Election of Council. Members of the Council shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code and the law.
Vacancies. If any vacancy shall occur in the office of the Council, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Borough Code and the law.
Compensation of Council. The salary of each member of the Council shall be fixed by ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code.
Council shall meet regularly on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers for general purposes and the transacting of general business.
Special meetings of the Council may be called by the President of the Council or upon written request of at least 1/3 of the members of the Council.
At a time specified during the meeting held on the second Monday of the month, the Council shall permit public participation and hear public comment.
Powers and duties. The Council shall have, possess and exercise the powers and shall perform the duties as provided in this Administrative Code, Borough ordinances, the Borough Code and the law.
Election of Mayor. The Mayor of the Borough shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code and the law.
Vacancy. If any vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Borough Code and the law.
Compensation of Mayor. The salary of the Mayor of the Borough shall be fixed by ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code.
Powers and duties. The Mayor of the Borough shall have, possess and exercise the powers and shall perform the duties as provided in this Administrative Code, Borough ordinances, the Borough Code and the law.
Election of Tax Collector. The Tax Collector of the Borough shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code and the law.
Vacancy. If any vacancy shall occur in the office of Tax Collector, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Borough Code and the law.
Compensation. The compensation of the Tax Collector of the Borough shall be fixed by ordinance in accordance with the law.
Powers and duties. The Tax Collector of the Borough shall have, possess and exercise the powers and shall perform the duties as provided in this Administrative Code, Borough ordinances, the Borough Code and the law.