[1976 Code § 16-1; Ord. No. 92-24; Ord. No. 2002-24 § I]
There is hereby created in and for the Township a Police Department which shall consist of either a Chief of Police or a Public Safety Director and such members and officers as shall be deemed necessary by the Township Committee. The Township Committee shall determine the number of persons, including temporary officers and members in an emergency, to be appointed to these positions together with their compensation.
The Police Department shall consist of the following positions:
Chief of Police — One position. The Chief of Police is responsible for the overall operations of the Police Department. The Chief of Police establishes policy and direction; is responsible for planning; develops the Department's budget and hires and disciplines all other members of the Police Department.
Captain — Two positions. The Captain is assigned as a Command Officer. The Captain oversees and directs the day-to-day operations of the Police Department. The Captain assists the Chief of Police with planning, the budget and policies of the Police Department and assumes responsibility in the Chief of Police's absence. The Captain further receives additional responsibilities as assigned.
[Amended 6-14-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-22]
Lieutenants — Four positions. The Lieutenants are assigned as Commanding Officers who supervise certain divisions of the Police Department. The Lieutenants are further responsible for personnel, purchasing and equipment, the Lieutenants serve as Watch Commanders and receive additional responsibilities as assigned.
Sergeants — Nine positions. The Sergeants are assigned as Supervisory Officers of certain squads or units of the Police Department. The Sergeants are responsible for overseeing actions of members of its squad or unit and receive additional responsibilities as assigned.
Patrolmen — Thirty-two positions. Patrolmen patrol a designated area of the Township of Holmdel to provide assistance and protection to the community. They further respond to calls for service, enforce all criminal and motor vehicle laws of the State of New Jersey and Ordinances of the Township of Holmdel. Patrolmen receive additional responsibilities as assigned.
Dispatcher — Six positions. The dispatchers receive and transmit emergency service calls and other requests for services by residents of the Township of Holmdel. Dispatchers receive additional responsibilities as assigned.
Dispatcher (P/T) — Four positions.
Secretary/Clerical — Five positions.
The New Jersey Department of Personnel Job Specifications Guidelines are incorporated by reference herein as to additional examples of work, definition of each ranking of the Police Department and requirements and abilities of each rank.
All appointments previously made to any position within the Police Department are hereby ratified and confirmed.
[1976 Code § 16-2; Ord. No. 92-24]
The Police Department shall preserve the public peace, protect life and property, detect, arrest and prosecute offenders of the laws of the State of New Jersey and/or ordinances of the Township; direct and control traffic; provide attendance at and protection during emergencies; provide appearances in Court; cooperate with all other law enforcement agencies; and provide training for the efficiency of its members and officers.
[1976 Code § 16-3; Ord. No. 92-24]
The Township Committee is hereby designated as the "appropriate authority" as required by N.J.S. 40A:14-118. The Township Administrator shall serve, in accordance with all statutory limitations and requirements, as the full-time agent of the Township Committee regarding the operations and functions of the Police Department established hereby. For purposes of this section, the term "agent" includes the duties and functions of the Township Administrator as defined by Section 2-5 of the Code of the Township of Holmdel.
The Township Committee shall adopt, and may supplement and amend by resolution, Rules and Regulations for governing of the Police Department.
[1976 Code § 16-4; Ord. No. 92-24; Ord. No. 94-36 § 16-4; Ord. No. 99-27 § I; Ord. No. 2001-03 § I; Ord. No. 2001-13 § I]
No person shall be appointed to the Police Department who is not qualified as provided by the laws of the State of New Jersey including the Civil Service rules and regulations. Applicants seeking appointment to the Police Department shall successfully complete a physical, mental and psychological examination which examination shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and administrative regulations of the State of New Jersey.
In accordance with P.L. 2021, c. 7 (N.J.S.A. 11A:4-1.3), individuals may be appointed to entry-level law enforcement positions in the Police Department without taking a competitive examination if they have successfully completed a full basic course for police officers training course at a school approved and authorized by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
[Added 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-37[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of former Subsections b through d as Subsections c through e, respectively.
All duly qualified applicants for the position of Holmdel Township Police Officer shall be classified in the following classes:
Residents of Holmdel Township.
Other residents of Monmouth County.
Other residents of the State of New Jersey.
All other qualified applicants.
All appointments to the position of Holmdel Township Police Officer shall be made in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-123.1a, with all those in Class 1 to be appointed first and then those in each succeeding class in the order above listed.
All applicants classified in Class 1 must be residents of Holmdel Township as of the announced closing date of the Civil Service examination for the position.
[1976 Code § 16-5; Ord. No. 92-24]
The Chief of Police or Public Safety Director (which titles are hereinafter used interchangeably) shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the Township Committee and its designated agent for the department's efficiency and day to day operations. Pursuant to policies established by the Township Committee, the Chief of Police shall:
Develop, administer, recommend to the Township Committee and enforce Rules and Regulations for the governance of the Police Department and issue special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the force and its officers and personnel;
Have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the force;
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all subordinates and other personnel;
Delegate such of his/her authority as he/she may deem necessary for the efficient operation of the force to be exercised under his/her direction and supervision;
Report at least monthly to the Township Committee and its agent in such form as shall be prescribed by the Township Committee, regarding the operation of the force during the preceding month, and make such other reports as may be requested by the Township Committee or its agent.
[1976 Code § 16-6; Ord. No. 92-24; New]
The Township Committee may appoint special law enforcement officers in accordance with New Jersey Statutes for terms not exceeding one year. Such appointees shall possess and exercise all the powers and duties provided by statutes during their term in office, but shall not be continued as regular members of the Police Department and shall not be entitled to tenure. In accordance with N.J.S. 40A:14-146.11, the Chief of Police may authorize special law enforcement officers, when on duty, to exercise the same powers and authority as regular members of the Police Department including the carrying of firearms and the power of arrest.
[1976 Code § 16-7; Ord. No. 92-24; Ord. No. 94-21 § 16-7]
No permanent member or officer of the Police Department shall be removed from his office, employment or position for political reasons or for any cause other than incapacity, misconduct, or disobedience of the Rules and Regulations established for the government of the Police Department, nor shall such member or officer be suspended, removed, fined or reduced in rank from or in office, employment, or position, except for just cause as hereinabove provided and then only upon a written complaint setting forth the charge or charges against such member or officer. Said complaint and disposition shall be filed in the office of the Township Administrator pursuant to N.J.S. 40A:14-147 and a copy of the complaint shall be served upon the member or officer so charged, with notice of a designated hearing date thereon which shall not be less than 10 nor more than 30 days from the date of the service of the complaint.
Minor Discipline. In the case of minor discipline, which, for the purposes of this section is defined as a maximum five-day suspension or a fine equivalent to five days' pay, the Chief of Police shall serve as the hearing officer. The Chief of Police shall have the power and authority to dispose of the charges against the accused; if, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, the accused is not guilty of the offense charges, the Chief of Police shall so advise the complainant in writing. In the event that the accused is found guilty of the charges, the Chief of Police may impose such penalty or penalties as are within his/her powers. The Chief of Police may not impose a penalty, however, exceeding a five-day suspension or a fine exceeding the equivalent of five days' pay in minor discipline cases.
Major Discipline. In a case where the Chief of Police believes that the charges, if proved, would warrant suspension for greater than five days or imposition of a fine greater than the equivalent of five days' salary, the Chief of Police shall refer the case to the Township Committee or its designated representative for hearing and disposition. Any disciplinary charge, either of a minor or major nature, either against the Chief of Police or against any member when the charge is brought by the Chief of Police, shall be referred to the Township Committee or its designated representative by the Township Clerk for hearing and disposition. If the Chief of Police is absent for a period of 30 days or more, the Township Administrator shall fulfill the duties of the Chief of Police hereunder.
[1976 Code § 16-8; Ord. No. 92-24]
The Township Committee shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and shall have the benefit of the advice of the Township Attorney at the hearing. The Township Committee may appoint special counsel to prosecute charges and present evidence. All parties shall attend a hearing unless excused by the Township Committee. Every party to a hearing shall be entitled to:
Present his case and be represented by legal counsel;
Request a subpoena of witnesses to testify or produce pertinent documentary evidence;
Cross-examine witnesses or participants at a hearing and any other persons who may have investigated any matter involved in the hearing;
Impeach any witness and present any affidavit, exhibits or other evidence which the Township Committee considers pertinent to the hearing.
The New Jersey Rules of Evidence shall apply as a general guideline for the orderly presentation of evidence at said hearing but shall not be binding.
The Township Committee shall render a written decision as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearing and without undue delay and cause a copy to be recorded in the Township Committee minutes of the hearing and a true copy to be served upon each party to the hearing personally or by certified mail.
[1976 Code § 16-9; Ord. No. 92-24; amended 3-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-07; 2-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-03]
Any and all extra duty assignments for Police personnel shall be determined and approved by the Chief of Police or his/her designee. No Police Officer shall perform special duty assignments for private parties for compensation other than through the procedure set forth in this section. The Chief shall obtain such information as he/she determines necessary and is authorized to approve such special duty police work in accordance with this section. The Chief of Police may assign a patrol vehicle for use in performing extra duty if and in the event it is determined that the use of a patrol vehicle is necessary to perform the contracted duty. The Chief may deny the assignment or use of Police Officers or vehicles and/or impose any condition or requirement as in his sole discretion and determination as in the best interest of the Township and/or the Police Officers or public safety. The Chief shall be guided by the nature of the assignment and should avoid those with conflicts of interest and/or high risk or injury.
The work to be performed shall be considered "special assignment from independent contractors" and will not be considered a direct assignment. The taking of any and all extra duty assignments shall be on a voluntary basis in accordance with a fair and reasonable system established and administered by the Chief of Police.
Officers engaged in special duty assignments shall be deemed on-duty and shall conform to the Police Department rules, regulations and procedures. All such agreements for special duty assignments shall be contracted for in writing by the completion of a form available from the Police Department which contracts shall be kept on record as other such public documents. All payments due under such agreements shall be paid 15 days from the date of billing. Interest shall be charged at the rate of 12% per annum on any amount billed for which payment has not been made within 15 days. Delinquent parties shall be liable for all costs, fees, and attorneys' fees associated with the collection of any amounts due.
The per-hour fee for special duty assignments due from vendors shall be the prevailing per-hour overtime salary rate paid to senior patrol officers at the highest step pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement, whether in force or expired, governing such salaries at the time that the special duty assignment is performed (the "Prevailing Rate"), in addition to any fees prescribed herein. The collective bargaining unit may in its discretion authorize the Township to collect a per-hour salary rate less than the Prevailing Rate, in which case that per-hour salary rate shall serve as the Prevailing Rate.
In the event that a public school or private school, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:1-1, requests a special duty assignment for a sporting event that it is hosting on its grounds within the Township of Holmdel, the hourly fee established under paragraph d1 shall be reduced by 20%.
In the event that a vendor requests special duty assignments that require steady and recurring staffing of police officers, the Chief of Police and Township Administrator may, at their discretion, authorize a long-term special duty assignment rate to be agreed upon with the vendor, ranging from $30 per hour up to the hourly rate established under paragraph 1, as well as any agreed-upon hourly rate increases for holidays. Any long-term special duty assignment rate established pursuant to this subsection shall be negotiated on a nondiscriminatory basis and determined based upon factors, including the duration of the proposed long-term special duty assignment and the type of work involved.
All payment for special duty assignments shall be made through a special police fund established by the Municipal Treasurer from which payment shall be made to the individual police officers performing such service.
Individual police officers performing special duty assignments shall be paid the amount of the hourly fee charged by the Township, less any required deductions.
The Township shall charge an administrative fee to be retained by the Township in the amount of 15% of the per-hour salaries collected under this ordinance. For long-term special duty assignments, the Chief of Police and Township Administrator may, at their discretion, authorize a reduction in the percentage rate of the administrative fee, based upon factors, including the type of work and its cost impact upon the Holmdel Township Police Department.
In the event the Township utilizes a third-party contractor as provided in paragraph j, the third-party contractor may charge a third-party vendor servicing fee in addition to the foregoing amounts, which shall be due and owing by the vendor. The third-party contractor servicing fee shall be in an amount to be established by the Township pursuant to the terms of the Township's procurement with the third-party contractor.
Any dispute between the vendor and the police officer on assignment as to services required or compensation due shall be determined by the Chief. His/her decision shall be final and binding.
In the event special duty assignments cannot be filled by police officers of the Holmdel Township Police Department, the Chief of Police may contact other municipal Police Departments to see if they are willing to perform such special duty assignments. If another municipal Police Department fills an available special duty assignment within Holmdel Township, the vendor shall be subject to the fees imposed by that municipal Police Department.
The minimum hire out is four hours for special duty assignments, and three hours for special duty assignments subject to the modified fee contained in paragraph d2. If any assignment is canceled by the vendor on less than two hours' notice, there shall be a charge for a three- or four-hour minimum imposed, whichever is applicable under this subsection.
The Chief of Police has the authority to order any Police Officer to vacate or terminate any special duty assignment in response to emergency situations or whenever the assignment creates an unacceptable risk to health, safety and welfare of the Police Officer and/or public in the sole determination and discretion of the Chief. The contractor shall not be responsible for any compensation for the time that the Police Officer is away from the special duty assignments and shall have no claim for any costs or damages against the Township, the Chief, or the Police Officer arising from the termination of special duty assignment other than the prorated return of any costs prepaid to the Township or to the municipality.
The Township shall be responsible to provide all necessary insurance coverage as required by law, including but not limited to workers' compensation, public liability, and claims for damage, for personal injury including death or damage to property which may arise as a result from the municipality's performance under the contract.
This subsection shall not apply to police officers serving on any prosecutorial task forces as may, from time to time, be established, or other duty assignments during which police officers are assisting any law enforcement agencies.
The Township may procure a third-party contractor to provide services administering the Special Duty Assignment ordinance. If a third-party contractor is procured, the third-party contractor shall act all times in accordance with the terms of this section. The Chief of Police may delegate authority and/or provide direction to the third-party contractor to ensure that Special Duty Assignments are carried out in accordance with his or her authority under this section.
[Ord. No. 2002-03]
The Township shall be entitled to reimbursement for training costs pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-178 if any Township police officer resigns his/her position within two years of commencement of employment and, within 120 days of resignation, is appointed to another State, County or municipal law enforcement agency or the New Jersey Transit Corporation. All terms used herein shall be defined as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-178.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of 1976 Code §§ 9-1-9-5 and Ordinance Nos. 10-64, 25-74, 94-2, 99-7, 2005-36, 2006-28, 2009-08, 2010-14, 2013-12, 2013-28 and 2014-11.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Holmdel Township Fire Department, (sometimes hereafter "Fire Department") is hereby designated as the authorized fire protection agency in the Township of Holmdel in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-68.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Fire Department shall be comprised of the Holmdel Fire Company No. 1 and the Holmdel Fire and Rescue Company #2. Both companies shall adhere to the authority of the Fire Chief and the rules, regulations standard operating procedures and policies of the Fire Department as it relates to the fire protection of the Township, emergency response and the day-to-day operations of the department. This shall not serve to interfere with the management of individual internal or business operations and affairs of each Fire Company as stipulated in subsection 2-29.21.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-68, the members of the Fire Department shall be under the supervision and control of the Township of Holmdel at all times, acting through its Township Administrator or his/her designee, and in performing fire duty shall be deemed to be exercising a governmental function.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Fire Department is a Department of the Township of Holmdel, and therefore falls within the Township's Table of Organization directly under the Township Administrator. The Administrator or his/her designee will manage the Fire Department with the advice of the Emergency Services Committee, which will consist of the department heads of the Police, Fire, First Aid, and Office of Emergency Management.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
At no time shall there be more than 40 firefighters serving in each Fire Company. No person shall be permitted to serve in the Fire Department unless and until such person shall have made a volunteer's application to the Fire Department.
In order to ensure the safety of all Fire Department members as well as that of the population of Holmdel, at no time will the membership of a Fire Company fall below eight active members. If this occurs the Fire Chief will immediately notify the Township Administrator who will determine, assure and/or arrange for appropriate fire services to the Township. If the Fire Chief fails to report drop in membership, action will be taken as allowed for in Chapter 1, Section 1-5, General Penalty.
If the Company is suspended due to a lack of membership it can be restored upon meeting the membership requirement with the approval of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Company Chief will have potential members complete an application pursuant to Chapter 9, Section 9-11 et seq.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
When recommending an applicant for approval, the Fire Chief will discuss the results of the background investigation and any other pertinent information obtained with the members of the Township Committee. The Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel will either approve or deny such application by resolution or motion adopted at a regular Township meeting.
Fire Department members must be approved by the Township Committee prior to any performance of fire service. Additionally, prospective firefighters will be required to have a pre-appointment physical by a physician designated by the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Classes of membership and requisite qualifications for membership in the Holmdel Fire Company shall be as follows:
Active Members.
Must be at least 18 years of age;
Must be a citizen of the United States or resident alien, a resident of the Township of Holmdel, or must reside within three miles of any border of the Township of Holmdel, or must be employed within the Township of Holmdel; and
Must be a certified firefighter.
Must respond annually to 20% of calls, and attend 50% of trainings.
Non-Active/Associate/Probationary Members/Fire Police.
Must be at least 18 years of age;
Must be a citizen of the United States or resident alien, a resident of the Township of Holmdel, or must reside within three miles of any border of the Township of Holmdel, or must be employed within the Township of Holmdel; and
Must be fire or fire-police certified or actively applying to become fire or fire-police certified at the time of appointment.
Junior Firefighters' Auxiliary/Explorer Members.
Creation of Auxiliary or Establishment of Explorer Program. The volunteer Fire Company may have a Junior Firefighters' Auxiliary or Explorer Program whose members shall not be required to perform duties which would expose them to the same degree of hazard as an active member.
Rules and Regulations. Each junior firefighter/explorer shall be governed by the following rules and regulations:
A junior firefighter/explorer may attend after joining.
A junior firefighter shall be between the ages of 16 and 18. An explorer shall have completed the eighth grade and is 14 years of age, or 15 years of age but have not yet reached their 21st birthday.
A junior firefighter/explorer must be a citizen of the United States or a resident of the State of New Jersey.
A junior firefighter/explorer shall wear full turnout gear while riding fire apparatus and performing fire duties.
At no time during a fire shall a junior firefighter/explorer enter a burning structure or any hazardous atmosphere.
A junior firefighter/explorer may deliver such items as hand lights, exhaust fans, axes, and pike poles from the fire apparatus to the active/non-active firefighters fighting fires, but only to those firefighters outside the structure.
At the scene of a fire, a junior firefighter/explorer may roll hose or help repack hose onto the fire apparatus.
Once a fire has been extinguished a junior firefighter/explorer may, upon the instruction of and the direction of a line officer, assist in the inside cleanup operations.
A junior firefighter/explorer may only ride in the jump seat or cab of the apparatus.
Under the instruction and at the direction of a line officer, a junior firefighter/explorer during drills may perform certain duties such as holding water lines, ladder work, and practice rescue work and pumper operations.
A junior firefighter/explorer shall assist in keeping the fire apparatus, firehouses and grounds clean and shall also assist in all Fire Company and Department activities.
Parental Consent. A copy of the rules and regulations and of any additional rules and regulations imposed by the volunteer Fire Company whose auxiliary the junior member or explorer member wishes to join shall be given to the parents or guardian of the junior/explorer firefighter. A copy of the rules and regulations signed by the parents or guardian and of written permission to participate in the auxiliary/explorer program shall be required from each junior/explorer member prior to membership in an auxiliary.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Together, the Fire Chief and Line Officer's carry out the day to day operations of the Fire Department as it relates to fire protection of the Township.
The Fire Chief and Line Officers shall meet at least monthly. The Fire Chief shall appoint committees as necessary to provide research and recommendations regarding Fire Department operations and procedures.
Fire Chief.
The Fire Department shall be managed, supervised and commanded by the Chief of the Department (sometimes hereafter "Fire Chief"). Pursuant to the procedure set out in subsection 2-29.8A, the Fire Department shall elect a Chief of the Department to serve a two-year term and a Deputy Chief to serve a two-year term. The Fire Chief shall report to the Township Administrator or his/her designee.
The Fire Chief will serve, in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances, recognized standards, Fire Department rules, regulations and policies and Fire Company membership bylaws.
Fire Chief Qualifications.
Minimum Experience and Membership Requirements:
Shall be an Active Member of the Fire Department.
Shall be a Member in Good Standing according to Fire Company bylaws.
Shall have served as a member of a Fire Company or Department for a minimum of six years.
Shall have served as a Line Officer for a minimum of five years, one of which shall have been served as Captain.
Minimum Training Requirements:
Shall posses a Firefighter I certification from the State of New Jersey.
Shall be a qualified operator of all Departments Class A Engines and Aerial Devices and have intimate knowledge regarding the operation of all other department apparatus.
Shall possess an IMS Level III certification from the State of New Jersey.
Shall posses Haz-Mat Awareness and Operational certifications from the State of New Jersey.
Shall possess a Fire Officer I certification from the State of New Jersey.
Successful completion of an Incident Safety Officer course.
Successful completion of an Emergency Response to Terrorism course.
Successful completion of a Rapid Intervention Awareness course.
Successful completion of an Introduction to Motor Vehicle Extrication course.
Duties of the Fire Chief.
In all cases of fire threatening danger or destruction of property within a particular area of the Township, the Fire Chief shall take prompt and efficient measures and use all the means of the Fire Department to extinguish the fire. The Fire Chief shall, at such time, and on all occasions of fire alarm, have sole and absolute control and command over all the apparatus and all members of the Fire Department. The Fire Chief shall have sole control and command of all other fire apparatus and persons aiding and assisting the Fire Department in cases of actual fire pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-54.1, Powers of Fire Chief to supersede local police authority within fire lines.
The Fire Chief shall periodically inspect all apparatus and satisfy himself/herself that it has been properly cleaned, maintained, and made ready for use when needed. The Fire Chief shall call upon a sufficient number of firefighters to assist in the work of putting and keeping everything in readiness for service. The Fire Chief shall keep closely informed to the physical condition of the equipment, apparatus, and firehouses and take all necessary measures to have all portions thereof, ready for instant use. To this end, he/she shall make, or cause to be made, frequent visits for the purpose of inspections at least quarterly at the firehouse, and shall keep a record of such inspection by date and in detail as to the conditions then existing. Information/details obtained through these inspections will be included by the Fire Chief as part of his next monthly status report to the Township Administrator.
The Emergency Services Committee will authorize a representative of the Township's Joint Insurance Fund (JIF) to conduct an annual inspection of all Fire Company buildings, vehicles, apparatus, and related equipment for compliance with all applicable laws and rules and to ensure for the safety of Fire Department personnel.
The Fire Chief shall render to the Township Committee through the Township Administrator an annual report giving in detail a record of the services of the Fire Department during the previous year. The report shall include and describe each actual fire and the cause as well as the loss estimate sustained. In addition, the report shall also include full information as to the organization, personnel, equipment, apparatus, firehouse(s) and shall be accompanied by a financial statement of the company, if necessary, as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-34. The Fire Chief shall also make recommendations for the maintenance and betterment of the fire service. Furthermore, the Fire Chief shall make specific reports on matters relating to the Fire Department whenever directed to do so by the Township Administrator and/or Township Committee.
The Fire Chief shall be responsible for the proper management, discipline, and training of Fire Department members. He/she shall approve all tools, appliances, equipment and apparatus used by the Fire Department.
The Fire Chief shall have the authority to establish, organize, and manage subdivisions of the Fire Department to carry out its mission subject to review and approval of the Township Administrator or his/her designee.
The Fire Chief shall set Fire Department policy, establish rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines for the efficient operation of the Fire Department. The Fire Chief shall solicit the input of all Department Line Officers when considering new policies and procedures or when making changes to existing policies and procedures.
By October 1st of each year, the Fire Chief shall submit to the Township Administrator a proposed budget for the following calendar year which shall be considered by the Township Committee as part of the Township's budgeting process.
The Fire Chief shall administer discipline he/she deems necessary for the orderly and efficient functioning of the Fire Department when necessary or when recommended by the Disciplinary Review Board. The Fire Chief shall prescribe the specifications for, and the manner of wearing of, all Fire Department uniforms and personal protective clothing used in the Department.
Attend (or send a designee) to a minimum of two Township Safety Awareness Committee (SAC) Meetings per year.
Required to submit monthly status reports to the Township Administrator by the 15th of the following month.
Line Officers.
Each Fire Company shall elect its own Line Officers according to recognized standards, applicable laws and ordinances, mandatory certification requirements, Department policies and Fire Company Bylaws as it relates to membership in good standing. Line Officers shall report to the Fire Chief.
The Fire Companies shall continue to determine how many Line Officer positions shall be required to adequately oversee operations, with the advice and consent of the Township Administrator or his/her designee and subject to this section.
At no time shall the number of Line Officers exceed the following number per position:
Captain [not to exceed one].
Lieutenant [not to exceed four].
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Eligibility to Vote.
Only Department Active Members may vote in the Chief election process; and
Voting members must be members in Good Standing according to Fire Company Bylaws.
The Secretary of each Fire Company will be required to provide the Township Clerk with a list of eligible voters prior to the election.
Eligibility for Nomination.
Only Department Active Members are eligible to run for the position of Fire Chief or Deputy Chief.
Meet all of the Qualifications in subsection 2-29.8 prior to nomination.
Nominations, Review Board and Company Election.
Each Fire Company shall hold nominations during the regular business meeting of September in an election year.
The nominee or nominees shall be forwarded to the Eligibility Review Board (hereafter the "Review Board").
The Review Board is responsible for verifying the nominees meet all of the requirements for the position of Fire Chief.
The Fire Department shall be represented on the Review Board, but shall also be comprised of impartial parties from the Township.
The Review Board shall be comprised of the sitting Fire Chief, the Presidents of both Fire Companies, the Township Committee member who serves on the Emergency Services Committee and the OEM Director.
If the Review Board confirms a nominee or nominees, the Fire Company shall hold an election of the nominees. The election shall be held during the regular business meeting of November in an election year.
The winner must obtain a majority vote of at least 51% of the ballots cast. If a nominee runs unopposed, the voting members shall cast a yes or no vote.
Department Elections.
The election of Fire Chief shall be held on the first Saturday of December in an election year.
The election shall be hosted by the Fire Company whose member is to be promoted to the office of Fire Chief of the Department.
The election shall be ballot style.
The nominee must obtain a majority vote of 51% of the ballots cast.
Polls for voting shall open at 7:00 p.m. and close at 9:00 p.m.
The President and Secretary of the hosting Fire Company, or in their absence or inability to act, the Vice President and Treasurer shall act as judge and clerk of all elections.
In the event a nominee does not receive a majority vote, the nominating Fire Company shall hold another nomination vote within 10 days of the Department election.
If the nominee has not previously been approved by the Review Board, the nominee shall be reviewed.
A new Department election shall be held within seven days of approval of the nominee(s) by the Review Board.
Alternate Candidate.
The nomination of an alternate member to the position of Fire Chief of the Department or Deputy Fire Chief shall be permitted only if the member who is currently serving in the position resigns or is found to be serving "unjustly" by no less than 80% of the voting membership who shall indicate so in writing to the Fire Chief of the Department and Township Administrator. In the event that an alternate nominee is permitted, the entire voting membership must be notified in writing by the Township Clerk of the intent to nominate an alternate as well as the date, time and place in which such nominations/elections will take place.
Rotation and Term Limits.
The Fire Chief will serve two-year terms.
Deputy Fire Chiefs who successfully complete their terms shall automatically be promoted to and sworn in to the position of Fire Chief of the Department.
The rotation of Fire Chief will commence the first January following the adoption of this ordinance (Ordinance No. 2016-08, 5-17-16) and continue to rotate as follows indefinitely.
Years 1 & 2 — Chief = HFRC2, Deputy = HFC1.
Years 3 & 4 — Chief = HFC1, Deputy = HFRC2.
Years 5 & 6 — Chief = HFRC2, Deputy = HFC1.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Fire Chiefs and all Line Officers of the Fire Department shall be responsible to the Township Administrator or his/her designee, for implementing and carrying out the fire protection and fire prevention services within the Township as required by law.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The members and officers of the Fire Department shall comply with any and all requirements as set forth by the Mid-Jersey Joint Insurance Fund or any other insurance carrier designated by the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
The Township Clerk shall keep a list of each Company's membership. Said list will include the name of each member, the date of his/her acceptance, current address, current telephone number, and driver's license number.
It shall be the responsibility of the Fire Chief to notify the Township Clerk of any changes in such list and status as they occur throughout the year. By December 1st of each year, the Fire Chief will furnish the Township Clerk with a complete list with the information listed above, of each member of the Company and their status within said Company.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
There may be active or associate members of the Fire Department who may also be designated as fire police pursuant to N.J.S.A. 15:8-4. These members shall serve at the direction of the Fire Chief or designee. Before commencing their duties as fire police, such members must qualify as fire police by taking and subscribing to an oath to be administered by the Municipal Clerk that they shall justly, impartially and faithfully discharge their duties to the best of their ability and understanding. Fire police shall perform their duties under the supervision of the fire officer in charge of the fire or fire drill. Such duties shall include:
Protection of property and contents;
Establishing and maintaining fire lines;
Performing such traffic duties as necessary, from the fire station to and at the vicinity of the fire, fire drill, or other emergency call, until the arrival of a duly authorized police officer;
Nothing set forth in this subsection is intended to give the fire police the right to supersede a duly authorized police officer.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Certified Drivers. Certified drivers shall operate the Fire Company's assigned apparatus. Each driver must complete Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator (CEVO) class and an approved Driver Training Program must be completed prior to being certified.
Eligibility as Certified Driver. To be eligible as a certified driver of Fire Department apparatus, a member must be at least 21 years of age, possess a valid State of New Jersey driver's license, hold IMS Level I State Certification and qualify annually on each apparatus.
Duties of Driver. In addition to driving the apparatus, all drivers shall see that the apparatus are in serviceable condition when returned to the fire station after a call.
Effect of Loss of Driver's License. Any Fire Department member whose license is expired, suspended, revoked, or otherwise forfeited or cancelled shall immediately notify the Fire Chief. If this situation occurs, the driver shall become disqualified. Additionally, drivers shall be subject to control of the Fire Chief, who may, for just cause, remove a driver or impose a suspension.
The Township Administrator will ensure that driver's license checks are done on all Fire Department members annually.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Use of Apparatus. Fire apparatus representing the Township of Holmdel shall be removed from the firehouses in which they are housed only upon dispatch to an incident or for training, maintenance, refueling or other approved reason. Frivolous use of fire apparatus is prohibited. The Fire Chief shall report any violations of this provision to the Township Administrator or his/her designee, and may suspend or remove the driver responsible.
Cleaning and Care. The drivers shall be responsible for the cleaning and care of all Township fire apparatus.
Apparatus Leaving Township. No portion of the equipment or apparatus of the Fire Department shall be permitted to leave the Township to attend social functions (parades, musters, etc.) except with the approval of the Township Administrator or his/her designee. Response to calls for aid outside of the municipality shall be in accordance with State, County, and local mutual aid protocols. In such cases, the Fire Chief shall designate which portion of equipment or apparatus may be sent.
Speed of Fire Apparatus.
No fire apparatus shall be driven upon any street at a speed exceeding that permitted by law, provided that when answering an alarm of fire any apparatus so engaged may proceed at a safe rate of speed commensurate with conditions.
Fire apparatus shall be driven at all times with due regard to the safety of persons and property upon the streets, roads and highways.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
It shall be the duty of all officers and members to maintain proper discipline and decorum at all times. All members shall faithfully and promptly obey the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures set forth by the Fire Department and the lawful orders of superiors. Written charges may be filed against any member by any other member, a member of the public, or a public or private entity. The Fire Chief shall have the authority to summarily discipline any offender, or he/she may choose to convene a Disciplinary Review Board.
Options. Disciplinary action may take the form of a verbal warning, written notice to improve performance, official written reprimand, revocation of privileges, suspension not to exceed one year, or expulsion from the Fire Department.
Authority to Impose. The Fire Chief may administer all levels of disciplinary action. An expulsion order shall only be drawn up upon recommendation from the Disciplinary Review Board.
Disciplinary Review Board.
Composition. A Disciplinary Review Board shall consist of three individuals as follows: the Township Administrator or his/her designee, and the Fire Chief and the Police Chief. When the Board meets, the Administrator/designee shall chair the proceedings. If a prospective Board member is a party in the case, or has some other conflict of interest, he/she shall be disqualified from serving on that particular case and be replaced by the chief officer from another Fire Company, the County Fire Marshal or his/her designee, or a representative of the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety.
Duties. The Disciplinary Review Board shall conduct impartial hearings to review formal charges brought against members. After hearing testimony from both sides, the Board shall deliberate and render a decision. If the decision sustains the charges, the Board shall also recommend disciplinary action.
Within 10 days of reaching a decision, the Board shall provide written copies of its findings to both parties.
Proceedings. A hearing shall commence before the Disciplinary Review Board within a reasonable time following submission of written charges. The accused shall be provided an opportunity to present his/her defense, with or without the assistance of an attorney, and to present witnesses and cross-examine any person testifying against him/her. All testimony shall be given under oath. If deemed necessary, a court reporter may be hired to record and transcribe the proceedings, with the total costs thereof being evenly split between the accused and the Fire Company of the accused.
Implementation of Decision. The Fire Chief shall implement disciplinary action upon a guilty finding by the Disciplinary Review Board. Implementation shall begin after the time period for appeal has expired, or immediately after an appeal has been denied.
Appeals. An appeal may be taken to the appointing authority if written notice of appeal is served on the Administrator within five calendar days of receipt of the decision of the Disciplinary Review Board. If notice of appeal is not served within this time period, the right to appeal shall be deemed waived. The appointing authority shall make their determination based upon the written findings and/or transcript, if one has been prepared, by the Disciplinary Review Board. The appointing authority may elect to hear additional testimony. The decision of the appointing authority shall be final.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
On or before October 1st of every year following adoption of this section, the Fire Company shall be required to submit to the Township Administrator or designee budget requests for equipment, supplies and materials for consideration as part of the Fire Department budget process for the following calendar year which shall be considered by the Township Committee as part of the Township's overall budget process.
The Township may disburse funds to the Fire Company for the purchase of fire equipment, supplies and materials as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-34. In order to receive such disbursements from the Township, the Fire Company must submit a detailed description of each proposed expenditure to the Township Administrator or designee. Authorization of the requested funds may be dispersed to the Fire Company pursuant to Township purchasing procedures.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
This section shall not affect the term of service or exemption rights acquired by any volunteer firefighter of the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Eligible members of the Fire Department shall be participants in the Township's Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) in accordance with Chapter 2, subsection 2-34.1 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Holmdel.
[Ord. No. 2016-08]
Management. The volunteer Fire Companies shall have latitude in the management of its firehouse and in the conduct of internal affairs, consistent with the purpose for which it was organized and maintained, and with the ordinances of the Township, the rules and regulations of the Fire Department and the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Constitution and Bylaws. The constitution and bylaws of each Fire Company shall conform to the provisions of this section and Statutes. The Fire Companies may adopt bylaws, which impose stricter standards than would otherwise be imposed by ordinance, Fire Department rules and regulations, or Statute, as long as the by-law is not in conflict or does not violate any Township ordinance, Fire Department rule or regulation, or Statute.
Elections. Fire Company elections shall be held in the final quarter of the year as provided for in the bylaws of the company. The term of elected officers shall commence at 12:00 p.m. on the succeeding January 1st. The Fire Companies in accordance with its bylaws shall fill a vacancy.
Financial Statements. The budget year of the Fire Company shall be the calendar year. An annual financial statement, prepared by a Certified Public Accountant and an IRS 990 form, covering the full fiscal year shall be rendered by the company over the signature of the President and Treasurer, and attested to by its Secretary, under the seal of the company, and shall show in detail the sources of all receipts from the Township and the purpose of all disbursements made from funds received by the Township pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-34. Such reports shall be subject to audit at the discretion of the Township Administrator or Chief Financial Officer. These reports shall be included as part of his/her annual/monthly report to the Administrator/Township Committee. The Company may, but is not required to, include receipts from other sources, or disbursements made from funds received from other sources.
[1976 Code § 14-27]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. APP.A:9-40.1 there shall be a Coordinator of Emergency Management appointed by the Mayor for a term of three years. He/she shall be a resident of the Township and shall serve without compensation. The Coordinator of Emergency Management shall have the powers, functions, and duties prescribed by law.
[1976 Code § 14-30]
There shall be one or more independent, incorporated volunteer First Aid Squads recognized by the Township Committee. The Captains of the First Aid Squads shall act according to rules and regulations consistent with law, which they shall establish independently or in accord with regional associations of First Aid Squads. The Township Committee in their municipal budget may contribute aid to the volunteer First Aid Squads as permitted by law.
[Ord. No. 2001-18 § I]
Any person desiring membership to the Holmdel First Aid Squad shall submit an application to the Volunteer First Aid Squad, the form of which may be prescribed by the Volunteer First Aid Squad, but which shall contain the following information about the applicant:
Home address;
Birth date;
Social Security Number;
Driver's License Number;
Any conviction of violations of N.J.S.A. 2C:17-1 a. aggravated arson; or b. arson; or c. failure to control or report a dangerous fire or directly or indirectly pay or accept any form of consideration for the purpose of starting a fire or explosion; any conviction of a violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:33-3 regarding false public alarms; any conviction of any crime or disorderly persons violation; and any such other information as the First Aid Squad deems relevant to the application provided said information is not privileged or prohibited by law.
Following the filing of such application, the Volunteer First Aid Squad shall transmit one of the application forms to the Chief of Police who shall conduct an investigation to ascertain the truth of the statements made by the applicant upon his or her application and any such other investigation of the applicant's background as the Chief deems necessary for the protection of the public good. If as a result of such investigation the applicant is found to have been convicted of a violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:17-1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 2C:33-3 or any other criminal or disorderly persons offense or other information is uncovered which will indicate the applicant may be a threat to the public health, safety or welfare, the Chief of Police shall report such information and the particulars thereof to the Chief of the Company to which the application was made.
The applicant shall submit to fingerprinting and the Chief of Police is authorized to submit the applicant's fingerprint card to the Division of State Police/State Bureau of Identification and receive from said agencies a State Criminal History Record Information Sheet for use in evaluating the suitability of the applicant. All investigative materials shall be kept confidential and shall only be available to the reviewing authority of the First Aid Squad.
Random background and criminal history checks may be performed on members if determined to be necessary by the approving authority of the Volunteer First Aid Squad provided, however, that the subject of the proposed investigation be notified in writing by certified mail 10 days in advance of the commencement of the investigation.
This investigation shall be completed within 30 days of receipt of the application and the fingerprinting of the applicant.
[Ord. No. 2018-13]
The purpose of this subsection is to preserve and enhance the availability of volunteer first aid squad services for legitimate medical emergency situations in the Township by regulating the use of volunteer first aid squad services in certain nonemergency situations.
For purposes of this subsection, the following definition applies:
Patient care facility is defined as all State-licensed nursing homes, rest homes, health maintenance organizations, assisted living facilities, health-care facilities providing in-patient services, and other licensed or unlicensed medical care providers with the capacity to treat 10 or more outpatients simultaneously.
All patient care facilities located within the Township are hereby required to own, lease, rent or have promptly available by contract sufficient appropriately staffed private ambulance services for the treatment and transport of patients in need of non-emergency medical care. Such ambulance services shall be available 365 days per year and 24 hours per day.
In order to satisfy the requirements of subsection (c), each patient care facility subject to this chapter shall file proof of the availability of private ambulance services with the Township Clerk within 60 days after final passage of this chapter, and on or before September 1 of each year thereafter. For purposes of this subchapter, proof of private ambulance availability shall consist of a contract with no less than two private ambulance service providers under which such providers are obliged to respond promptly to the patient care facility. Alternatively, if a patient care facility elects to own and operate its own ambulance(s), such proof shall consist of documentation of the make, model, year, color, serial number, license plate number, location, and staffing of such ambulance(s). As part of the proofs required under this section, the resident director, manager or authorized corporate officer of each patient care facility shall make and file with the Township Clerk a signed certification that adequate private ambulance services are available, and that all agents and employees of such facility involved with patient care have been apprised of and trained in the use of such private ambulance services. The failure of a patient care facility to comply with the requirements of this subsection shall constitute an ordinance violation by the patient care facility and its resident director, manager, or authorized corporate officer punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.
In the event that an employee or agent of a patient care facility located in the Township takes actions resulting in the dispatch of a volunteer first aid squad regulated pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2-31.1, and the responding volunteer first aid squad determines in its sole discretion that the basis for dispatch did not constitute circumstances requiring the use of an advanced life support or paramedic unit, the volunteer first aid squad shall certify accordingly to the Township and the private care facility shall be subject to a volunteer first aid services dispatch fee of $750. This fee shall be payable to the Township of Holmdel. The Township of Holmdel may contribute fee revenue generated under this subsection to the volunteer first aid squads, consistent with subsection 2-31.1.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 14-28A.1; amended 2-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
The purpose of this section is to establish an incentive program to increase enrollment in volunteer fire companies, first aid squads, and the citizen emergency response team within the Township of Holmdel and to reward such volunteers for their tireless efforts, and their many hours spent to preserve and protect the health, safety, property and welfare of the residents of the Township of Holmdel, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, without compensation.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 14-28A.2; amended 2-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
As used in this section:
Any volunteer who has been certified, in writing, by the Chief Executive Officer of a volunteer first responder organization within the Township of Holmdel to have served at least one year of continuous volunteer service in the organization and, to possess the necessary certification(s), license(s) and/or training required by the organization.
Any individual contributing services to a volunteer first responder organization.
Any volunteer fire company, volunteer first aid squad, or volunteer citizen emergency response team operating within the Township of Holmdel and whose members serve without remuneration or without a formal agreement or contract for hire.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 14-28A.3; amended 2-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
The provisions of this section shall be limited solely to members in good standing in any volunteer first responder organization within the Township.
Reports detailing the attendance of members of each volunteer first responder organization, including their compliance with this section's definition of a member in good standing, shall be filed quarterly with the Township Clerk by the Chief Executive Officer of each such organization. The certification shall be filed annually, not later than January 15 with the Township Clerk by the Chief Executive Officer of each volunteer first responder organization . A new certification must be filed each year, and the certification from the preceding year shall be null and void.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 14-28A.4; amended 2-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
Every member in good standing of a volunteer first responder organization shall be entitled to the following benefits from the Township:
Exemption from the payment of any Holmdel Township fees for the Township swim club, Township Recreation activities, Township training programs, Township licenses and permit fees, fees for the use of Township buildings and facilities and Township programs up to a maximum of $300 per year, provided the fee or charge is for the personal and nonprofit use of such member in good standing. Where fees include monies payable to the State and/or County, only the municipal portion of these fees may be waived.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 14-28A.5; Ord. No. 97-7 § I; amended 2-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
An individual entitled to benefits under Subsection 2-32.4 shall redeem such benefits by submitting a request to the Township Clerk’s office requesting a voucher, specifying the nature and amount of the Holmdel Township fee requested to be waived pursuant to this section. The Township Clerk shall then issue a voucher that may be submitted to the appropriate Township department and shall be accepted by that department in lieu of the required fee payment. The Township Clerk shall maintain a ledger that tracks the vouchers issued to each eligible individual which shall be debited against that individual’s benefit amount afforded under this section.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 41-28A.6; Ord. No. 97-7 § II]
The Township Clerk is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 94-41 § 14-28A.2]
Any person committing an offense against the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation to be punished by a fine not to exceed $300.
[Ord. No. 2002-08; Ord. No. 2004-24 § I; Ord. No. 2007-31 § I]]
A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is herewith created in accordance with Chapter 388 of the Laws of 1997 to reward volunteer members of the Holmdel Township Fire Department and First Aid Squad for their loyal, diligent, and devoted services to the residents of the Township of Holmdel.
The LOSAP shall provide for fixed annual contributions to a tax deferred income account for each volunteer member that meets the criteria set forth below; that such contributions shall be made in accordance with a plan that shall be established by the Township of Holmdel pursuant to P.L. 1997, c. 388; and that such plan shall be administered in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, and this Ordinance.
The LOSAP shall provide for annual contributions to each eligible member that accumulates 50 points during a calendar year pursuant to the point system attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The annual contribution amount for each year of future service for each eligible volunteer member shall be $1,580 per person. The estimated annual cost of this provision of the LOSAP shall be based on 44 members for a total cost of $69,520.
[Amended 8-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-27[2]]
1. Earning 50 points will award an eligible year of service.
2. Each active volunteer member shall be credited with points for volunteer services provided to the Holmdel Fire Department in accordance with the following point system:
A. Participation in Department Responses:
25 points for responding on the minimum number of calls as outlined below:
1 — Total number of calls volunteer company responds to annually - 0-300.
2 — Minimum number of calls volunteer firefighters must run annually in order to receive 25 points credit - 20%.
B. Drills — 20 points maximum.
1 — 1 point per drill, minimum two-hour drill.
C. Training Courses — 25 points maximum.
1 — Courses under 20 hours duration - One point per hour with a maximum of five points.
2 — Courses of 20 - 45 hours duration - one point per hour for each hour over initial 20 hours with a maximum of 10 points.
D. Attendance at Meetings - 15 points maximum.
— Attendance at any official meeting of the volunteer fire company - One point per meeting.
E. Elected or Appointed Positions - 25 points maximum.
— Elected or appointed means Line Officers and Department Officers which include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Fire Company.
F. Work Nights or Special Work Details - 25 points maximum.
— One point for any two-hour work detail attended.
3. Members are vested after five qualifying years of service.
4. Annual contribution of $1,580 per member who has earned a qualifying year, which shall be subject to adjustment pursuant to Subsection e.
Holmdel Volunteer First Aid Squad
Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP)
1. Earning 50 points will award an eligible year of service.
2. Each active volunteer member shall be credited with points for volunteer services provided to the first aid squad in accordance with the following point system:
First aid call responses:
= 1 point per response to 2 calls
Regular squad meeting:
= 2 points each (no maximum)
Training courses:
= 1 point every two hours
Fund raising events:
= 1 point per 2 hours (max. 10 points)
Night crew assignment:
= 1 point every three nights (15 maximum)
Work details
= 1 point per 2 hours (maximum 12)
Teaching recognized first aid courses to Holmdel recognized organizations (e.g. CPR, first aid, AED, first responder, etc.):
= 1 point each hour of course
Community relations to Holmdel recognized organizations (e.g. speaking engagement, community day, public appearances):
= 1 point each hour
Elected officers:
= 20 Points
EMT certification:
= 15 Points
Appointed positions:
(Rescue Lieutenant) (LOSAP Administrator) (11th District Rep.)
= 15 points
Life members:
= 25 Points
3. Members are vested after five qualifying years of service.
4. Annual contribution of $1,580 per member who has earned a qualifying year, which shall be subject to adjustment pursuant to Subsection e.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved by voters at the general election 11-2-2021.
The annual contribution amount set forth in Subsection d shall be effective for calendar year 2021 with retroactive effect to January 1, 2021. In each future year, the Township shall automatically increase the annual contribution set forth in Subsection d pursuant to changes in the consumer price index (CPI), as provided by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30-14.9. This adjustment shall automatically be made irrespective of the estimates of program cost or size set forth in Subsection d.
[Added 8-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-27]
Editor's Note: The Length of Service Awards Program of the Township of Holmdel (LOSAP) was approved by the electorate of the Township of Holmdel at the General Election of November 5, 2002.