Minimum lot area, as defined in Section 1.1 for lots that do
not abut Town-owned open space of 200 or more acres
20 acres
Minimum lot area, as defined in Section 1.1, for lots that abut
Town-owned open space of 200 or more acres
11 acres
Contiguous open space
25% of gross parcel area
Minimum Lot depth
125 feet
Minimum lot width
150 feet
Maximum building height
30 feet
Front building setback
When the parcel adjoins or abuts a single-family district, this
setback shall be 1 1/2 times the setback of the underlying district.
Where the applicant's property line abuts an open space or recreational
area, the setback shall be as required in the underlying district.
Side building setback
When the parcel adjoins or abuts a single-family district, this
setback shall be two times the setback of the underlying district.
Where the applicant's property line abuts an open space or recreational
area, the setback shall be as required in the underlying district.
Rear building setback
When the parcel adjoins or abuts a single-family district, this
setback shall be two times the setback of the underlying district.
Where the applicant's property line abuts an open space or recreational
area, the setback shall be as required in the underlying district.
20-acre minimum
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Setback between buildings
20 feet
Maximum community building area
3,500 square feet
Maximum building coverage
15% of lot area
Maximum impervious area
30% of lot area
Maximum density
2.0 units per acre of lot
Area Parking
Two per dwelling unit and six per 1,000 square feet of community
building and visitor parking
11-acre minimum
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Setback between buildings
25 feet
Maximum community building area
3,500 square feet
Maximum building coverage
15% of lot area
Maximum impervious area
25% of lot area
Maximum density area
1.75 units per acre of lot
Maximum size of units
2,100 square feet
Two per dwelling unit and six per 1,000 square feet of community
building and visitor parking
Lot Area square feet
Min. Lot Width
Min. Lot Depth
Min. Front Yard
Min. Side Yard
Min. Rear Yard
Max Bldg. Cov
Max Bldg. Hgt.
150 feet
125 feet
40 feet
35 feet
35 feet
30 feet
100 feet
125 feet
30 feet
20 feet
35 feet
30 feet
100 feet
90 feet
25 feet
12 feet
30 feet
30 feet
60 feet
90 feet
20 feet
10 feet
25 feet
30 feet
Minimum lot area
200,000 square feet
Lot shape
A square 400 x 400 to fit on lot
Minimum lot width
400 feet
Minimum lot depth
450 feet
Minimum front yard
50 feet
Minimum side yard
75 feet
Minimum rear yard
100 feet
Maximum building height
15 feet, one story
Maximum building coverage
0.5% (1/2 of 1%)
Maximum impervious area
0.5% (1/2 of 1%)
Minimum open space