[Ord. #489]
There exists in the Borough unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations, and persons of low income are forced to reside in such unsanitary or unsafe accommodations. In the Borough there is a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available at rents which persons of low income can afford, and such persons are forced to occupy overcrowded and congested dwelling accommodations. The aforesaid conditions cause an increase in and spread of disease and crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the Borough and impair economic values; and those conditions necessitate excessive and disproportionate expenditures of public funds from crime prevention and punishment, public health and safety, fire and accident protection and other public services and facilities. These areas in the Borough cannot be cleared, nor can the shortage of safe and sanitary dwellings for persons of low income be relieved through the operation of private enterprise, and therefore the construction of housing projects for persons of low income (as defined in the Local Housing Authorities Law) would not be competitive with private enterprise. The clearance, replanning and reconstruction of the areas in which unsanitary and unsafe housing conditions exist and the providing of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations by any public body for persons of low income are public uses and purposes for which public money may be spent and private property acquired and are governmental functions. It is in the public interest that work on projects for such purposes be commenced as soon as possible.
[Ord. #489, § 1]
Pursuant to the provisions of the "Local Housing Authorities Law" N.J.S.A. 55:14A, et seq., as amended, a body corporate and politic to be known as the "Housing Authority of the Borough of Keansburg," is hereby created and established.
[Ord. #489, § 2]
The Borough Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this section with the executive officer of the Public Housing and Development Authority, in the State Department of Conservation and Economic Development.
Editor's Note: Former Section 2-23, Municipal Utility Authority, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance Nos. 642, 756 and 1070, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 1318.
[Ord. #1318, § 1]
The Keansburg Municipal Utilities Authority, created by the Borough by ordinance adopted on October 6, 1971 be and the same is hereby dissolved, subject to the terms and conditions hereof.
[Ord. #1318, § 2]
The Authority is hereby enjoined from taking any further action without the consent of the Borough. Simultaneously upon the effective date of the dissolution as set forth in subsection 2-23.7 of this section, the Authority shall cease all operations and activities shall be transferred to the Borough automatically and without further action by either the Borough or the Authority.
[Ord. #1318, § 3]
Upon effective date of the dissolution as set forth in subsection 2-23.7, all real personal property, facilities and contracts of the Authority shall be deemed transferred to the Borough and the existing officers of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to execute any documents or instruments necessary to transfer legal title to all real property, personal property, facilities and contracts to the Borough upon the effective date of the dissolution herein, notwithstanding the dissolution of the Authority.
[Ord. #1318, § 4]
Upon the effective date of the dissolution as set forth in subsection 2-23.7, the Borough shall assume all legal obligations to pay all existing and outstanding creditors and obligees of the Authority. The Borough shall issue appropriate debt obligations in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:2-1 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 40A:5A-20 in order to defease any outstanding indebtedness of the Authority and assume such obligations.
[Ord. #1318, § 5]
The Borough has created a sewer and water utility for the purposes of assuming the operation of the services previously provided by the Authority. The Borough shall amend its ordinance to effectuate the transfer of said obligations from the Authority to said sewer and water utility in accordance with the provisions of law, which services are necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the users of the system. Upon the effective date of the dissolution as set forth in subsection 2-23.7, the Borough shall assume the operation of the services previously provided by the Authority.
[Ord. #1318, § 6]
The foregoing section shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Finance Board of the State of New Jersey in accordance with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40:5A-20 and the final adoption of this section by the Borough shall represent conclusive proof of the fact that the foregoing section has received the approval of the Local Finance Board. Immediately upon adoption of this section, the aforesaid shall be filed with the Local Finance Board and with the Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:5A-20.
[Ord. #1318, § 7]
The dissolution of the Authority shall take effect simultaneously with the issuance of debt obligations of the Borough to refund all existing and outstanding indebtedness of the Authority, the defeasance of said debt, and the transfer of all funds from the Authority to the Borough.
[Ord. #1318, § 8]
The members of the governing body, Mayor, Borough Clerk and other employees, as directed by the Mayor, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all steps necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section. The members of the Authority, its officers, employees, engineer and counsel are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section.
[Ord. #311, § 1]
A public body corporate and politic under the name and style of "Keansburg Port Authority" is hereby created according to the provisions of Chapter 349, P.L. 1948, passed and approved September 1, 1948.
[Ord. #311, §§ 2, 3]
The public body shall consist of five members who shall be appointed by resolution of the governing body of the Borough, according to the provisions of the act referred to in subsection 2-24.1 and shall constitute the Port Authority contemplated and provided for in the Act.
The members of the Keansburg Port Authority shall be appointed in the manner and as prescribed in the act above mentioned.
[Ord. #311, § 4]
The Keansburg Port Authority shall be a public body corporate and politic, as provided by the Chapter 349, P.L. 1948, and any amendments thereof and supplements thereto, with all of the powers conferred upon it by the act, and any and all powers conferred by any other laws of the State of New Jersey now or hereafter in effect.
[Ord. #953, § 1]
Because of the existing and increasing possibility of the occurrence of disasters of unprecedented size and destruction from fire, flood, hurricane, tropical storm or other natural or man-made causes, such as blackouts and power failures, aircraft accidents, bomb threats, chemical and radiological accidents, riots and violent demonstrations, and in order to ensure that preparations of this Borough will be adequate to deal with such disasters and generally to provide for the common defense and to protect the public peace, health and safety and to preserve the lives and property of the residents of this Borough, it is hereby found and declared to be necessary to:
Create a Municipal Emergency Management Agency.
Provide for the rendering of mutual aid to other municipalities within the State of New Jersey and adjoining states and to cooperate with the state government with respect to carrying out emergency functions.
Create and test an emergency operations plan for all divisions of Borough government in the event of one of the aforementioned disasters.
[Ord. #953, § 2]
It is further declared to be the purpose of this section and the policy of this Borough that all emergency functions of this Borough be coordinated to the maximum extent with the comparable functions of the State government, including its various departments and agencies, of other municipalities and private agencies of every type so that a comprehensive plan may make the best use of this Borough's manpower, resources and facilities in the event that a disaster does occur.
[Ord. #953, § 3]
It is further declared to be the purpose of this section and the policy of this Borough to organize an emergency management organization, in conformity with the Civil Defense Act as directed by P.L. 1942, c. 251, as amended. The name of this organization shall be as follows: Office of Emergency Management, Emergency Management Agency.
There is hereby created a Local Defense council, which shall be composed of not more than 15 members who shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold office at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The members of the Local Defense Council shall be considered members of the Office of Emergency Management.
[Ord. #953, § 4]
The Office of Emergency Management shall be under the direct supervision of an Emergency Management Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Mayor from among the residents of the Borough. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall also be designated as Municipal Disaster Control Director pursuant to N.J.S. App. A:9-40.1 and shall also serve as chairperson of the Local Defense Council.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve a term of three years, subject to fulfilling the requirements of N.J.S. App. A:9-40.1.
[Ord. #953, § 5]
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall appoint a Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator, with the approval of the Mayor. Whenever possible, such deputy shall be appointed from among the salaried officers or employees of the Borough. The Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator shall also be designated as Deputy Municipal Disaster Control Director pursuant to N.J.S. App. A:9-40.3.
[Ord. #953, § 6]
The Office of Emergency Management shall, under the direction of the Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator, create and test the emergency operations plan and be prepared to activate it whenever necessary. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall coordinate activities of the various municipal departments, private businesses and agencies in the event of any of the aforementioned disasters.
[Ord. #953, § 7]
It shall be the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Management to carry out and enforce such orders, rules and regulations, as issued by the Mayor or the chain of command as outlined by the emergency management plan, under the authority of this section. The Office of Emergency Management shall have available for inspection all such orders and rules and regulations made by the Mayor or the chain of command or under their authority.
[Ord. #953, § 8]
The Office of Emergency Management shall have a fully functional emergency operations center, which shall be ready to coordinate all City, County, State, Federal and other agencies' functions in the event of a disaster. It shall also have an alternate operations center planned in the event that the first shall be damaged or unusable.
The primary Emergency Operations Center will be at the Keansburg Police Department, 179 Carr Avenue, Keansburg, New Jersey. The Alternate Emergency Operations Center will be located at Borough Hall, 43 Church Street, Keansburg, New Jersey, 07734.
[Ord. #1169, § 1]
There is hereby created an agency and instrumentality of the Borough of Keansburg, the "Environmental Advisory Committee of the Borough of Keansburg", which shall have the duties and responsibilities provided for herein.
[Ord. #1169, § 1; Ord. #1175, § 1]
The Environmental Advisory Committee shall consist of seven members, appointed by the Municipal Council, all of whom shall be residents or employees of the Borough, or Board of Education of the Borough of Keansburg and one of whom shall be a student enrolled in either the 11th or 12th grade of high school. The members shall serve without compensation. The Municipal Council shall designate one of the members of the Committee to serve as Chairperson and presiding officer of the Committee. The terms of office of the first members shall be for one, two or three years, to be designated by the Municipal Council in making appointments to the Committee so that the terms of 1/3 of the members will expire each year, and their successors shall be appointed for terms of three years and until the appointment and qualification of their successors.
[Ord. #1169, § 1]
The Environmental Advisory Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
To make recommendations to the Municipal Council and other boards and agencies of the Borough as to measures which will promote the conservation and development of all natural resources of the Borough.
To compile and keep an index of all open areas, whether publicly or privately owned, including wet-lands and other environmentally sensitive areas in the Borough.
To advise the Municipal Council and other boards and agencies of the Borough as to matters concerning open space preservation, water resource management, air quality control, solid waste management, noise abatement and control, soil stabilization, marine resource management and the promotion of the general aesthetics of the Borough.
Make recommendations to the Municipal Council and the Planning Board as to matters concerning the Master Plan and the Land Use Ordinances of the Borough.
Perform such other advisory functions as may be from time to time requested by the Municipal Council with respect to matters referred to in this subsection. The Committee shall not have any powers not specifically provided for in this section.
[Ord. #1169, § 1]
The Environmental Advisory Committee shall keep records of its meetings and shall make an annual report to the Municipal Council as to its activities.
[Ord. #986, § 1]
There shall be a Shade Tree Advisory Board known as the Shade Tree Advisory Board of the Borough of Keansburg, consisting of five members appointed by the Borough Council. Of the initial appointees, one member shall be appointed for one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years and one member for five years. At the expiration of each of the current terms, the new member shall be appointed for a term of three years.
[Ord. #986, § 2]
The Shade Tree Advisory Board shall advise and make recommendations to the Planning Board with respect to new and revised site plans.
[Ord. #986, § 3]
The Shade Tree Advisory Board shall advise the Borough Council concerning:
The regulation, planting and care of shade and ornamental trees, shrubbery now located or which may hereafter be planted in any public highway or parkway, including the planting, trimming and spraying, care and protection thereof.
The regulation and control of the use of the ground surrounding same so far as may be necessary for the proper growth, care and protection.
Moving or requiring the removal of any tree or part thereof dangerous to public safety.
Editor's Note: Former Section 2-26, Harbor Commission, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 1206, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 1284.
[Ord. #1284, § 3]
As the Mayor and Council deem it in the public interest and for the health, safety and welfare of the general public to promote the efficient management, operation and control of the waterfront, creeks, waterways and beaches within the jurisdictional limits of the Borough of Keansburg and such goals will be promoted by the creation of a Harbor Committee in and for the Borough of Keansburg, (hereinafter "the Harbor Committee" or "the Committee").
[Ord. #1284 § 3; Ord. #1450]
The Harbor Committee shall consist of five members, two of which shall be members of the Governing Body who shall be appointed to a one year term. Three shall be residents of the Borough of Keansburg first appointed for the following terms: one for one year; one for two years; one for three years. Following these terms, all appointments, except the members of the Governing Body who shall be appointed for a period of one year, shall be for the term of five years each, and the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
In addition, one alternate member shall be appointed for a term of two years. In the event that a general member of the Harbor Committee is unable to perform his or her function, the alternate shall step in.
[Ord. #1284, § 3]
The Committee organizational meeting shall be at a time and place set forth by the Mayor and Council and the Committee shall have monthly meetings and all other meetings as the Harbor Committee determines necessary. Annually, at the organizational meeting, a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and Secretary shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership.
[Ord. #1284, § 3]
All members of the Harbor Committee shall serve without compensation.
Any expenses incurred by members while in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed by the Borough Council upon submission for payment and approval by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #1284, § 3]
The Harbor Committee shall not have the power of expenditure unless by authorization of the governing body.
[Ord. #1284, § 3]
The Harbor Committee shall have the power to solicit monies, funds, grants or other such monetary considerations for the purpose of and relating to the matter of construction, erection, improvement, alteration and extension of any facilities, structures and properties related to the harbor, waterways, creeks, beaches, piers, marinas and ramps upon lands owned or leased by the Borough and upon lands owned or leased by the Borough contiguous to such harbor, waterfront and beach provided prior authorization of Borough Council is obtained.
The Harbor Committee shall have the powers necessary and reasonable to ensure the operation, use, regulation, control and supervision of wharves, piers, bulkheads, breakwaters, jetties, docks, basins, beaches, harbors and harbor structure of the harbor waterfronts and creeks upon lands owned or leased by the Borough and upon lands owned or leased by the Borough contiguous to such harbor, waterfront and beach provided prior authorization of the Borough Council is obtained.
The Harbor Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate pierheads, bulkhead lines and distances between piers, bulkheads, breakwaters, jetties, dock slips, basins, docking facilities, beaches, harbors and harbor structures, upon lands owned or leased by the Borough and upon lands owned and leased by the Borough contiguous to such harbor, waterfront and beach subject to rules and regulations of the United States and the State of New Jersey whichever is more restrictive.
The Harbor Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate sporting events, beach recreation and picnicking and other such activities on or in the harbor, waterways, creeks, beaches, piers, marinas and ramps upon lands owned and leased by the Borough and upon lands owned and leased by the Borough contiguous to such harbor, waterfront and beach.
The Harbor Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate the markings, sounding, surveys and plans of all channels, creeks, waterways, harbors, beaches and roadways upon lands owned or leased by the Borough and upon lands owned or leased by the Borough contiguous to such harbor, waterfront and beach, subject to the laws, rules and regulations of the United States and the State of New Jersey and the Borough of Keansburg whichever is more restrictive.
The Harbor Committee shall make recommendations to the Borough Council for the maintenance, operation, use, management, regulation, rules, control and supervision of all wharves, piers, bulkhead, breakwaters, jetties, creeks, docks, slips, basins, docking facilities, beaches, harbor and harbor structures owned or leased by the Borough of Keansburg.
The Harbor Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations regulating all services, utilities, fuel and fix the rate for the same on all properties owned or leased by the Borough of Keansburg within the jurisdiction of the Committee. The Harbor committee shall fix the rate to be charged for use of the beaches, wharfs, ramps, slip rentals and the use of all facilities owned or leased by the Borough of Keansburg within the jurisdiction of the Commission.
[Ord. #1285, § 1]
As the Mayor and Council deem it in the public interest and for the health, safety and welfare of the general public to promote the location and operation of a Borough Municipal Library of the Borough of Keansburg and such goals will be promoted by the creation of a Library Committee in and for the Borough of Keansburg, (hereinafter "the Library Committee" or "the Committee").
[Ord. #1285, § 1]
The Library Committee shall consist of five members, two of which shall be members of the governing body who shall be appointed to a one year term. The three remaining members shall be residents of the Borough of Keansburg first appointed for the following terms: one for one year; one for two years; one for three years. Following these terms, all appointments, except the members of the governing body who shall be appointed for a period of one year, shall be for the term of five years each, and the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
[Ord. #1285, § 1]
The Committee organizational meeting shall be at a time and place set forth by the Mayor and Council and the Committee shall have meetings and all other meetings as the Library Committee determines necessary but no less than four meetings per year. Annually, at the organizational meeting, a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and Secretary shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership.
[Ord. #1285, § 1]
All members of the Library Committee shall serve without compensation.
Any expenses incurred by members while in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed by the Borough Council upon submission for payment and approval by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #1285, § 1]
The Library Committee shall not have the power of expenditure unless by authorization of the governing body.
[Ord. #1285, § 1]
The Library Committee shall have the power to solicit monies, funds, grants or other such monetary considerations for the purpose of and relating to the matter of location, construction, erection, improvement, alteration and extension and operation of a Borough Municipal Library upon lands owned or leased by the Borough and upon lands which may be acquired by the Borough (provided prior authorization of Borough Council is obtained).
The Library Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate such Borough Library, upon lands owned or leased by the Borough and upon lands which may be acquired by the Borough.
The Library Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate permitted fund-raising activities for the purpose of establishing a Borough Municipal Library by the Borough.
[Ord. #1288, § 1]
As the Mayor and Council deem it in the public interest and for the health, safety and welfare of the general public to promote the revitalization of the business community in the Borough of Keansburg and such goals will be promoted by the creation of a Business Revitalization Committee in and for the Borough of Keansburg (hereinafter "the Business Revitalization Committee").
[Ord. #1288, § 1]
The Business Revitalization Committee shall consist of seven members, who shall be residents of the Borough of Keansburg. The initial membership shall be appointed for the following terms: two for one year, two for two years; three for three years. Following these terms, all appointments shall be for the term of five years each, and the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
[Ord. #1288, § 1]
The Committee organizational meeting shall be at a time and place set forth by the Mayor and Council and the Committee shall have meetings and all other meetings as the Business Revitalization Committee determines necessary but no less than four meetings per year. Annually, at the organizational meeting, a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and Secretary shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership.
[Ord. #1288, § 1]
All members of the Business Revitalization Committee shall serve without compensation.
Any expenses incurred by members while in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed by the Borough Council upon submission for payment and approval by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #1288, § 1]
The Business Revitalization Committee shall not have the power of expenditure unless by authorization of the governing body.
[Ord. #1288, § 1]
The Business Revitalization Committee shall have the power to solicit monies, funds, grants or other such monetary considerations for the purpose of and relating to the matter of business revitalization upon lands in the Borough provided prior authorization of Borough Council is obtained.
The Business Revitalization Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate such Borough Business Revitalization.
The Business Revitalization Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate permitted fund-raising activities for the purpose of business revitalization in the Borough.
The Business Revitalization Committee may search for and apply for grants for business and neighborhood revitalization provided prior council approval is obtained.
The Business Revitalization Committee may seek input from surrounding municipalities who have been successful in revitalizing business areas and may contact prospective commercial development to encourage appropriate development in areas of the Borough.
The Business Revitalization Committee may make zoning and planning recommendations to the Borough Council and the Planning Board as they may relate to enhancing opportunities for business revitalization.
[Ord. #1292, § 1]
As the Mayor and Council deem it in the public interest and for the health, safety and welfare of the general public to promote the Borough through public relations in the Borough of Keansburg and such goals will be promoted by the creation of a Public Information Committee in and for the Borough of Keansburg (hereinafter "the Public Relations Committee").
[Ord. #1292, § 1]
The Public Relations Committee shall consist of five members, one of which shall be a member of the Borough Council who shall be appointed for a term of one year. The four remaining members, who shall be residents of Keansburg, shall first be appointed for the following terms: One for one year, one for two years, two for three years. Following these terms, all appointments shall be for the term of five years each, and the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
[Ord. #1292, § 1]
The Committee organizational meeting shall be at a time and place set forth by the Mayor and Council and the Committee shall have meetings and all other meetings as the Public Relations Committee determines necessary but not less than four meetings per year. Annually, at he organization meeting, a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and Secretary shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership.
[Ord. #1292, § 1]
All members of the Public Relations Committee shall serve without compensation.
Any expenses incurred by members while in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed by the Borough Council upon submission for payment and approval by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #1292, § 1]
The Public Relations Committee shall not have the power of expenditure unless by authorization of the governing body.
[Ord. #1292, § 1]
The Public Relations Committee shall have the power to solicit monies, funds, grants or other such monetary considerations for the purpose of and relating to the matter of Public Relations for the Borough of Keansburg provided prior authorization of Borough Council is obtained.
The Public Relations Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate such activities to be engaged in by the Public Relations Committee.
The Public Relations Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate permitted fund-raising activities for the purpose of public relations for the Borough.
The Public Relations Committee may seek input from surrounding municipalities who have been successful in promoting their communities.
[Ord. #1293, § 1]
As the Mayor and council deem it in the public interest and for the health, safety and welfare of the general public to promote the receipt of grants financing projects in the Borough of Keansburg and such goals will be promoted by the creation of a Grant Writing Committee in and for the Borough of Keansburg (hereinafter "the Grant Writing Committee").
[Ord. #1293, § 1]
The Grant Writing Committee shall consist of five members, one of which shall be a member of the Borough Council who shall be appointed for a term of one year. The four remaining members, who shall be residents of Keansburg, shall first be appointed for the following terms: one for one year, one for two years; two for three years. Following these terms, all appointments shall be for the term of five years each, the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
[Ord. #1293, § 1]
The Committee organizational meeting shall be at a time and place set forth by the Mayor and Council and the Committee shall have meetings as the Grant Writing Committee determines necessary but no less than four meetings per year. Annually, at the organizational meeting, a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and Secretary shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership.
[Ord. #1293, § 1]
All members of the Grant Writing Committee shall serve without compensation.
Any expenses incurred by members while in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed by the Borough Council upon submission for payment and approval by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #1293, § 1]
The Grant Writing Committee shall not have the power of expenditures unless by authorization of the governing body.
[Ord. #1293, § 1]
The Grant Writing Committee shall have the power to solicit monies, funds, grants or other such monetary considerations for the purpose of and relating to any matter which will improve the Borough provided prior authorization of Borough Council is obtained.
The Grant Writing Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations on the solicitation and availability of grants.
The Grant Writing Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate permitted fund-raising activities for any purpose of the committee in the Borough.
The Grant Writing Committee may search for any apply for grants provided prior Council approval is obtained.
The Grant Writing Committee may seek input from any governmental agency or private entity who have been successful in obtaining grants.
[Ord. #1294, § 1]
As the Mayor and Council deem it in the public interest and for the health, safety and welfare of the general public to promote the quality of life for senior citizen residents in the Borough of Keansburg and such goals will be promoted by the creation of a Senior Citizen Renaissance in and for the Borough of Keansburg (hereinafter "the Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee").
[Ord. #1294, § 1]
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee shall consist of five members. The initial members shall first be appointed for the following terms: one for one year, two for two years, two for three years. Following these terms, all appointments shall be for the term of five years each, and the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
[Ord. #1294, § 1]
The Committee organizational meeting shall be at a time and place set forth by the Mayor and Council and the Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee shall have meetings as needed but no less than four meetings per year. Annually, at the organizational meeting, a Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and Secretary shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership.
[Ord. #1294, § 1]
All members of the Senior Citizen Renaissance committee shall serve without compensation.
Any expenses incurred by members while in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed by the Borough Council upon submission for payment and approval by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #1294, § 1]
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee shall not have the power of expenditure unless by authorization of the governing body.
[Ord. #1294, § 1]
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee shall have the power to solicit monies, funds, grants or other such monetary considerations for the purpose of and relating to the matter of the improvements of the quality of life for senior citizen residents in the Borough provided prior authorization of Borough Council is obtained.
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to promote and enhance the quality of life for senior citizen residents of the Borough of Keansburg.
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee shall advise the Borough Council and make recommendations to establish and regulate permitted fund-raising activities for the purpose of improving the quality of life for senior citizen residents in the Borough.
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee may search for and apply for grants which promote the goals of this Committee provided prior Council approval is obtained.
The Senior Citizen Renaissance Committee may seek input from municipalities who have been successful in promoting their communities.
[Ord. #2015-1570 § 1]
The Borough of Keansburg Green Team Advisory Committee is hereby established.
[Ord. #2015-1570 § 2]
The Committee shall consist of seven members appointed by the Keansburg Borough Council, one of whom shall also be a member of the Borough Council,
All of whom shall be residents of the municipality of Keansburg; and
The members shall serve without compensation except as hereinafter provided.
One member shall be the Borough Manager, as an ex officio member.
The Borough Council representative shall be an ex officio member.
Ex officio members shall not vote.
The Committee shall designate one of the members to serve as:
Chairman and presiding officer, Vice Chairperson and another as Secretary of the Committee.
The term of the office of the committee members shall be for three years.
The initial term shall commence on November 1, 2015 and expire on October 31, 2018.
The Governing Body may remove any member of the Committee for cause, or written charges served upon the member and after a hearing thereon at which the member shall be entitled to be heard in person or by counsel. A vacancy on the Committee occurring otherwise than expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
[Ord. #2015-1570 § 3]
The Committee is established for the protection, development or use of natural resources, located within territorial limits of the Borough of Keansburg for the purposes of sustaining said resources as put forth by the State of New Jersey Sustainability Committee.
[Ord. #2015-1570 § 4]
The Committee may incur such expenses as it may from time to time require, providing the same shall be within the limits of funds appropriated to it by the Governing Body.