[Adopted 7-2-1946 by Ord. No. 584 (Ch. 1, Art. VII, of the 1980 Code of Ordinances)]
It is the desire and intention of the municipal authorities of the Borough, a municipality of the commonwealth, situated in the county, to become a member of the Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority, which was incorporated on the fourth day of October, 1945, by the commonwealth, upon the application of the Borough of Wilkinsburg and the Township of Penn, both municipalities of the commonwealth and both situated in the county, under the provisions of the Municipal Authorities Act of 1945, approved May 2, 1945, Act No. 164,[1] said joinder being under the provisions of the aforesaid statute and the provisions of a declaration of trust dated December 21, 1945, which was executed by the Borough of Wilkinsburg and the Township of Penn and which is recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the county, in Deed Book Volume 2880, page 20.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
Editor's Note: Section 4 of Ordinance 584 directed the proper Borough officials to take whatever action necessary to obtain membership in the Authority.
The Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority has been organized as stated in § 12-13 and has acquired the water properties of the Pennsylvania Water Company with the permission of the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission in proceedings before the Commission at Application Docket No. 65840 of 1945, and is now engaged in supplying water to a number of communities in the county, including the Borough.
The Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority and the Borough of Wilkinsburg and the Township of Penn, which created the said Water Authority, executed a declaration of trust dated December 21, 1945, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the county, in Deed Book Volume 2880, page 20, which authorizes the admission to membership in the said Authority of the Borough, provided that said Borough by proper municipal action express its desire to become a member of the Authority, take all steps necessary to provide for its admittance thereto, and by proper municipal action join in the aforesaid declaration of trust and agree to be bound by all the obligations therein imposed upon the Borough of Wilkinsburg and the Township of Penn. Upon such admission, the Borough shall be entitled to elect a member of the Board of said Authority and thus participate in its management.
The adoption of this article is deemed necessary for the benefit and preservation of the public health, peace, comfort, and general welfare of the people of the Borough.