[Added 5-8-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
In expansion of the declaration of legislative intent found in § 415-2 of this chapter, and the statement of community development objectives found in § 415-3 of this chapter, it is the intent of this article to:
Conserve and protect areas of steep slope from inappropriate development and excessive grading;
Avoid negative impacts caused by erosion, stream filtration, soil failure leading to structural collapse, damage, or sanitary conditions;
Minimize danger to public health and safety by promoting safe and sanitary drainage; and
Permit and encourage the use of steep slope areas for open space purposes, so as to constitute a harmonious aspect of the continuing physical development of the Borough.
Overlay concept. The Steep Slope Conservation District (SSC) shall function as an overlay on any and all districts now or hereinafter enacted in the Borough.
The SSC District shall have no effect on the permitted uses in the underlying zoning district, except where uses located with the district are in conflict with permitted uses set forth in this article.
In those areas where the SSC District applies, the SSC requirements shall supersede the requirements of the underlying zoning district.
Changes in the underlying zoning district(s) shall have no effect on the boundaries of the SSC District.
Boundary definition. The boundaries of the SSC District are defined and established as those areas having slopes of 15% or greater, as delineated on topographical maps prepared by the United States Geological Survey, Department of Interior, or by on-site survey prepared by a registered professional engineer or surveyor and reviewed by the Borough Engineer.
Areas of steep slope defined in this section shall be plotted on a map which shall be made a part of this article and shall be known as the "Steep Slope Conservation District Map of Green Lane Borough" and which will indicate the approximate boundaries of the SSC District.
In the absence of a topographical survey prepared by a registered professional engineer or surveyor, whenever there is a difference between the SSC District Map and U.S.G.S. topographical map, the U.S.G.S. map shall determine the boundary of the SSC District upon review by the Borough Engineer.
Changes in the boundaries of the SSC District shall be plotted, if feasible, on the SSC District Map as amendments thereto.
Boundary interpretation and appeals. An initial determination as to whether the SSC District applies to a given parcel shall be made by the Borough Engineer.
Any party aggrieved by the decision of the Borough Engineer, either because of an interpretation of the exact location of the district boundary or because of the criteria used in delineating the boundary is or has become incorrect due to changes to topography, may appeal said decision to the Zoning Hearing Board as provided for by this chapter.
The burden of proving the incorrectness of the Borough Engineer decision shall be upon the applicant.
On those lands having a slope of 15 or greater, only those uses permitted in § 415-81A and B shall be considered. All applications for development of steep slope areas for uses under § 415-81B shall be accompanied by an erosion and sediment control plan, notwithstanding the minimum acreage requirements of the Clean Streams Law, P.L. 1987, 35 P.S. § 691.1 et seq., as amended. The plan shall comply with the practices set forth in the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Manual of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, as amended, as well as other recognized conservation practices.
In evaluating the application, the Borough Planning Commission, Borough Engineer and Zoning Hearing Board (as applicable) shall consider the following:
Extent and severity of steep slopes on the site.
Extent and proposed disturbance of existing vegetative cover on the site.
Soil types and underlying geology of the site.
Length or extent of steep slopes, both on the site in question and on adjacent lands within 200 feet of the site.
Evidence that the proposed development, any impervious surface, and the resultant disturbance to the land and existing vegetative cover will not cause excessive runoff and/or related environmental problems.
Permitted conservation uses. Any one or combination of the following uses are permitted in the SSC District without the submission of an erosion and sediment control plan:
Wildlife sanctuary, woodland preserve, arboretum, passive recreation area (including parks but excluding enclosed structures).
Game farm or hunting preserve for the protection and propagation of wildlife, excluding enclosed structures.
Forestry and reforestation in accordance with recognized soil conservation practices.
Pasture and controlled grazing of animals in accordance with recognized conservation practices.
Recreational uses, including parks with activities such as hiking, bicycle and equestrian trails, camps and picnic areas, excluding enclosed structures.
Outdoor plant nursery or orchard in accordance with recognized soil conservation practices.
Cultivation and harvest of crops in accordance with recognized soil conservation practices.
Nonstructural accessory uses necessary to the operation and maintenance of the above-permitted structures.
Special exceptions. Any one or combination of the following uses are permitted by special exception from the Zoning Hearing Board upon submission of an erosion and sediment control plan and supporting evidence; provided, however, that alternative placements on non-steep slope areas have been carefully evaluated and can be demonstrated to be inappropriate or infeasible:
Front, side and rear yards and required lot area in the underlying Zoning District for slopes between 15% and 24%. Areas with slopes greater than 24% may also be used for front, side and rear yards, but shall not be used for required lot area.
Sealed public water supply wells with approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Sanitary or storm sewers and stormwater detention basins with the approval of the Borough Engineer and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Underground utility transmission lines.
On-site sewage disposal systems, when approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Extractive uses and borrow pits in accordance with recognized conservation practices.
Roads, access driveways, and parking facilities, when no viable alternative alignment or location is feasible.
Prohibited uses. The following uses are prohibited in the SSC District:
Freestanding structures, buildings and retaining walls, or swimming pools, unless the applicant can demonstrate to the Zoning Hearing Board that the proposal will be sound from architectural, engineering, and environmental perspectives, and will have no adverse impacts on the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
The filling or removal of topsoil except when related to an activity related to an approved special exception use.
Solid waste disposal or recycling uses.
Junkyards or other outdoor storage uses.
In addition to that information typically required for applications to the Zoning Hearing Board, the applicant shall supply the following with an application to the Board:
A plan by a registered professional engineer or surveyor which accurately locates the proposed use with respect to the SSC District boundaries and existing development within 200 feet of the proposed use, together with all pertinent information describing the proposal, topographical survey, contour elevations at five-foot intervals, and the erosion and sediment control plan required by this article.
The following as deemed necessary by the Zoning Hearing Board:
Plan view of the site, conforming to the preliminary plan requirements of Chapter 370, Subdivision and Land Development.
Topographic survey showing contour elevations at five-foot contours as well as typical tract cross-sections at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or larger. In addition, typical tract cross-sections at a vertical and horizontal scale deemed appropriate by the Borough Engineer.
Specifications of building materials and construction, including filling, grading, materials storage, water supply, and sewage disposal facilities.
Proposed modifications to the existing topography and vegetative cover, as well as the means of accommodating stormwater runoff.
Documentation of any additional engineering and/or conservation techniques designed to alleviate environmental problems created by the proposed activities.
In considering a special exception application, the Zoning Hearing Board shall consider the following:
Relationship of the proposed use to the objective as set forth in § 415-78.
Adverse effects to abutting or downstream properties.
Evidence that:
Proposed buildings or structures are of sound engineering design and that footings are designed to extend to stable soil and/or bedrock.
Proposed roads, drives and parking areas are designed that land clearing and/or grading will not cause accelerated erosion. Both vertical and horizontal alignment of such facilities shall be so designed that hazardous conditions are not created.
Proposed on-lot sewage disposal facilities shall be properly designed and constructed in conformity with applicable regulations.
Proposed non-agricultural displacement of soil shall be for causes consistent with the intent of this article and shall be executed in the manner that will not cause erosion or other unstable conditions.
Surface runoff of water will not create unstable conditions, including erosion, and that appropriate stormwater management facilities will be constructed as necessary.
The granting of a use and occupancy permit or the approval of a subdivision or land development plan on or near the SSC District shall not constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind by the Borough or any official or employee thereof regarding the practicability or safety of the proposed use and shall create no liability upon the Borough, its officials, or its employees. Protections provided by this article are for regulatory purposes and are based on minimum engineering studies. The article does not imply that areas outside the SSC District are free from the adverse effects of erosion and sedimentation.