[Ord. #856, § 2800]
The common Seal of the City is hereby adopted and described as follows: in the margin of the Seal shall appear the words "CITY OF COMPTON, CALIFORNIA." In the center of the Seal shall appear the words "INCORPORATED MAY A.D. 1888."
Editor's Note: For statutory provisions authorizing the City Council to require bonds from City Officials, see Gov. Code §§ 36518 and 36519.
[Added by Ord. #950, § 2801; Ord. #1545]
The following elective officers shall give a faithful performance bond payable to the City, and the condition of such bonds shall be that the surety will be liable for any loss to the City due to the failure of any official duty of the principal, whether of omission or commission, in the following amounts:
City Treasurer: $300,000.
City Clerk: $50,000.
[Added by Ord. #950, § 2801.1]
The City Manager and his staff, the City Controller and his staff, the City Attorney and his staff, subordinates of the City Treasurer, the City Engineer, and the Street Superintendent shall give a fidelity bond, in an amount not less than $5,000, payable to the City, and the condition of such bonds shall be that the surety will be liable for any loss to the City due to the failure of any official duty of the principal, whether of omission or commission.
[Added by Ord. #950, § 2801.2]
All officers and employees not covered by the provisions of this Chapter shall give an honesty bond in an amount not less than $2,500, payable to the City.
[Added by Ord. #950, § 2801.3]
Applications for official bonds shall be signed by the principal, and official bonds shall be signed by the surety. A surety shall be an organization authorized under the laws of the State to act as surety and to issue surety bonds for public officials and employees, and such bonds shall be joint and several.
[Added by Ord. #950, § 2801.4]
Premiums on official bonds shall be paid by the City.
[Added by Ord. #950, § 2801.5]
The City Manager is hereby authorized to place any or all of such officers and employees under one official bond.
Editor's Note: Former subsections 2-24.1 and 2-24.2, prohibiting smoking in City facilities and containing portions of Ordinance Nos. 1520, 1541 and 1844, were repealed in their entirety by Ordinance No. 2225. See Section 7-28 for smoking prohibitions.
[Added by Ord. #1523, § 2802.2]
The general public shall be prohibited from eating and drinking in the following designated areas of the City Hall:
Council Chamber;
Corridors; and
[Added by Ord. #1523, § 2802.3]
Bare feet shall be prohibited in all areas of the Council Chamber and City Hall.
[Added by Ord. #1555, § 2803]
The Council, by resolution, shall establish a records retention schedule for all City records. Such retention schedule shall be in conformance, where applicable, with State and Federal retention/destruction laws. The records retention schedule may be amended as needed by Council resolution, and such amendments shall be incorporated in the original records retention schedule.
Certain City records shall be microfilmed in accordance with the approved records retention schedule. This program shall be mandatory for all City Offices, Departments, and Agencies. Each Department shall appoint a Department Records System Coordinator and notify the Records Management office (City Clerk's office) of such appointment. Each Department shall conduct an annual inventory of all records with the assistance of the Records Management office. During February of each year (for files maintained on a calendar year basis) and during August of each year (for files maintained on a fiscal year basis), each Department shall submit a request for the Records Manager (City Clerk) to destroy obsolete records.
[Added by Ord. #1555, § 2803.1]
The Council, by resolution, shall authorize the City Clerk to destroy certain City records.
[Added by Ord. #1153, § 2900]
Unless otherwise specifically provided in any grant of franchise made by the City of Compton, all Public Utility Franchises granted by the City pursuant to the provisions of Article XV of the Charter of the City shall be subject to and governed by the following provisions of this section.
[Added by Ord. #1153, § 2901]
Whenever the City exercises its reserved right to purchase the property of a public utility pursuant to Section 1505 of the Charter of the City in the absence of an agreement as to the price of such acquisition, such price shall be determined within the provisions of said Section 1505 as follows:
The City may purchase any utility at any time after one year from the date that such franchise becomes effective, by delivering a notice in writing of such intention to purchase, at least six months prior to the date upon which the City proposes to exercise its right to purchase said utility; together with a notice in writing of the intention of the City to purchase and take over the property of such utility at the date fixed for the purchase of the utility, upon the payment by the City, to grantee owning such property under said franchise of the fair value of the property of such utility as hereinafter provided.
That in the event the City shall elect to purchase the utility and shall notify the grantee in writing of its intention to purchase and take over the property of such utility, as herein provided, the grantee, at the period fixed in the notice for the termination of the franchise and upon payment or tender of payment by the City, to the grantee of the purchase price of the property of such utility, as hereinafter provided, shall transfer the title to the property by good and sufficient written instrument to the City, and the payment or tender of payment by the City to the grantee of the purchase price of the property of such utility shall, ipso facto, operate to transfer the title of the property to said City, and the grantee shall forthwith surrender to said City, and the City may forthwith take and hold possession of the property of such utility.
That in the event the franchise shall expire by operation of law, the City shall have the right, at its option, declared not more than one year before the expiration of the franchise term as herein fixed, which right and option is hereby reserved to the City, to purchase and take over the property of such utility, and in the event that the City shall so exercise its right under such option the City shall pay to the grantee the fair value of the property of such utility as herein provided.
The term "fair value" as used herein shall be construed to mean the reasonable value of the property of such utility having regard to its condition of repair and its adaptability and capacity for the use for which it shall have been originally intended. The price to be paid by the City for any utility shall be on the basis of actual cost to the utility for the property taken, less depreciation accrued, as of the date of purchase, with due allowance for obsolescence, if any, and the efficiency of its units to perform the duties imposed on them; no allowance shall be made for franchise value (other than the actual amount paid to the City at the time of the franchise acquisition), good will, going concern, earning power, increased cost of reproduction or increased value of right-of-way or allowance for damages by reason of severance.
That the valuation of the property of such utility proposed to be purchased upon the termination of the franchise as herein provided, or otherwise, shall be determined by a board of three arbitrators of whom one shall be appointed by the City, one by the grantee, and the third by the two arbitrators so appointed. The arbitrators shall be appointed within 30 days after the declaration by the City of its option to purchase the property of such utility. In case the arbitrators fail to make and file an award within the time hereinafter limited, a new board of three arbitrators shall be appointed as hereinbefore prescribed. The Board of Arbitrators shall immediately upon the appointment of its members enter upon the discharge of its duties. Any vacancy in the Board of Arbitrators shall be filled by the party who made the original appointment to the vacant place.
In the event the grantee shall fail to appoint an arbitrator within 30 days after the declaration by the City of its option to purchase the property of such utility, or in the event of the death or resignation of such arbitrator so appointed and such grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to appoint an arbitrator to fill such vacancy within 10 days thereafter, or in the event the two arbitrators appointed by the City and grantee, as hereinbefore provided, shall fail to appoint a third arbitrator within 60 days after the declaration of the City of its option to purchase the property of such utility, then upon application made either by the City or by the grantee after five days' notice in writing to the other party, such arbitrator shall be appointed by the presiding Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, and the arbitrators so appointed shall have the same powers and duties as though he had been appointed in the manner hereinabove prescribed.
The award of the arbitrators shall be made and filed with the City Clerk of said City within three months after their appointment, and a majority of the arbitrators who agree hereto may make such award. The amount of the valuation of the property of such utility to be paid to the grantee, as herein provided, in lawful money of the United States, less an amount equivalent to or sufficient to offset or pay any outstanding, unsettled, unpaid or disputed debts, suits or uncompleted or unsettled contracts or pending damage suits or judgments against or affecting said grantee, or any encumbrances or defects in title which may constitute a charge or lien upon the property of such utility. The amount so deducted or reserved shall be placed by the City, if the property of such utility be purchased by the City, in a special fund in the City Treasury for the purpose of liquidating or satisfying unpaid debts, claims, contracts, suits, judgments, encumbrances, charges or liens; and after the same have been liquidated and settled, the City shall pay the grantee the balance of the amount in the fund remaining.
Whenever the City shall have paid the grantee, as above provided, the value of the property of such utility, less such amount to be placed in the fund, as above provided, then the grantee shall, by good and sufficient written instrument, transfer to the City all of the property of such utility, together with all franchise rights, appurtenances, renewals, additions, extensions, connections, and repairs thereto, including all and every part of the property constituting the property of such utility, together with all claims and rights held, owned, operated and claimed, under and by virtue of the franchise herein granted, free and clear of all encumbrances, claims or liens, whatsoever, excepting such as have not been liquidated, as hereinbefore provided.
Acceptance of a franchise shall constitute an agreement on the part of the grantee thereof to sell said property upon the terms and conditions hereinabove provided.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
The Disabilities Commission shall act as an advisory to the City Council and adhere to the following provisions.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
The chairperson of the Disabilities Commission shall forthwith notify the City Council when any member is absent without having been excused therefrom the Commission for three consecutive regular meetings of the Commission.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
Any members of the Disabilities Commission may be removed by a majority vote of the City Council at any time without cause.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
A vacancy in the membership of the Commission other than one created by the expiration of a term, shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired portion of the term by the City Council.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
Members of the Commission shall serve as such with compensation; as established by resolution of City Council.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
The Commission shall select from its members a chairperson and vice chairperson, each of whom shall serve for a term of one year.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting per month, the meeting shall be held in the City Council Chambers, unless the City Council shall provide for another place of meeting. The Commission may hold additional meetings at places other than the City Council Chambers to the extent otherwise permitted by law. The day and time shall be established by Commission and must be ratified by City Council.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
It shall be the responsibility of the Commission to:
Provide the disabled with the opportunity to make recommendations relative to policies that affect their lives;
Exercise its influence with other agencies, groups and systems in the service area to insure provisions of adequate programs for the disabled;
Provide a forum for the exchange of positive ideas and information among disabled;
Conduct workshops and symposiums on important issues facing the disabled.
[Added by Ord. #1951, § 1]
The Commission will discharge the following duties:
Propose, develop, and recommend programs and plans intended to promote the full acceptance of disabled in all aspects of community life without regard to race, religion, or national origin; provide however, that all such programs and plans shall be subject to the approval of the City Council;
To cooperate with City departments, agencies and commissions in identifying and ameliorating disability problems with which they may be concerned; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as authorizing the Commission to act as a hearing agency or tribunal in a personnel matter;
To recommend to the City Council and various City departments and agencies changes in procedures, policies and/or legislation for the purpose of improving disability input in the community.
Editor's Note: Section 2-28, Housing Development Commission, containing portions of Ordinance No. 2018, was deleted in its entirety by Ordinance No. 2261.
[Ord. #2146, § 1]
The following words are defined as set forth in this section:
Shall mean City of Compton.
Shall mean a person holding the office of Mayor, City Council, or any member of any city board, committee or commission.
Shall mean a committee created by the Mayor and City Council, including all standing committees of the City Council, and all City boards, committees and commissions created by City Charter, ordinance, or resolution or governed under the provisions of the public boards, commissions and committee ordinance.
Shall mean money, per diem, salary, fee or portion thereof or the equivalent in services rendered or in-kind contributions received or to be received directly or indirectly in return for lobbying services performed or to be performed.
Shall mean a gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of any money or other thing of value, including the fair market value of an in-kind contribution, that is made or received for the purpose of influencing City officials regarding an official action.
Shall mean a direct or indirect payment, transfer or distribution or obligation or promise to pay, transfer or distribute any money or other thing of value but does not include a lobbyist's own personal living expenses and the expenses incidental to establishing and maintaining an office in connection with lobbying activities or compensation paid to a lobbyist by a lobbyist's employer.
Shall mean attempting to influence:
A decision related to any matter to be considered or being considered by the City Council, any Council Committee or any Council matter requiring action by the Mayor or awaiting action by the Mayor; or
An official action.
Shall mean any individual who is directly or indirectly compensated for the specific purpose of lobbying; is designated by an individual, interest group, or organization or entity to represent it on a substantial or regular basis for the purpose of lobbying; or in the course of his employment is engaged in lobbying on a substantial or regular basis. "Lobbyist" does not include:
An individual who appears on his own behalf in connection with an official action.
Any elected or appointed officer of the State or its political subdivisions or an Indian tribe or pueblo acting in his official capacity.
An employee of the State or its political subdivisions, specifically designated by an elected or appointed officer of the State or its political subdivision, who appears before the City Council, Council Committee, or a rulemaking proceeding only to explain the effect of legislation or a rule on his agency or political subdivision, provided the elected or appointed officer of the State or its political subdivision keeps for public inspection, and files with the Secretary of State, such designation.
A member of the City Council or an employee or representative of the City of Compton when addressing legislation.
Any witness called by a Council Committee or administrative department to appear before that committee or department in connection with legislation or an official action.
An individual who provides only oral or written public testimony in connection with a City Council or Committee or in a rulemaking proceeding and whose name and the interest on behalf of which the individual testifies has been clearly and publicly identified.
A publisher, owner or employee of the print media, radio or television, while gathering or disseminating news or editorial comment to the general public in the ordinary course of business.
A representative or officer of an officially recognized Block Club who speaks on behalf of that Block Club.
Shall mean the direct or indirect receipt of contributions and/or expenditure of funds to influence the public and/or City officials regarding an official action by a lobbyist or a lobbyist organization. Each official action the lobbyist or lobbyist organization supports or opposes shall be a separate lobbyist campaign.
Shall mean any person who directly or indirectly receives contributions and/or makes expenditures to influence the public and/or City officials regarding an official action.
Shall mean the person whose interests are being represented and by whom a lobbyist is directly or indirectly retained, compensated or employed.
Shall mean the action or nonaction of a City official related to any legislative, policy making or rulemaking proceeding or any proposed ballot measure as defined in the Charter of the City of Compton.
Shall mean an individual, partnership, association, committee, Federal, State or local governmental entity or agency, however constituted, public or private corporation or any other organization or group of persons who are voluntarily acting in concert, including both for profit and nonprofit entities.
Shall mean a form prepared and prescribed by the City Clerk.
Shall mean a formal process conducted by a City agency, board or commission for the purpose of adopting a rule, regulation, standard, policy or other requirement of general applicability and does not include adjudicatory proceedings.
[Ord. #2146, § 1]
Before any service or lobbyist campaigning covered by the Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance[1] commences, any individual who is initially employed or retained as a lobbyist or any lobbyist organization shall register with the City Clerk by filing a single registration statement under oath on a prescribed form showing:
The lobbyist's or lobbyist organization's full name, permanent business address and business address while lobbying or conducting lobbyist campaigning;
The name and address of each of the lobbyist's employers;
The official action the lobbyist or lobbyist organization supports or opposes;
The name, address and telephone number of the lobbyist organization's chairperson and treasurer and all officers for the lobbyist organization.
Editor's Note: The Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance is codified herein as Section 2-29.
The City Clerk shall charge a registration fee of $50 for the initial registration by a lobbyist or lobbyist organization. No additional fee may be charged for amendments to the original registration or for the annual statement required in this section. Lobbyist organizations that file a lobbyist campaign registration concerning an official action different from that designated in a previous registration shall pay the registration fee required in this subsection for each such subsequent registration. No registration fee shall be required of lobbyists receiving only reimbursement of personal expenses and no other compensation or salary for lobbying unless they are filing for the purpose of conducting lobbyist campaigning.
For each succeeding year that an individual is employed or retained as a lobbyist by the same employer, and for whom all the information disclosed in the initial registration statement remains substantially the same, the lobbyist shall file a simple annual registration renewal 12 months following initial registration and every 12 months thereafter for each of the lobbyist's employers together with a short, abbreviated prescribed form for renewal. The annual statement shall be in addition to any lobbyist campaign registration and disclosure statement that the lobbyist may be required to file under the provisions of this section.
Whenever there is a modification of the facts required to be set forth by this section or there is a termination of the lobbyist's employment as a lobbyist before the end of the year, the lobbyist shall notify the City Clerk within one month of such occurrence.
Lobbyists and lobbyist organizations shall file a separate registration with the City Clerk for each official action the lobbyist or lobbyist organization supports or opposes. When lobbyists or lobbyist organizations support or oppose an official action other than the official action identified in any previous registration they have filed with the City Clerk, they shall file an additional separate registration for each such official action supported or opposed.
[Ord. #2146, § 1]
The City Attorney shall adopt procedures for processing complaints and notifications of violations.
Upon the sworn complaint of any person who has reason to believe, and presents an affidavit listing the basis for such complaint, that there is, or has been a violation of the Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance, the City Attorney shall investigate the allegation when there is reason to believe such person, lobbyist, lobbyist organization or lobbyist's employer is, or has been, acting in violation of the Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: The Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance is codified herein as Section 2-29.
When the City Attorney has reason to believe that any person, lobbyist, lobbyist organization or lobbyist's employer has violated or is violating any provision of the Lobbyist Registration Ordinance, he shall notify the suspected violator of the alleged violation and hold an informal meeting before initiating further action.
[Ord. #2146, § 1]
Each registration and disclosure statement as required by the Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance shall be preserved by the City Clerk for a period of five years from the date of filing as a public record, open to public inspection at any reasonable time. Unless an action or prosecution is pending that requires preserving the report, it may be destroyed five years after the date of filing.
[Ord. #2146, § 1]
The City Clerk shall advise and seek to educate all persons required to perform duties pursuant to this section. This includes advising all registered lobbyists and lobbyist organizations at least annually of the Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance's[1] deadlines for submitting registration. All prescribed forms shall be clear and easy to complete.
Editor's Note: The Lobbyist and Lobbyist Organization Registration and Disclosure Ordinance is codified herein as Section 2-29.
The City Attorney may conduct thorough examinations of reports and conduct any investigations to determine whether this section has been violated. Any person who believes that this section has been violated may file a written complaint with the City Attorney pursuant to the requirements of subsection 2-29.3 of this section. The City Clerk shall adopt procedures for processing complaints and notifications of violations.
The City Attorney shall seek first to insure voluntary compliance with the provisions of this section pursuant to subsection 2-29.3. A person who violates this section shall be given 15 consecutive calendar days' notice to correct the matter or request a hearing before a City Hearing Officer before fines are imposed.
The fifteen-day notice shall begin to run on the day the notice is mailed or served in person. The request for hearing shall be submitted to the City Clerk.
Notices under this section shall be deemed properly served and received when the notice has been personally served on the lobbyist or lobbyist organization or sent by registered or certified mail return receipt requested to the last known address of the lobbyist or lobbyist organization.
When the lobbyist, lobbyist organization or person who has been given the 15 days' notice has submitted to the City Clerk a written request for a hearing within the 15 days allowed in paragraph c of this subsection, a hearing shall be conducted within 30 consecutive calendar days from the day the City Clerk receives the request for hearing. The hearing shall be conducted by a City Hearing Officer at a time and place designated by the Hearing Officer. All witnesses shall be sworn or affirmed and the hearing shall be recorded. The Hearing Officer shall file all findings, conclusions and final orders with the City Clerk and mail a copy to the City Attorney and parties to the hearing at the time of such filing.
An appeal may be taken from any final order issued by the Hearing Officer by filing a Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the District Court of the Second Judicial District within 30 days after the Hearing Officer files the findings, conclusions and final order with the City Clerk. The petition shall be limited to the record of the proceedings before the Hearing Officer. The petitioner shall file a true and correct copy of the record of the proceedings before the Hearing Officer with the District Court within 30 days after filing the Petition for Writ of Certiorari. The Hearing Officer or City Clerk shall charge the petitioner a reasonable fee for the cost of time and materials to reproduce the record. The decision of the hearing officer shall be affirmed unless the decision is found to be arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of discretion unsupported by evidence in the record taken as a whole or otherwise not in accordance with law.
The Hearing Officer shall prepare a written report of his or her findings and decision within 10 City working days after the hearing and shall provide copies to the parties and the City Attorney and shall file the findings, conclusions and the final order with the City Clerk.
Any person who files a statement required by this section, including but not limited to registration and disclosure statements, after the deadline imposed by this section or any person who files a false or incomplete statement shall be liable for and shall pay the City at or from the time initially required for the filing, $25 per day for each business day after the time required for the filing of the statement until the complete report is filed up to a maximum of $500.
A violation of this section of the Municipal Code shall be an infraction. The penalty for violation of this section is set forth in subsection 1-6.3 of this Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing a violation of this section of the Municipal Code may also include the lobbyist or lobbyist organization registration being revoked or the lobbying or lobbying campaigning activities enjoined for up to three years.
[Ord. #2146, § 1]
Bank Accounts. Each lobbyist organization shall establish one and only one campaign bank checking account for each lobbyist campaign. Each lobbyist campaign shall be for or against only one official action. Lobbyists participating in lobbyist campaigning shall establish one and only one campaign bank checking account for each lobbyist campaign when such lobbyist campaigning activity is not reported by a lobbyist organization. All contributions received for the benefit of lobbyist campaigning shall be deposited into the single checking account required in this subsection and all disbursements shall be made from that account. Each lobbyist participating in lobbyist campaigning and each lobbyist organization shall file with the bank at which the lobbyist campaign checking account has been established a letter authorizing the release of information concerning that account to the City Attorney or his designee and shall submit a copy of the letter of authorization to the City Clerk. Upon the request of the City Attorney, the lobbyist or lobbyist organization shall provide to the City Attorney all bank records, cancelled checks, and any other financial information relating to the lobbyist campaign as may be requested by the City Attorney.
Disclosure of Lobbyist Campaigning Activities.
Each lobbyist or lobbyist organization that conducts any lobbyist campaigning shall file with the City Clerk disclosure statements, each of which shall be cumulative, signed under oath by the lobbyist, treasurer or chairperson of the lobbyist organization, and set forth to 5:00 p.m. of the day preceding the filing of each statement the following:
The total of contributions, which shall include all contributions received, regardless of whether the contribution has been deposited in the bank checking account. This report shall show the amount of each anonymous contribution received.
The name and street address of each contributor, the contributor's principal business or occupation, the name and address of the contributor's employer, and the nature of the contributor's or the contributor's employer's business, together with the total cumulative value contributed by the contributor.
All expenditures made on behalf of the lobbyist campaign, including any reimbursements and the nature thereof, and the name and address of the person or business to whom payment was made.
In kind contributions shall be reported as to both contributions to the lobbyist or lobbyist organization or any expenditure made on behalf of the lobbyist or lobbyist organization. The fair market value of such goods or services shall be reported.
Lobbyist campaign loans as contributions and any subsequent repayment of loans credited against contributions and returned contributions as credits against contributions.
The statements required by this section shall be filed as follows: the first statement shall be filed within five City working days after the registration with the City Clerk that designates the official action the lobbyist or lobbying organization supports or opposes. The first statement shall show all contributions received and all expenditures made at any time in the past up to 5:00 p.m. of the day immediately prior to the date of filing. The first statement shall include all expenditures made and contributions received prior to registering with the City Clerk as well as such expenditures made and contributions received after the registration required under subsection 2-29.2 of this section. Additional statements shall be filed with the City Clerk every 28 calendar days from the date of the original registration until the lobbyist or lobbying organization provides a final statement. In the event no expenditures have been made and no contributions have been received during any of the required reporting periods, the lobbyist or lobbyist organization shall not be required to file a statement for that time period but shall be required to submit a letter to the City Clerk stating that no contribution and expenditure activity occurred during the reporting period. The final disclosure statement shall include or be accompanied by a sworn statement that all lobbying campaigning has ceased on or before the date of such statement as to the official action designated in the registration. The final statement shall show all expenditures and contributions and may be filed at any time.
Anonymous Contributions. No anonymous contributions shall be accepted by a lobbyist or lobbyist organization for purposes of conducting a lobbyist campaign. Anonymous contributions accepted shall be given to a nonprofit charity or to the City's General Fund. The transfer of such funds to the nonprofit charity or the City's General Fund shall be reported in the disclosure statement due after such transfer.
Retention of Records. Each lobbyist and lobbyist organization shall keep financial records of the lobbyist campaign for a period of one year following the certification to the City Clerk that all lobbying campaigning has ceased and shall make available to the City or its auditors for inspection the records of all contributions and expenditures, cancelled checks, invoices, receipts, bank statements, bills of sales, statements of accounts, leases, rental agreements and all other financial records pertinent to the lobbyist campaign.
[Ord. #2256]
There is hereby created and established a Public Works Commission in and for the City of Compton which shall be known and referred to, among other things, as the Public Works Commission of the City of Compton or as the Public Works Commission. The authority to create and establish a Public Works Commission is pursuant to Section 1000 of the City of Compton Charter.
[Ord. #2256]
The Public Works Commission shall consist of five members to be appointed by the City Council and be subject to removal in accordance with the provisions of Section 1002 of the Compton City Charter. Each member of the City Council shall appoint one member of the Public Works Commission to a term of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified.
The members of the Commission shall be residents of the City of Compton and shall not be officers or employees of the City. No member of the Commission may have any interest in any contract with the City either during such member's term of office or for a period of one year after the cessation of such service.
All members shall have an expressed interest in and knowledge of public works projects, methods and procedures. The City shall make a concerted effort to recruit at least one registered civil engineer with an active license, and professionals with expertise in other areas such as traffic engineering, structural engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, contracting or construction, construction law, or construction management and inspection.
[Ord. #2256]
Any vacancies on the Commission, from whatever cause arising, shall be filled by appointment by the Councilmember of the Council District that made the appointment to the vacant Commission position for the remainder of the unexpired term.
[Ord. #2256]
The Public Works Commission shall schedule regular meetings on a quarterly basis, at such time and dates as designated in the rules and regulations adopted by the Commission to govern procedures of the Commission. The meeting shall be held at such location designated by the City Manager. Special meetings may be held on the call of the Chairperson or any three members of the Commission. All meetings shall comply with State laws governing open and public meetings.
At the first meeting of each fiscal year, the Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from among the appointed members for a term of one year. The Commission may also create and fill other offices from among the members as they deem necessary and in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the Commission.
[Ord. #2256]
The members of the Public Works Commission shall receive a stipend of $150 not to exceed $150 per month for each meeting in attendance. No additional compensation shall be paid for expenses incurred by the members of the Commission in the performance of their duties, except that the City Council may from time to time authorize in advance, expenditures for attendance at seminars, institutes, or other meetings which the City Council finds to be beneficial to the Commissioners in the performance of their duties, and in accordance with the City's "Expense and Reimbursement Policy."
[Ord. #2256]
The Public Works Commission shall act as an advisory commission to the City Council and perform the following duties:
To provide annual review and comment on public works capital improvement projects and programs;
To receive regular updates on active capital improvement projects;
To review and provide input on long-term infrastructure maintenance and repair programs;
To review and comment upon the following:
Public utility matters, including electric, telephone and gas companies' community service levels;
Waste management, recycling programs and hazardous waste disposal; and
Traffic safety and transportation matters (e.g. stop signs, traffic signals, speed limits, crosswalks, bicycle routes, parking control, bus and truck routes, etc.).
At the request of the City Council, to recommend policies and programs to the City Council for efficient and cost-effective methods for providing for the public works needs and requirements of the City;
To perform other related duties or studies as directed by the City Council.
[Ord. #2256]
The Public Works Commission may discharge its duties in the manner and means selected by it, except as follows:
Unless expressly authorized to do so by the City Council, it shall not represent itself to be, nor in any way act for or on behalf of the City Council, nor shall it commit the officers, employees, or staff of the City in any manner or to any course of action. To the contrary, it shall act as a study center and clearinghouse for advisory action to the City Council;
It shall not encroach upon any area preempted by State or Federal law; and
It shall forward all of its findings and recommendations to the City Council prior to public release.
[Ord. #2256]
The City Manager or his/her designee, the Director of the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department or his/her designee and any other member(s) of the City's personnel that the City Manager deems appropriate, shall be non-voting advisory members to the Commission.