[Ord. #856, § 9200]
In order to provide for the safety, comfort, convenience, and welfare of residents and property owners of the City, setback lines may be established by the Council along any portion of any street or any other public thoroughfare. The setback lines shall be initiated according to the provisions of this Chapter. The Council may, on its own initiative, establish a setback line on any street or any other public thoroughfare, the setback lines to be established by ordinance.
[Added by Ord. #1256, § 9200.1]
As used in this Chapter:
Shall mean a line established by the Council in accordance with sections hereafter contained, between which and the established street line no structure may be built. The location of such a setback line may be determined by a distance from the front line of the lot, the distance from an established street line, or a distance from the City Engineer's official center line.
[Amended by Ord. #1256, § 9201]
Proceedings for the establishing of setback lines along any portion of any street, or any other public thoroughfare, may be initiated by petition in the following manner:
A petition may be filed with the Council asking that the setback lines be established; such petition to submit plans, or sketches, with descriptions designating the streets, or portions of streets, or any other public thoroughfares, along which such setback lines are sought to be established, and the distance of the setback line from the established property line, street line, or official center line of street as established by the City Engineer. The Council shall thereupon instigate an investigation of such petition through the City Manager, and, in case there is a City Planning Commission, it shall be referred to the City Planning Commission for investigation and report. Such report shall be had not less than two weeks from the time the petition has been filed. Upon consideration of such petition, which shall take due account of the public peace, health, safety, convenience, and welfare of the community, the Council may in its discretion establish such a setback line beyond which no building shall be erected or constructed.
[Ord. #859, § 9202]
Before ordering the establishment of any setback line authorized by this Chapter, the Council shall pass a resolution of intention so to do, designating the setback line proposed to be established, which resolution shall be published once in a daily newspaper published and circulated in the City and designated by the City Council for the purpose, and one copy of the resolution shall be posted conspicuously upon the street in front of each block or part of block of any street, public way or place where such setback line is proposed to be established. Such resolution shall contain also a notice of the day, hour and place when and where any and all persons having any objection to the establishment of the proposed setback line may appear before the Council and present any objection which they may have to the proposed setback line as set forth in the resolution of intention. The time of hearing shall not be less than 15 nor more than 40 days from the date of the adoption of the resolution of intention; and publication and posting of the resolution shall be made at least 10 days before the time of the hearing.
[Ord. #859, § 9203]
After the adoption of the resolution of intention, and prior to the time the ordinance establishing a setback line in such proceedings becomes effective, no building permit shall be issued for the erection of any building or structure between any proposed setback line and the street lines, and any permit so issued shall be void.
[Ord. #859, § 9204]
At any time not later than the hour set for hearing objections and protests to the establishment of the proposed setback line any person having any interest in any land upon which the setback line is proposed to be established, may file with the City Clerk a written protest or objection against the establishment of said setback line designated in the resolution of intention. Such protest must be in writing and be delivered to the Clerk not later than the hour set for hearing, and no other protests or objections shall be considered. All protestants may appear before the Council at the hearing, either in person or by counsel, and be heard in support of their protests or objections. At the time set for hearing, or at any time to which the hearing may be continued, the Council shall proceed to hear and pass upon all protests or objections so made and its decision shall be final and conclusive. The Council shall have power and jurisdiction to sustain any protest or objection and abandon the proceeding, or to deny any and all protests or objections, and order by ordinance the establishment of the setback line described in the resolution of intention, or to order the same established with such changes or modifications as the Council may deem proper.
[Amended by Ord. #976; Ord. #1170, § 9205]
From and after the taking effect of such ordinance establishing any setback line and as to all setback lines established by this Code, no person shall construct any building, wall, fence, or other structure within the space between the front property line and the setback line, so established, and the Building Department shall refuse to issue any permit for any building or structure to be erected within such space.
[Ord. #856, §§ 9206.7, 9206.17; Ord. #905, § 9206.11; Ord. #928, §§ 9206.12 — 9206.15; Ord. #1049; Ord. #1052, § 9206.16; Ord. #1089; Ord. #1091; Ord. #1150, § 9206.18; Ord. #1179, § 9206.19; Ord. #1215; Ord. #1222, § 9206.20; Ord. #1258; Ord. #1262; Ord. #1298, § 9206.21; Ord. #1357; Ord. #1358, § 9206.22; Ord. #1360, § 9206.23]
The public peace, health, safety, comfort and convenience, interest and welfare requires the establishment of the following setback lines.
Along Tamarind Street in the City between the north line of Compton Boulevard and the south line of Rosecrans Avenue, a line to be known and designated as a setback line is hereby established on each side of Tamarind Street between Compton Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue as follows, to wit:
On the east and west sides of Tamarind Street at a minimum distance of 36.5 feet from the following described center lines: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Compton Boulevard with a line drawn 26.5 feet at right angles from and parallel with the westerly line of Tamarind Street as shown on map of Wright's Addition to the Town of Compton, recorded in Book 7, Page 55 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence northerly along said parallel line and its northerly prolongation to an intersection with the center line of Poplar Street as shown on map of Tract No. 3765, recorded in Book 41, Page 88 and 89 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County; thence northerly in a direct line to the intersection of the center line of Elm Street with a line drawn 23 feet at right angles from and parallel with the westerly line of Tamarind Street, all as shown on said map of Tract No. 3765; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to its intersection with the center line of Rosecrans Avenue as shown on map of said Tract No. 3765.
On both sides of East Compton Boulevard from east city limits to Alameda Street, a distance of 12 feet. On both sides of Palm Street from Alameda Street to Willowbrook Avenue, a distance of five feet. On both sides of Magnolia Street from Alameda Street to Willowbrook Avenue, a distance of five feet. On the north side of Rosecrans Avenue from the east City limits to the west City limits, a distance of 40 feet from the center line of Rosecrans Avenue. On the south side of Rosecrans Avenue from the east City limits to the west City limits, a distance of 40 feet from the center line of Rosecrans Avenue.
Along Compton Boulevard in the City, between Alameda Street and Willowbrook Avenue, a line to be known and designated as a setback line is hereby established on each side of Compton Boulevard between Alameda Street and Willowbrook Avenue as follows, to wit:
On the north side of Compton Boulevard, at a minimum distance of 35 feet, and on the south side of Compton Boulevard, a minimum distance of 43 feet from the official line of Compton Boulevard.
Along Compton Boulevard between the west City limits and the east City limits, a setback line is hereby established on each side of Compton Boulevard between the following points, to wit:
Between the west City limits and the west line of the west roadway of Willowbrook Avenue, at a minimum distance of 40 feet from the official center line of Compton Boulevard; between the east line of Alameda Street to the west line of Long Beach Boulevard, at a minimum distance of 50 feet from the official center line of Compton Boulevard; between the east line of Long Beach Boulevard and the west line of Bowen Avenue on the north, at a minimum distance of 40 feet from the official center line; and between the east line of Bowen Avenue and east City limits on the north and between the east line of Long Beach Boulevard to the east City limits on the south, at a minimum distance of 50 feet from the official center line of Compton Boulevard.
Along Long Beach Boulevard between the north City limits and the south City limits, a setback line is hereby established on each side of Long Beach Boulevard between the north City limits and the south City limits as follows, to wit:
On the west side of Long Beach Boulevard, at a minimum distance of 50 feet, and on the east side of Long Beach Boulevard, at a minimum distance of 50 feet from the official center line.
Along Rosecrans Avenue between the westerly boundary line and the easterly boundary line of the City, a setback line is hereby established on each side of Rosecrans Avenue between the above described boundaries as follows, to wit:
On the north side of Rosecrans Avenue, at a minimum distance of 50 feet, and on the south side of Rosecrans Avenue, at a minimum distance of 50 feet from the official center line of Rosecrans Avenue.
Along the easterly and westerly sides of Acacia Avenue from the northerly line of Alondra Boulevard, 90 feet wide, and the southerly line of Compton Boulevard, 80 feet wide, setback lines are established as follows, to wit:
On the easterly side, a line that is parallel with and distant 20 feet easterly, measured at right angles from the easterly line of Acacia Avenue (formerly Acacia Street) 60 feet wide, as said avenue is shown on the map of the Town of Compton Tract, recorded in Book 11, Page 68 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County.
On the westerly side, a line that is parallel with and distant 20 feet westerly, measured at right angles from the westerly line of Acacia Avenue (formerly Acacia Street) 60 feet wide, as said avenue is shown on the map of the Town of Compton Tract, recorded in Book 11, Page 68 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County.
Along Palmer Avenue between the easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right-of-way and the westerly line of Crane Street, a building line is hereby established on each side of Palmer Avenue between the above described boundaries as follows, to wit:
On the north side of Palmer Avenue from the easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right-of-way to the westerly line of Crane Street, at a minimum distance of 45 feet, and on the south side of Palmer Avenue from the easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right-of-way to the westerly line of Crane Street, at a minimum distance of 45 feet from the official center line of Palmer Avenue.
Along the east roadway of Alameda Street, a setback line is hereby established along the east side of the east roadway of Alameda Street as follows, to wit:
A line parallel to and distant easterly 61 feet, measured at right angles, from the easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right-of-way extending from the northerly boundary of the City to the southerly boundary of the City.
Along El Segundo Boulevard, from Central Avenue to the west side of Wilmington Avenue on the north half of said El Segundo Boulevard and from the west side of Central Avenue to a point 198 feet east of the east side of Wilmington Avenue on the south half of said El Segundo Boulevard, setback lines are hereby established along the above described portion of El Segundo Boulevard as follows, to wit:
A line drawn parallel to and distant northerly measured at right angles 50 feet from the center line of said El Segundo Boulevard and extending from the easterly line of Central Avenue to the westerly line of Wilmington Avenue.
A line parallel to and distant southerly 50 feet measured at right angles from the center line of said El Segundo Boulevard extending from the east line of Central Avenue to the now existent easterly boundary of the City located approximately 198 feet easterly of the east line of Wilmington Avenue.
A setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point in the northerly City limits of the City, as said City limits exist, approximately 200 feet north of the north line of Olive Street, said point being distant easterly 50 feet measured at right angles from that certain line shown on County Surveyor's Map No. B 1822 as being center line per C.S. 8572-2, CSB 686-3, CF 1683, Tract No. 5810; thence southerly in a straight line parallel with the last mentioned center line to a point of intersection with the easterly line of Atlantic Avenue, said easterly line being a curve concave to the northeast.
Along the westerly side of Bullis Road, a line to be known and designated as a setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Rosecrans Avenue, distant westerly thereon 40.01 feet from the point of intersection of said southerly line with the center line of Bullis Road; thence southerly parallel to said center line to a point of intersection with the northerly line of Compton Boulevard.
A line parallel with and 13 1/2 feet westerly, measured at right angles from the west line of Bullis Road, 33 feet wide, said Bullis Road is identified as Temple Street and shown on Map of Tract 2288, recorded in Book 30, Page 13 of Maps, records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; said parallel line shall be prolonged northerly to a point of intersection with the southerly line of Compton Boulevard, and southerly to a point of intersection with the northerly line of Alondra Boulevard.
Along the easterly and westerly sides of Santa Fe Avenue, lines to be known as setback lines are hereby established as follows, to wit:
Those certain lines lying 50 feet easterly and westerly of and measured at right angles from that certain center line of Santa Fe Avenue shown on County Surveyor's Map No. B-1864 and where said center line is curved, then 50 feet on either side of said center line measured along a radius of said curve or said radius prolonged.
Along Alondra Boulevard between the east and west City limits, a line to be known as a setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
On the south side between Grandee Avenue and Dwight Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 50 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the City Engineer's official center line.
On the north side a line parallel with and northerly 45 feet, measured at right angles from the City Engineer's official center line, from Wilmington Avenue to a point which is 216.20 feet, measured along said line from its intersection with the center line of Central Avenue; thence southwesterly along a tangent curve concave to the south having a radius of 950 feet, to a point of intersection with the easterly line of Central Avenue.
On the north side, from Wilmington Avenue to the east City limits, a line which is parallel to and distant northerly 50 feet, measured at right angles from the above mentioned center line.
On the south side, from Wilmington Avenue to the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 23, Tract 12290, a line which is parallel to and distant southerly 50 feet, measured at right angles from said center line.
Along Wilmington Avenue between the north City limits and the south City limits, a line to be known as a setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
On the west side of the street from the south City limits to Greenleaf Boulevard and from Alondra Boulevard to the north City limits a line parallel with and distant westerly 50 feet, measured at right angles, from the City Engineer's official center line.
On the east side a line parallel with and distant easterly 50 feet, measured at right angles, from the above mentioned center line.
Along the north side of 156th Street between Central Avenue and Compton Avenue, a line to be known as designated as a setback line is hereby established, to wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the north line of 156th Street and the east line of Central Avenue (90 feet wide) as shown on the map of Tract 21983; thence north 11°11'40" west along the northerly prolongation of said easterly line 45.36 feet to the point of beginning; thence south 50°46'42" east 38.53 feet to a line parallel with and distant northerly 20 feet, measured at right angles from said northerly line of 156th Street; thence north 89°38'15" east along said northerly line 1,359.32 feet to the westerly line of Compton Avenue (30 feet wide) as shown on said map.
Along the westerly side of Harbor Avenue, a line to be known and designated as a setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
On the westerly side of Harbor Avenue between the northerly line of Artesia Boulevard and the common boundary of the City of Compton and the City of Long Beach, a line parallel to and distant westerly 40 feet from the center line of Harbor Avenue.
Along the westerly side of Alhambra Avenue, a line to be known and designated as a setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
A line parallel with and distant westerly 15 feet measured at right angles from the easterly line of Lots 17 and 16, Block 11, and Lots 6, 7, and 9 of Block 10 of Belle Vernon Acres Tract, as shown on map thereof recorded in Book 9, Page 196 of Maps Records in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, California.
Along the north side of Stockwell Street from the westerly line of Wilmington Avenue to the first alley west thereof, said setback line being a line along the north side of Stockwell Street, beginning at a point of intersection of the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 10, Tract 22893, as shown on the map thereof recorded in Book 637, Page 73 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, with the easterly line of that certain twenty-foot alley shown on said map; thence easterly parallel with and 35.22 feet northerly of the northerly line of Stockwell Street, as shown on map of Tract 13902 recorded in Book 321, Page 26 of Maps in the office of said County Recorder, to a point which is 15 feet westerly measured along said parallel line, from its intersection with the setback line for Wilmington Avenue as set forth in paragraph o of Section 29-8 of this Code; thence northeasterly 21.19 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the last referred to setback line, said point being northerly along said setback line 15 feet from its point of intersection with that line first herein described as being parallel with the northerly line of said Tract 13902.
Along the southerly side of Poppy Street, a line to be known and designated as a setback line is hereby established as follows, to wit:
A line parallel with and distant southerly 70 feet, measured at right angles from the northerly line of Poppy Street and its easterly prolongation to the easterly line of Short Street, as said streets are shown on map of Tract 6108, recorded in Book 68, Page 3 of Maps, records in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California.
On both sides of the center line of Palmer Street between Alameda Street (West Roadway) and Willowbrook Avenue (West Roadway) setback lines are hereby established as lines lying parallel with and distant 50 feet, measured at right angles, from the following described center line of Palmer Street, to wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Alameda Street, 45 feet wide, with the westerly prolongation of a line that is parallel with and distant 40 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northerly line of Palmer Street (formerly Terebinth Street) as shown on Map of Tract No. 5085, recorded in Book 59, Page 80 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County; thence south 89°48'30" west a distance of 213.36 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 500 feet; thence along said curve, through a central angle of 20°19'42" a distance of 177.40 feet to a tangent line; thence south 69°28'48" west along said tangent line a distance of 538.86 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the northwest and having a radius of 500 feet; thence along said curve, through a central angle of 20°27'40", a distance of 178.56 feet to a tangent line, said tangent line being the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of School Street, 50 feet wide, as said street is shown on map of Tract 2491 recorded in Book 27, Page 2 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County; thence south 89°56'28" west along said easterly prolongation a distance of 101.35 feet more or less, to the intersection of said northerly line of School Street with the westerly line of Willowbrook Avenue, formerly Wilmington Street, 35 feet wide, as shown on above mentioned Tract 2491.
Along the northerly and southerly lines of Laurel Street from the easterly line of Acacia Avenue, 60 feet wide, to the westerly line of Alameda Street, 71 feet wide, setback lines are established as follows, to wit:
On the northerly side, a line, that is parallel with and distant 20 feet northerly, measured at right angles from the northerly line of Laurel Street, 60 feet wide, as said street is shown on the map of the Town of Compton Tract, recorded in Book 11, Page 68 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County.
On the southerly side, a line that is parallel with and distant 20 feet southerly, measured at right angles from the southerly line of Laurel Street, 60 feet wide, as said street is shown on the map of the Town of Compton Tract, recorded in Book 11, Page 68 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County.
Along the northerly and southerly sides of Greenleaf Boulevard, lines to be known and designated as setback lines are hereby established as follows, to wit:
On the south side between the easterly line of Central Avenue and the westerly line of Wilmington Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 40 feet southerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-2.
On the south side between the easterly line of Wilmington Avenue and the westerly line of Oleander Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 50 feet southerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-2.
On the north side beginning at a point 26.58 feet northerly along the westerly line of Lot 222, Tract 1473, from the southwest corner of said Tract, said line also being the easterly line of Wilmington Avenue; thence easterly on a straight line to a point on the easterly line of Lot 222, said point being 20 feet measured northerly along said easterly line from the southeast corner of said lot; thence easterly on a line parallel with and distant 20 feet northerly, measured at right angles from the southerly line of Tract No. 1473, to the easterly line of Lot 231 of said Tract, said line also being the westerly line of Center Avenue.
On the north side between the easterly line of Center Avenue and the westerly line of Oleander Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 20 feet northerly measured at right angles from the southerly line of Tract No. 1473.
On the north side between a point 14.70 feet easterly of the easterly line of Willowbrook Avenue (East Roadway) and the westerly line of Bentley Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 30 feet northerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-2.
On the north side between the easterly line of Bentley Avenue and the westerly line of Tamarind Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 30 feet northerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-2.
On the north side between the easterly line of Tamarind Avenue and a point 16.99 feet westerly of the westerly line of Alameda Street (West Roadway), a line parallel with and distant 30 feet northerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-2.
On the south side between the easterly line of Alameda Street (East Roadway) and the westerly line of Santa Fe Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 40 feet southerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940.2
On the south side between the easterly line of Santa Fe Avenue and the westerly line of Tartar Lane, a line parallel with and distant 40 feet southerly, measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-2.
On the south side between the easterly line of Tartar Lane and the easterly boundary of the City of Compton, said boundary being approximately 220 feet westerly or the westerly line of Delta Avenue, a line parallel with and distant 45 feet southerly measured at right angles from the line shown as "Adopted Line" on County Surveyor's Map No. 8940-1 and 8940-2.
On the north side beginning at a point on the westerly side of Lot 208, Tract No. 13960, said point being 5.01 feet, measured northerly along said line from the southwest corner of Lot 208; thence easterly on a straight line to the southwest end of the fifteen-foot radius curve at the southeast corner of said lot.