Editor's Note: The general power to adopt health ordinances is contained in N.J.S. 26:3-31. The penalties that may be provided for a violation of health provisions are contained in N.J.S. 26:3-69.1, et seq. In addition to the health regulations contained in this chapter, the State Sanitary Code promulgated by the State Public Health Council is by reason of N.J.S. 26:1A-9 enforceable in every municipality in this State. For salary grades and ranges, wages, compensation and fees of all officers and employees of the Township Board of Health, see annual salary ordinances of the Township. Such ordinances are not included in these revised ordinances but are saved from repeal.
The provisions of Chapter 1 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Holmdel in the County of Monmouth (1999) concerning short title, definitions, construction and severability shall apply to all chapters adopted by the Board of Health.
Any person violating any of the provisions of any chapter adopted by the Board of Health of the Township shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a penalty of not less than $5, nor more than $500 for each offense. Complaint shall be made in the Municipal Court of the Township or before another judicial officer having authority under the laws of the State of New Jersey. The Court shall have the power to impose other and additional penalties provided by N.J.S. 26:3-77 and N.J.S. 26:3-78.
Except as otherwise provided, each and every day in which a violation of any of the provisions of any chapter adopted by the Board of Health exists shall constitute a separate violation.
All fees and penalties collected under any provision of any chapter adopted by the Board of Health shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Township.
[1976 Code § 1A-1]
There is hereby created the office of Administrative Clerk, Board of Health.
[1976 Code § 1A-2]
The Administrative Clerk of the Board of Health shall:
Assist the Board of Health in the formulation of effective policies and procedures for the office and other clerical and related operations.
Analyze and directly or indirectly supervise the clerical and related work involved in the preparation of the annual budget.
Assist in drafting proposed ordinances and resolutions.
Collect and analyze data needed as a basis for administrative decisions in addition to performing general administrative, clerical and related work.
May directly supervise some designated phase or phases of the clerical and related work involved in maintaining financial and personnel records, preparing payrolls, making purchases, compiling needed statistical and other data, checking invoices and vouchers, and collecting and depositing money.
When so directed, make special investigations for the Board of Health.
Handle correspondence and make decisions requiring thorough knowledge of the organization.
Supervise directly or indirectly the establishment and maintenance of records and files.
[1976 Code § 1A-4]
The Administrative Clerk of the Board of Health shall receive such compensation as shall be determined by the Salary Ordinance of the Township.
[1976 Code § 21-1]
There is hereby created the office of Secretary of the Board of Health.
[1976 Code § 21-2]
The Secretary of the Board of Health shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board of Health; shall keep and prepare minutes of each regular and special meeting; shall have custody of and shall maintain an ordinance book of the Board of Health and shall be responsible for the publication of all notices required for the passage of ordinances and for the publication of any other notices of the Board of Health as required by law; shall have custody of all records relating to matters of the Board of Health; shall execute all permits, licenses and other documents as provided by law; and shall perform any and all other duties as shall be prescribed by the Board of Health.
[1976 Code § 21-3]
The Secretary of the Board of Health shall hold office for a term of 1 year and until his successor shall have been appointed and qualified, the term to commence on the first day of January in the year in which the appointment is made.
[1976 Code § 21-4]
The Secretary of the Board of Health shall receive such compensation as shall be determined by ordinance and the Secretary shall not be required to be an actual member of the Township Board of Health.