Editor's Note: For statutory provisions regarding the hiring and promotional practices of municipal employees, see Gov. Code §§ 50084, 50085, also see § 8310 regarding applications for employment noting race, sex or marital status. For statutory provisions granting power to City Council to prescribe the time and method of paying salaries and wages, see Gov. Code §§ 37206 — 37208. For statutory provisions authorizing Cities to establish personnel or civil service systems, see Gov. Code § 45000 et seq.
[Ord. #856, § 2210]
All employees of the City who have been or shall be called into, or shall volunteer for, the army, naval, marine, or other military service branch of the United States shall be given an indefinite leave of absence from their employment and shall, during such period of service, retain all of their Civil Service and seniority rights. Such employees so called into such service shall, upon the completion thereof, be reinstated to their former positions or offices and to their former Civil Service standing and seniority provided:
An application for reinstatement shall be made within three months after the date of discharge or release from such service; and
Such employee is physically and mentally able to perform the duties required by such position or office. No such employee shall be entitled to reinstatement unless he has been honorably discharged or released from such service.
[Added by Ord. #1484, § 2230]
Every person not employed by the City on September 4, 1975, who is appointed in any manner to a position in the City service, shall reside, on the date of such appointment, and shall continue to reside during the entire period of such employment, within a seven mile radius of the new Compton City Hall presently under construction in the 200 Block South on Willowbrook Avenue in the City of Compton.
[Ord. #856, §§ 2220 — 2220.1; Ord. #1026; Ord. #1410, eff. July 1, 1972]
The salary of the classification of the Compton Civil Service System, from which regular appointments may be made, shall be established in accordance with the Salary Schedule of the City.
Salary Schedule shall be established by resolution of the Council.
Basic Five-Step Salary Schedule. The Salary Schedule established by the Council shall consist of a sequence of ranges, with each range containing five steps. The steps in each range shall be designated "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E". Step "A" shall identify the minimum amount of compensation which shall be the minimum amount in the range. Step "B" shall identify an amount greater than Step "A"; Step "C" shall be greater than Step "B"; Step "D" shall be greater than Step "C"; and Step "E" shall be greater than Step "D". Each step in a range shall relate to each other step in the range so as to provide an equitable progression in compensation from Step "A" through Step "E".
The ranges shall be ordered such that the range with the least amount of compensation for Step "A" shall be designated Range 1, and Range 2 shall be the range with the next lowest compensation prescribed for Step "A", and Range 3 shall be the range with the next lowest amount of compensation prescribed for Step "A". This pattern for the order of ranges shall be continued until all ranges have been placed in proper sequence. The relationship between ranges shall be such that there is an equitable progression in compensation from Range 1 through the highest range.
All amounts of compensation in all steps and in all ranges shall be related to each other so that there is a consistent and identifiable pattern to the Basic Five-Step Schedule.
[Ord. #856, § 2221; Ord. #1026]
Each officer and employee in the service of the City (other than those whose compensation is otherwise fixed by Charter, ordinance, or resolution) shall be entitled to receive, and there shall be paid to him, for his services the applicable rate of compensation shown in the Basic Five-Step Salary Schedule prescribed for the range in which his position is allocated.
[Ord. #856, § 2222; Ord. #1026]
On and after December 16, 1950, in case of original appointment to any position coming within the purview of the Basic Five-Step Salary Schedule, the beginning rate of compensation shall be the minimum step; provided, however, the beginning rate of compensation for such original appointment may be fixed by the City Manager at any one of the steps within the range to which such position is allocated if he shall find that the person appointed thereto, because of his experience and ability, is reasonably entitled to a rate above the minimum, or if he shall find that it is impossible to obtain qualified appointees for such position at the minimum step. In the case of promotional appointment to a position allocated to a higher range, the beginning rate of compensation shall be fixed by the City Manager at a step within such higher range, which step shall represent an increase in compensation for the officer or employee so appointed.
[Ord. #856, § 2223; Ord. #1026; Ord. #1235]
Advancement from one schedule step to another shall be made effective automatically at six month intervals from the anniversary date of the officer or employee affected. "Anniversary date" shall mean the date of the probationary appointment of the officer or employee in the Classified Service of the City.
Hereafter all step increases shall be made effective at the commencement of a regular pay period. An advancement from one scheduled step to another shall occur at the following intervals after due consideration of the increased service value of the employee to the City as determined by his conduct, performance, and length of service and other pertinent facts. Advancements shall be automatic except where the appointing authority or power evidences in writing that there is cause for denial of a salary advancement. The time interval for award of step advancements from the anniversary date of the officer or employee affected shall be:
Step A
Beginning rate
Step B
After 6 months in next lower step
Step C
After 6 months in next lower step
Step D
After 1 year in next lower step
Step E
After 1 year in next lower step
"Anniversary date" is defined to mean the date of the probationary appointment of the officer or employee in the Classified Service of the City.
In such cases wherein an employee shall demonstrate exceptional ability and proficiency, such person may be advanced to the next higher step on recommendation by the appointing authority or power and approval of the City Manager without regard to the minimum length of service provisions contained in this section. Advancements under this section shall not change the employee's anniversary date.
The salary of any employee may be reduced by one or more steps within the salary range upon the recommendation of the appointing authority or power and approval of the City Manager. As respects Department Heads, such discretion shall be vested solely in the City Manager.
The provisions of Subsection 5-3.4 shall be applicable as respects appointments occurring prior to the adoption hereof and shall continue in effect until such time as each such employee is assigned to the Range Number in Paragraph a of this subsection as the same is provided for above in Paragraph a.
[Ord. #856, § 2224; Ord. #1026; amended 9-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2304]
The Council shall, by resolution that is separate from any resolution of the City Council adopting the City's fiscal year budget(s), establish and fix the range for each of the classifications and positions of the City falling within the purview of the Basic Step Salary Schedule. Such resolution shall also establish and fix the compensation for such other officers and employees as may be needed and shall contain such other provisions in regard to standby pay, hourly rates, overtime pay, and related matters as may be necessary to establish a fair and equitable compensation plan for all City employees.
[Ord. #856, § 2225; Ord. #1026; amended 9-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2304]
The Council, by resolution that is separate from any resolution of the City Council adopting the City's fiscal year budget(s), may fix and establish the salary range of any new or different classification or position at any of the salary ranges set forth in the Basic Five-Step Salary Schedule.
[Ord. #856, § 2226; Ord. #1026; amended 9-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2304]
The Council is hereby authorized and empowered to change by resolution, that is separate from any resolution of the City Council adopting the City's fiscal year budget(s), the salary range or ranges for any or all classifications or positions in the City employment to any other salary range or ranges set forth in the Basic Five-Step Salary Schedule.
[Added by Ord. #1192, § 2228]
Pursuant to Section 13522 of Chapter 1 of Title 4, Part 4 of the California Penal Code, the City of Compton, while receiving aid from the State of California pursuant to said Chapter 1, will adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.
[Added by Ord. #1827, § 1]
The City of Compton will adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training for the Public Safety Dispatcher Program while receiving aid from the State of California pursuant to Chapter 1 of Title 4, Part 4 of the California Penal Code.
The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training or its representatives may make such inquiries as deemed appropriate to ascertain that the City of Compton's Police Department public safety dispatcher personnel are adhering to standards for selection and training established by the Commission.
[New; Ord. #1716; Ord. #1748; Ord. #1807; Ord. #2060]
The City of Compton has entered into a contract with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employee's Retirement System.
These contracts and contract amendments are on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
[Ord. #1704, § 1; Ord. #1791, § 1]
The City of Compton shall not permit the hiring of any person as an employee on the basis of consanguinity or favoritism to the appointing authority.
[Ord. #1704, § 2; Ord. #1791, § 1; Ord. #2030, § 1]
No person shall be appointed, promoted, demoted, reemployed, reinstated or transferred to a salaried position in which he/she is directly supervised by or would be the direct supervisor of a member of his/her immediate family. In the event that a direct supervisory relationship is established by marriage, the City Manager shall ascertain whether such an employment relationship would present a conflict of interest between the City and the related employees, and otherwise make a decision as to any appropriate personnel action on an individual case basis.
[Ord. #1704, § 3; Ord. #1791, § 1; Ord. #2030, § 2]
The City Council shall not appoint any person to the position of City Manager if that person is a member of the immediate family of the Mayor or the City Council.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 5-5.4, Conflict of Interest, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 1791 was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 2030.
[Ord. #1791, § 1]
Notwithstanding Subsection 5-5.4, IDB's or loans to individuals or businesses where the City of Compton retains no financial interest or management say so over the business are exempt from this section.
[Ord. #1791, § 1]
This section shall be prospective and not retroactive.
[Ord. #1791, § 1; Ord. #2030, § 4]
IMMEDIATE FAMILY – Shall include the following: spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew.