[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5300; Ord. #1367; Ord. #2062, § 1; Ord. #2071, § 2]
Subject to the amendments, deletions, and additions set forth in this Chapter, the Public Health Code (Ordinance No. 7583) of the County of Los Angeles, including rules and regulations of the County Health Department, as altered and amended and shown in the Public Health Code, is adopted as the Public Health Code of the City of Compton for the protection of the public health in the City of Compton. In adopting the "Health and Safety Code of the County of Los Angeles," the same being Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, and the "Public Health Licenses Code of the County of Los Angeles," the same being Division 1 of Title 8 of the Los Angeles County Code, the City of Compton adopts by reference all amendments adopted by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors which pertain to the Public Health Code, subject to certain amendments, additions and deletions as may hereinafter be provided.
At least one copy of the Health Code shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk and shall be maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the public.
In the event any provision of Title 8 or Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code referenced above conflicts with any provision of the Compton Municipal Code now or hereinafter enacted, the provision of the Compton Municipal Code shall prevail over the conflicting County Code provisions.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5301]
The following rules shall govern the interpretation of said Health Code:
Whenever the word "County", or any abbreviation thereof, appears in said Health Code, it shall be interpreted and deemed to mean the word "City".
Whenever the words "Los Angeles" or any abbreviation thereof, appear in said Health Code, they shall be interpreted and deemed to mean the word "Compton".
Whenever there is a conflict between any of the provisions of said Health Code and other laws of the City heretofore or hereafter adopted relating specifically to the same subject matter, the latter shall prevail.
The definition or regulation of any activity, condition, or structure in said Health Code shall not be interpreted or deemed to permit or allow the conduct of any such activity, or the construction or maintenance of any such condition or structure, as may be otherwise prohibited or restricted by any other laws of the City heretofore or hereafter adopted.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5302]
Section 385 is hereby added to said Health Code to read as follows:
Sec. 385. Enclosure of Food Establishments. All public eating places, food establishments, and slaughterhouses shall be completely enclosed on all sides.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5303]
Section 608 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 608. Domestic Animals. It shall be unlawful to keep or maintain a premise, yard, coop, or building in which fowl or animals are maintained in a foul or unsanitary condition.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5304]
Section 801 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 801. Dwelling Defined. A building or portion thereof designed for or occupied exclusively for residential purposes, including one-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings, but not including hotels, motels, and boarding and lodging houses.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5305]
Section 802 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 802. Family Defined. An individual, or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than five persons, excluding servants, who are not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5306]
Section 804 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 804. Dwelling Unit Defined. Two or more rooms in a dwelling or apartment hotel designed for or occupied by one family for living or sleeping purposes and having only one kitchen.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5307]
Section 810 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 810. Apartment House Defined. A building or portion thereof occupied, designed, built, or rented exclusively for residential purposes by three or more families living independently of each other.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5308]
Section 812 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 812. Hotel Defined. A building designated for or occupied by individuals who are lodged with or without meals in which there are six or more guest rooms and in which no provision is made for cooking in any individual room or suite. Hotel shall include any lodging house, rooming house, dormitory, Turkish bath, bachelor hotel, studio hotel, public club, and private club, whether rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise. Hotel shall not include any jail, hospital, asylum, sanitarium, orphanage, prison, rest home, detention home, mental convalescent home, or other building in which human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint or in which human beings are maintained under convalescent, mental, or nursing care.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5309]
Section 851 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 851. Institution Defined. When the work institution is used alone in this section it shall mean and include homes for the aged, rest homes, mental convalescent homes, mental institutions, private or parochial boarding schools, colleges, day nurseries, day schools, private or parochial day schools and colleges, children's boarding homes.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5310]
Section 853 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 853. Mental Institution Defined. Any hospital, asylum, sanitarium, or other place receiving or caring for one or more insane, allegedly insane, mentally ill, mentally retarded, alcoholic, epileptic, or mentally incompetent persons. Any place or facility limiting care to juveniles below the age of eight years or to persons of any age having cerebral palsy shall be specifically excluded from this definition.
[Added by Ord. #1317, § 5311]
Section 855 of said Health Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 855. Day Nursery School Defined. Any establishment providing day or hourly care for children under six years of age, but shall not include any day nursery maintained by any public school.