[1968 Code § 74-17]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean any dwelling in which one or more persons are lodged and served with meals for a consideration, provided, however, the boarding of relatives by blood or marriage of the owner or occupant of such dwelling shall not come within its terms.
Shall mean any place where furnished rooms are rented to one or more persons for a consideration, provided, however, the lodging of relatives by blood or marriage of the owner or occupant of such dwelling shall not come within its terms.
[1968 Code § 74-18]
No person shall engage in the business of keeping a boarding house or lodging house, hotel or motel as defined in Section BH6-1 of this chapter without making application in writing to the Board of Health for a permit to conduct same. The application shall state the name and address of the owner of the premises, the name of the occupant who will conduct such boarding house or lodging house, hotel or motel, the location of the premises in which the business will be conducted, the number of rooms to be occupied by boarders, lodgers or guests, and the dimensions of each room. The Board of Health will cause an investigation to be made of the premises, and if in its opinion the premises are considered suitable for such a business, will authorize its Secretary to issue a permit. The permit may be revoked at any time when, in the judgment of the Board, the sanitary requirements are not being met, or upon the conviction of the person holding such permit, of a violation of any of the Borough's ordinances or Health Code in relation to the business. The fee of the permit shall be $10 per year, which fee shall accompany the application and will expire on December 31.
[1968 Code § 74-19]
The keeping of any boarding house or other house, or building or any part thereof, in such state of uncleanliness, or the crowding of persons in any building or room in such manner, as to endanger the health of persons dwelling therein, or so that there shall be less than 400 cubic feet of airspace for each adult and 100 cubic feet of air-space for each child under 12 years of age occupying such building, is hereby declared to be a nuisance.