[Ord. No. 2010-17; Ord. No. BH:2013-01]
Annual license - Neutered/altered dogs by Jan. 31 of licensing year
$10.80 (Twp fee)
Annual license - non-neutered/unaltered dogs by Jan. 31 of licensing year
$10.80 (Twp fee)
Surcharge in compliance with PL 1983, C172; additional State fee for all non-neutered or unaltered dog licenses
State Registration fee
Pilot Clinic Fee for each dog
Delinquent fee per dog, per month after Jan 31 of licensing year
(Guide dogs; including service dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, and hearing dogs; shall not require a fee per § 5-2.3b.)
License for potentially dangerous dog (per § 5-9 et. seq.)
$700 (annual)
Impounding and Disposal fee shall be charged in accordance with § 5-7 et. seq.
Penalty for violation of Chapter 5 shall be charged in accordance with § 5-14
The licensing fees as required shall be forwarded to the State Department of Health and the balance of the fees collected shall be turned over to the Township Treasurer in accordance with N.J.S.A. 4:19-15.11. The licenses, registrations, tags and renewal thereof shall expire on the last day of January of each year
[Ord. No. BH:2013-01]
Campground permit renewal
$150 each year by July 1
[Ord. No. 2010-17; Ord. No. BH:2013-01]
Food Vendors - itinerant - annual
$30 each
License to conduct, maintain or operate a food-handling establishment selling or dispensing food or drinks, whether or not to be consumed upon the premises where the same are sold or dispensed - annual
$50 each
Re-inspection for food inspections
$25 each
Itinerant restaurants (mobile) - annual
$30 each
Violations - in accordance with § 4-3.6
NOTE: Additional fees may be assessed in conjunction with a food handling license by the Sussex County Department of Health in accordance with the Sussex County Health Department Code.
[Ord. No. 2010-17; Ord. No. BH:2013-01]
Kennel License
1 to 10 dogs:
$10 annually
Over 10 dogs
$25 annually
Re-inspection of kennel premises
Shelter or Pound
exempt (no fee)
Pet Shops - License fee
$10 annually
NOTE: All fees shall be paid with application. Additional fees may be assessed in conjunction with Kennel and Pet Shop licenses by the Sussex County Department of Health in accordance with the Sussex County Health Department Code.
[Ord. No. 2010-17; Ord. No. BH:2013-01]
[As regulated and referenced in Revised General Ordinances of the Board of Health of the Township of Green]
Individual Water Supply Systems:
Permit to locate and construct new water supply (Cat 1 or 5)
Alterations for existing water supply system
Renewal fee for water supply system
Permits for water supply systems shall be valid for 1 year
NOTE: Additional fees may be charged in conjunction with water supply systems by the Sussex County Department of Health in accordance with the Sussex County Health Department Code
Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems:
New individual subsurface sewage disposal system
Alterations (addition or relocation) to individual subsurface sewage disposal system
Repairs to individual subsurface sewage disposal system
Soil Log (Test Hole Fee)
NOTE: Additional fees may be charged in conjunction with individual subsurface sewage disposal systems by the Sussex County Department of Health in accordance with the Sussex County Health Department Code
[Ord. No. 2010-17; Ord. No. BH:2013-01]
$500 plus escrow of $2,500 plus publication fees.