[1979 Code § 64-83; Ord. No. 1-97 § 1; Ord. No. 4-97; Ord. No. 10-97 § 79-82; Ord. No. 2017-02]
The following are permitted uses:
In the AR Agricultural Residential Districts only, agricultural and horticultural uses, such as farms, orchards, tree and plant nurseries and the raising of poultry and livestock on properties of five acres or more in size. Provided, however, that horses or other large animals shall be permitted on properties of 3 1/2 acres or more in size, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
The minimum lot size for keeping and raising of horses or other large animals shall be 3 1/2 acres which minimum tract area shall permit the keeping and raising of two horses or other large animals.
At least two acres of the tract shall be pasture freely accessible to the animals.
One acre of freely accessible pasture land shall be required for each additional horse or other large animal beyond the first two horses or other large animals permitted on a tract of 3 1/2 acres.
For the purpose of this section foals shall be considered an additional horse after one year from the date of birth.
A permanent or semi-permanent (anchored) structure, such as a barn or shed, containing an area of at least 100 square feet of space per horse or other large animals shall be provided, which structure shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any residence on an adjacent property or any residential use on an adjacent property, such as a deck, patio, swimming pool, tennis court, or other area of anticipated active residential use.
Manure stockpiles shall be maintained in a low profile not to exceed four feet in height and shall be subject to proper composting or spreading practices in accordance with prevailing agricultural practices and in no event, shall any such stockpile be maintained for a period in excess of three weeks.
Manure stockpiling shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any residence on an adjacent property or any residential use on an adjacent property, such as deck, patio, swimming pool, tennis court, or other area of anticipated active residential use.
Single family detached dwelling units.
In the AR-5/2, new lots may be subdivided at an average density of one unit per five acres. New lots may be created at a minimum lot size of two acres, provided the average density of the entire subdivision is one unit per five acres.
Public parks, recreation areas and open space areas.
Municipally owned or operated facilities.
[1979 Code § 64-84; Ord. No. 2011-03 § 2; Ord. No. 2017-02; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-15]
The following accessory uses are permitted:
Private garages.
Normal residential storage structures.
Other normal residential structures, such as animal shelters for domestic pets, fences, private swimming pools, fireplaces, trellises, lamp posts and the like.
Barns, silos and other customary structures in connection with permitted agricultural uses.
Off-street parking areas in accordance with § 30-17.2.
Signs, in accordance with Article XX.
Home occupations, as defined in Article II, subject to the following limitations:
Any such occupation shall be conducted entirely within the confines of a building.
Not more than one person, other than a resident of the premises, shall be employed in the occupation.
No article or product shall be sold or offered for sale unless the same is produced on the premises.
No retail sales operation shall be conducted except for the sale of goods previously ordered by a customer.
No machinery, equipment or operation shall cause interference with radio and television reception or other form of electrical disturbance in the immediate area, create any noise which is discernible beyond the limits of the property nor produce any gas, fumes, dust, odors or other air pollutant, heat or movement of air.
No clients or customers shall be received on a regular or scheduled basis if the same would involve more than one client or customer at any one time.
Except for permitted signs, there shall be no physical evidence of use visible from the exterior of the building so used.
Not more than two roomers or boarders per dwelling unit.
Rooftop solar arrays constructed within the confines of and not extending beyond the footprint of lawfully pre-existing structures, which solar array height shall not exceed 12 inches above the existing roof surface and resulting in an overall height in conformance with that permitted for the principal structure in the zone district in which the property is located. All rooftop solar arrays shall be setback at least five feet from all property lines. The design of the solar array shall conform to all applicable industry standards including the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, the National Electric Code. A building permit shall be applied for and obtained prior to construction. All design and installation work shall comply with all applicable provisions in the National Electric Code and relevant building and fire regulations.
Ground - mounted solar arrays designed and capable of production of electrical energy not to exceed 110% of the energy needs of the principal structure located upon the same lot, based upon the average electric utility usage over the three-year period immediately prior to the application for the zoning permit, provided, however, that no portion of the solar panel array shall exceed a height of eight feet above existing grade. Such solar panel arrays shall be located in the side or rear yard areas, only, of the lot and, must meet accessory structure setbacks and maximum accessory structure area limitations for accessory structures. If located in the side yard areas of the lot, the ground-mounted solar panel arrays shall be buffered from view of adjoining properties and roadways by fencing or vegetation by evergreen plantings having a minimum planted height of 48 inches and not exceeding an on-center planting spacing of 10 feet.
Farmstands in conjunction with a Qfarm assessed qualified farm.
[1979 Code § 64-85; Ord. No. 10-98; Ord. No. 2011-03 § 6; Ord. No. 2011-07 § 2; Ord. No. 2017-02]
The following conditional uses, as regulated in Article XIX, are permitted:
Churches and similar places of worship of recognized religious groups, which may include attendant parish houses, convents and religious education buildings.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection b, regarding public and private schools and similar entities, was repealed 5-20-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03.
Private or commercial recreation facilities, such as golf courses, tennis courts, riding stables or academies and swimming facilities.
In conjunction with the construction of tennis courts, the following shall be permitted:
Fencing not to exceed 12 feet in height for the purpose of containing the tennis balls during play.
Lighting with zero spillage not to exceed 18 feet high.
Public utility facilities.
Commercial greenhouses and nurseries.
The office of a professional person residing on the premises.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection h, Hospitals, was repealed 5-20-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03.
Wind production systems.
Solar production systems.
Small wind energy systems.
[1979 Code § 64-86; Ord. No. 2017-02]
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the requirements and limitations contained in the Schedule of Requirements referred to in § 30-31.1 shall be complied with.[1]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Requirements is included at the end of this chapter.