In all REC Recreational Districts the following regulations shall apply.
In expansion of the declaration of intent contained in § 415-2 of this chapter, it is hereby declared to be the intent of this article with respect to recreational districts to establish reasonable standards of performance and selection of uses permitted therein, in order to maintain and protect the desirable benefits which recreational uses have throughout the community.
Land may be used or occupied and buildings and structures, as accessory adjuncts thereto, may be erected or used, for any of the following purposes and no other: private or public golf course, tennis court, swimming pool, ice skating rink, marina, playing field and for like recreation uses. Provided, that such recreational facilities are conducted out of doors and are primarily used for owner, guests, membership or patron participation.
On-site parking. Adequate on-site all-weather parking shall be provided for the accommodation of all persons customarily using the facilities afforded.
Access. All ingress and egress roads shall be paved and be a minimum of 20 feet wide.
Lighting. Lighting facilities shall be required on all roadways, cartways and pathways and other areas where deemed necessary for safety and convenience of the users.
Control of noise. At no point on the boundary of a residential district shall the level of sound from a recreational use be such as to disturb the residential environment of the adjacent residences.
Control of glare. Any operation producing glare shall be performed in such a manner as to be completely imperceptible from any point beyond the lot lines.
Convenience facilities. Toilet facilities, drinking fountains and seating accommodations shall be provided for accommodation of all persons customarily using the recreation area.
All buildings shall be a minimum of 20 feet from any other building and/or property line.
Plans for any REC recreational use shall be submitted to the Borough Planning Commission, who shall make recommendations thereon to the Borough Council. Such plans shall be drawn to a uniform scale and shall show:
The boundaries of the area, the nature of the recreational facility, an outline of existing or proposed buildings, the parking area, the means of ingress and egress, the sanitary arrangements and the provision for surface water drainage.
The shape and dimensions of all of the buildings or structures together with plans and specifications.
The appearance, preferably in color, of the buildings or structures on conversion or completion and of any signs to be attached thereto or to be located on the premises.
The landscaping of the premises.
All plans shall be approved or disapproved by Borough Council. If approved, copies thereof shall be filed among the Borough records and the Council may, at their discretion, require the owner to file for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Montgomery County, additional copies, or such other instrument as required to be recorded, the recording thereof shall constitute the final step in the approval of such plan or plans. The cost of recording shall be paid by the owner.
All plans finally approved, and whether or not recorded, shall be binding upon the owner, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns; shall limit and control the issuance and validity of all building permits and use regulation permits and limit the use and operation of all land, buildings and structures, designated in such plans, to the conditions appearing in such plans and the approval thereof.
Approved plans may be amended, pursuant to the same procedure and subject to the same limitations and requirements by which such plans were originally approved.
The approval of plans shall not be construed as relieving the owner, or his successors in title, from strict compliance with, and liability under the provisions of this chapter and all other ordinances of the Borough of Green Lane.