The Department of Public Works is hereby established.
[Ord. No. 01-07; amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-18]
The Township Committee shall appoint the Department of Public Works Department Head, who shall report to the Township Clerk concerning matters of operation, personnel, planning, citizen inquiries, complaints or requests for assistance and such other matters pertaining to the Department which will enable the Clerk to exercise his/her responsibilities to the Committee. The Department Head shall also have authority to manage and allocate the Public Works Department personnel, subject to the review of the Township Committee.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-16.3, Appointment of Road Supervisor and Personnel, was repealed 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-18.
[Ord. No. 99-4]
All personnel of the Department of Public Works who operate municipal motor vehicles that are considered "commercial motor vehicles" as defined by Federal regulation shall be required to maintain a Commercial Driver's License under standards promulgated by the Federal Secretary of Transportation.
All personnel of the Department of Public Works who operate municipal motor vehicles that are considered "commercial motor vehicles" as defined by Federal regulation must be periodically medically examined and certified pursuant to standards established by the Federal Secretary of Transportation, including:
Those persons who have not previously been medically examined and certified as physically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle; and
Any driver who has not been medically examined and certified as physically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle during the preceding 24 months.
All medical examinations required under this section shall be conducted at the expense of the municipality by a licensed medical examiner to be appointed by the Governing Body, which physician shall meet the qualifications to perform such examinations established under 49 CFR 391.43 and shall follow the instructions for performing and recording physical examinations set forth in the Federal regulation. The medical examination shall include testing for abuse of alcohol and controlled substances. Nothing in this section shall authorize payment by the municipality for any treatment of the tested person.
The medical examiner shall prepare and submit to the Municipal Clerk/Administrator the certificate of examination required under Federal regulations or any finding of medical disqualification. Such reports shall be confidential and maintained in the employee's personnel file under standards as set forth in the Green Township Personnel Policy Manual for employee records.