[Adopted 9-14-1953 by Ord. No. 615; amended in its entirety 5-10-1971 by Ord. No. 710 (Ch. 1, Art. VI, of the 1980 Code of Ordinances)]
Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly known as "Parking Authority Law,"[1] approved June 5, 1947, P.L. 45 as amended by the Act of May 9, 1949, P.L. 969, and the Act of May 10, 1951, P.L. 291, the Borough declares the need, in the interest of public safety, convenience and welfare, for the creation of a parking authority, to function within the territorial limits of the Borough, to provide off-street parking facilities for the relief of traffic congestion, and signifies the intent to organize such a parking authority.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5501 et seq.
Editor's Note: Section 2 of Ordinance 615 provided for the filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of the Commonwealth by the proper Borough officials; Section 3 repealed all inconsistent ordinances and parts of ordinances.
The Council hereby delegates to the Parking Authority of the Borough the administration of the revenue-producing parking presently in existence or created in the future within the Borough and the maintenance of the areas devoted to the same.[1]
Editor's Note: Section 9 of Ordinance 710 provided that the ordinance become void unless the Authority filed with the Borough Secretary a Certificate of Acceptance within 90 days.
It is the intent of the Borough that the Parking Authority have and enforce full control over the assignment of specific parking areas to individuals, the collection of monthly and meter revenues, and the maintenance of such areas, and for this purpose, the Borough authorizes the Parking Authority to collect all the revenues resulting from revenue-producing parking within the Borough and, after deducting from such revenues the amounts necessary to defray its payroll, provide for adequate maintenance of the areas and the repayment of any moneys borrowed for the creation of parking lots, remit the excess balance to the Borough at reasonable intervals.
It is the desire of the Borough that the Parking Authority perform the Borough's obligations in connection with Ordinance No. 702 (see Appendix, § A91.19) which authorized the Borough to issue certain nondebt revenue bonds to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, $234,000 of which are presently outstanding, without any intent on the Borough to avoid any of its responsibilities to Westinghouse Electric Corporation under said ordinance.
It is the intent and desire of the Borough that the Parking Authority of the Borough assume primary responsibility for the administration of Ordinance No. 705 (see Chapter 363) which established certain off-street parking facilities and provided and made certain more detailed requirements relative thereto.
From time to time on the advice of the Parking Authority of the Borough, the Borough may by resolution revise and change the parking rates and by ordinance change the penalties provided for any violation or violations of the regulations relative to parking in those areas which are intended to be revenue-producing.
Council specifically delegates to the Parking Authority of the Borough and to its employees the right to affix tags indicating violations of the revenue parking regulations, and to make the necessary arrangements for the payment or collection of the same, and in appropriate instances the removal of unauthorized vehicles from the lots, all in accordance with Ordinance No. 705 (see Chapter 363); it being the intent of the Borough that the Parking Authority through its employees accepts primary responsibility for the enforcement of the regulations relative to revenue parking without, however, in any way limiting the powers or responsibilities of the police force of the Borough in connection with its obligations relative to the same.
Council specifically authorizes the Parking Authority of the Borough to enter into agreements with the Westinghouse Electric Corporation leading to the payroll deduction of monthly parking charges and the remitting of the same by Westinghouse Electric Corporation to the Parking Authority, as well as the entry by the Parking Authority into possible agreements with Westinghouse Electric Corporation for the maintenance of those lots which Westinghouse Electric has helped finance.
The arrangements herein will be terminable on 60 days' notice by either party, in which event this article will be null and void.