilities;
Accessory uses customarily incidental to permitted and special exception uses in this district;
Industrial/business parks, in accordance with the requirements of § 250-247, and with the following:
Industrial/business parks may include.
Uses permitted by right under § 250-94A(1) through (10) above;
Use permitted by special exception under § 250-95A through E, after approval by the Zoning Hearing Board; and
Retail sales of products and/or assembled on the premises as an accessory use to a permitted manufacturing product or process, provided that separate structures for retail use shall be limited to 5,000 square feet, and retail sales as part of a manufacturing process shall be limited to 35% of the total floor area and shall not exceed 5,000 square feet for each retail use.
Industrial/business support uses as detailed in § 250-94A(12) below.
Industrial/business support uses, subject to the following:
Permitted industrial/business support uses include the following:
Hotels, motels and similar lodging facilities;
Conference facilities;
Banks and similar financial institutions;
Restaurants and taverns (but not including drive-through or fast-food restaurants);
Commercial day-care facilities; and
Health and fitness clubs.
Limitations on industrial/business support uses.
The uses set forth in § 250-94A(12)(a)[1] and [2] may not occupy more than 10% of the total land area of the LI District that is 1) occupied by or 2) proposed and approved for uses permitted under § 250-94A(11)(a)[1] and [2], the principal uses.
The uses set forth in § 250-94A(12)(a)[3] through [7], the accessory uses, are permitted only in connection with the uses permitted under § 250-94A(11)(a)[1] and [2], the principal uses, subject to the following:
The aggregate building area for the accessory uses shall not exceed 10% of the aggregate building areas for the principal uses. The aggregate building areas for the principal uses and accessory uses shall be determined by the total building areas in the LI District that are 1) occupied by or 2) proposed and approved for principal uses. At no point in time shall the aggregate building areas occupied by accessory uses exceed 10% of the aggregate building area of principal uses in the LI District; and
The building or structure containing such uses shall maintain a minimum of a 200-foot setback from any residentially or institutionally zoned land, land in residential use or land in institutional use adjoining the lot on which the uses are located. Where the residential or institutional district, land in residential use or land in institutional use and the LI - Limited Industrial District are separated by a street, the setback requirements of § 250-98 shall apply.
Tourism-related uses in accordance with Article XV, TDA - Tourism Development Area District.
State-owned property and governmental uses. Such property and uses shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter only insofar as permitted by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Added 6-24-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Federally owned property and governmental uses. Such property and uses shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter only insofar as permitted by the Constitution and laws of the United States government.
[Added 6-24-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Agriculture, crop farming, pasturing, horticulture, nurseries, aviaries, hatcheries, apiaries, and similar agricultural uses. Greenhouses are also permitted.
[Added 6-24-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Non-intensive and intensive animal husbandry as defined and regulated in § 250-2.
[Added 6-24-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
The following uses are permitted, as special exceptions, upon issuance of a permit by the Zoning Hearing Board as provided in Articles XXV and XXVIII of this chapter:
Establishments housing light industrial uses and having a gross floor area in excess of 100,000 square feet;
Machine shops;
Small engine repair shops;
Welding shops;
Warehousing and wholesale trade establishments having a gross floor area in excess of 100,000 square feet; and
Communications towers and antennas subject to § 250-245 of this chapter.
See the following table:
Minimum Lot Area1
(square feet)
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Lot Coverage
20,000 square feet
Communication towers and antennas
(See § 250-245)
Banks and similar financial institutions
20,000 square feet
Restaurants and taverns
20,000 square feet
Commercial day-care facilities
20,000 square feet
Other uses (except as otherwise specified herein)
43,560 square feet
Where the proposed use is served by on-lot sewage disposal facilities, the minimum lot area shall be of sufficient size to comply with DEP requirements.
A lot may include two or more principal and/or accessory uses, provided that the other requirements of this section are met, including lot size, lot width and lot coverage for each structure or use, as though they were located on the same lot, provided that the distance between buildings shall be a minimum of 20 feet, and provided that the side yard requirement from the property line shall be met.
Front yard setback. All buildings, structures (except permitted signs), off-street loading areas, dumpsters, and outdoor storage areas shall be set back at least 50 feet from the adjoining right-of-way. All parking lots shall be set back at least 20 feet from any adjoining right-of-way.
Side yard setbacks. All buildings, structures, (except permitted signs) dumpsters, and off-street loading areas shall be set back at least 30 feet from any side property lines. All outdoor storage areas and off-street parking lots shall be set back at least 20 feet from any side lot lines unless joint parking lots and/or loading areas are shared by adjoining uses. In such instances, one of the side yard setbacks can be waived solely for parking and/or loading facilities.
Rear yard setback. All buildings, structures, dumpsters and off-street loading areas shall be set back at least 35 feet from any rear property lines. All outdoor storage areas and off-street parking lots shall be set back at least 25 feet from any rear lot lines.
Required buffer. Where LI-zoned land adjoins residentially or institutionally zoned lands, land in residential use or land in institutional use, landscape screening in accordance with this section is required. A comprehensive landscape plan which mitigates objectionable visual, noise and odor elements of the industrial land uses shall be approved by the Zoning Officer in conjunction with subdivision or land development approval or prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Such landscape plan shall include the design elements listed below and be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All plant material shall conform to AAN standards. The following dimensional and performance standards shall apply as minimum standards for compliance with this section.
Setbacks required. Where any land or use in the LI - Limited Industrial District adjoins land within a residential or institutional district, land in residential use or land in institutional use, a seventy-five-foot setback for buildings, structures, dumpsters, outdoor storage areas, and off-street loading areas shall be required. In addition, off-street parking lots shall be set back at least 50 feet from adjoining residentially or institutionally zoned properties, land in residential use or land in institutional use.
Required multi-level screening: Within the setback areas created by the standards of this section, the following screening requirements shall be applied:
Required low-level visual screens. (The alternate standards listed below may be used in combination to achieve a total height of four feet or individually to achieve the required screen height as alternatives.)
Solid visual barrier (low level). May consist of a combination of site grading, earth mounding, decorative fencing, or masonry walls, provided a solid visual barrier to a height of four feet above finished grade of industrial parking, loading and driveway areas.
Plant material screen (low level). May consist of mixture of narrow and broad leaf evergreen and deciduous plant material arranged in a massed planting scheme capable of providing a visual screen to a height of four feet above finished grade of industrial parking, loading and driveway areas. As a minimum, plant material shall be placed in two staggered rows at a maximum of five feet on center. Upright plant material shall be installed at a minimum height of 24 inches. Plant material shall be capable of forming a year-round dense visual screen.
Required high-level screens. These standards are to be utilized in combination with the low-level screening standards to achieve the required multi-level visual screen. The following solid and plant material screen standards (including existing vegetation) may be used singly or in combination. The solid visual barrier is mandatory at the locations noted.
Solid visual barrier (high level). Shall consist of masonry, wood or a combination of masonry, wood or other durable decorative fencing material providing a solid visual barrier sufficient to shield from view objects in the industrial area to a minimum height of six feet. A solid visual barrier is required as an element of the required multi-level screen at industrial outdoor storage, waste and/or recyclable products storage and waste and/or recyclable material container locations.
Plant material screen (high level). Shall consist of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous plant material arranged in a varied planting scheme sufficient to shield from view objects in the industrial area from a height of four feet to a height of 20 feet. As a minimum, plant material shall be placed in two staggered rows at a spacing of not more than 1/2 the mature height. Upright evergreen plant material shall be installed a minimum height of four feet to five feet. Minimum caliper size for deciduous material shall be 1 1/2 inches for specimen or flowering plant material with mature height of less than 20 feet. Minimum caliper size for deciduous plant material with mature height in excess of 20 feet shall be 2 1/2 inches.
Provision for preservation of existing natural vegetation. Existing trees and vegetated areas shall be protected to prevent unnecessary destruction. Existing trees may be incorporated into the landscape plan to meet requirements for screening. At least 25% of the number of trees (minimum trunk caliper of six inches) that exist at a time of plan submission shall be preserved or replaced. Replacement trees shall be minimum two-inch caliper and of equivalent indigenous species. Natural vegetative cover may be re-established in appropriate areas in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
Accessory recreation uses. These facilities can be developed in any side or rear yard to within 50 feet of any property line. Passive recreation facilities, including bike paths and walking paths, may be developed within the front, side and rear yard setback lines.
The height of any principal structure, or any accessory structure, shall not exceed 40 feet, except that this maximum height may be increased to not greater than 75 feet by special exception granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the requirements of Article XXVIII of this chapter. All structures (except permitted signs) shall be set back a distance at least equal to their height from all property lines. Provided, however, that if the lot is adjacent to a residential or institutional district, land in residential use or land in institutional use, the minimum yard dimension for the yard immediately adjoining the residential district shall be increased by two feet for every foot of building over 40 feet. This increase shall be in addition to all other minimum yard dimensions set forth in § 250-98.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as specified in Article XXI of this chapter.
Signs shall be permitted as specified in Article XXII of this chapter.
The subject tract or park site, in the case of an industrial park, shall front on or gain access from either an arterial, major collector, or minor collector road as identified in the East Hanover Township Comprehensive Plan, or a street in a proposed subdivision or land development plan which conforms to prevailing arterial or collector street design and improvement requirements. In the case of a proposed subdivision of lots not involving a planned industrial/business park, common access drives shall be utilized to minimize the number of access points onto adjacent roads. All access drives shall be designed and constructed in accordance with § 250-210 of this chapter.
A comprehensive landscape plan that provides a coordinated overall planting and landscape effect, and demonstrated compliance with the provisions of this chapter, is required for development within the LI - Limited Industrial District. Such landscape plan shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any portion of the site not used for buildings, structures, parking lots, loading areas, outdoor storage areas, passive recreation facilities, and sidewalks shall be maintained with a vegetative ground cover and other ornamental plantings.
Dumpsters may be permitted within the side or rear yard, provided such dumpsters are screened from any adjoining roads or properties. All waste receptacles shall be completely enclosed. Dumpsters shall be set back a minimum of 75 feet from any adjoining residentially zoned properties and shall be screened in accordance with the provisions of § 250-98 of this chapter.
The supplementary district regulations in Article XIX shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements for this district.
All industrial activities shall be subject to the conditions listed in § 250-189, Operation and performance standards, of this chapter. In addition, an applicant proposing a manufacturing and/or laboratory use shall provide a detailed description of the proposed use in each of the following topics:
The nature of the on-site processing operations, the materials used in the process, the products produced, and the generation and methods for disposal of any by-products. In addition the applicant shall furnish evidence that the disposal of materials will be accomplished in a manner that complies with state and federal regulations; and
Any environmental impacts that are likely to be generated (e.g., noise, smoke, dust, litter, glare, vibration, electrical disturbance, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, etc.) and specific measures employed to mitigate or eliminate any negative impacts. The applicant shall further furnish evidence that the impacts generated by the proposed use fall within acceptable levels as regulated by applicable laws and ordinances and commonly accepted standards.
Storage shall be permitted outdoors, but the items stored shall not be visible from a public right-of-way. Outdoor storage within 500 feet of a residential or institutional district boundary, land in residential use or land in institutional use shall be effectively screened from view of any adjacent residential or institutional use. Screening shall consist of evergreen plantings, architectural screen, or approved safety fence, in accordance with the requirements of § 250-98.
No storage shall be permitted within the front yard of any lot.
Outside storage of raw materials and/or finished products shall be permitted only within the buildable area of the lot to the rear of the front building wall of the principal building, and shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
All organic refuse or garbage shall be stored in tight, vermin-proof containers. In multiple-family, commercial, industrial and other nonresidential developments, garbage storage shall be centralized to expedite collection and enclosed on three sides by architectural screen or plantings.
No flammable or explosive liquids, solids or gases shall be stored in bulk above ground, except for tanks of fuel 1) directly connected to energy or heating devices or 2) used in conjunction with active agricultural or construction activities. A list of such liquids, solids or gases stored on site shall be supplied to the appropriate fire companies serving the Township.
Applicable nonresidential developments shall comply with the traffic impact studies requirements of the Lebanon County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
The environmental and energy requirements in Article XX shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements for this district.