[Adopted 8-8-60 as Ord. No. 180. Amended 6-27-00 by Ord. No. 546; amended in entirety 7-8-14 by Ord. No. 2014-9]
[Amended 9-10-15 by Ord. No. 2015-6]
No owner of any lot, place or area within the Borough, nor the agent of such owner, shall permit on such lot, place or area or upon or adjacent to any sidewalk, curb or driveway abutting the same, any weeds, tall grass, deleterious, unhealthful growth, other noxious matter, or debris that is eight inches or higher.
The Municipal Clerk or designee of the Borough of Woodstown is hereby authorized and empowered to provide written notice to the owner, occupant or agent of any such lot, place or area within the Borough for any property in violation of § 43-1 herein. Such notice shall be by regular mail addressed to the owner, occupant or agent of said owner at his last known address.
If the condition detailed in the preceding section is not corrected within seven days of the date written notice is mailed, the municipal clerk or designee of the Borough of Woodstown is hereby authorized and empowered to pay the cost incurred by the Borough for the correction and/or removal of the condition found to be in violation of § 43-1.
When employees of the Borough of Woodstown have removed and corrected the condition found to be in violation of § 43-1, or the Borough has paid an individual or contractor for such service, this cost plus a one hundred dollar ($100) administrative fee will be charged and billed to the property owner, agent or occupant. The total amount due shall be payable within 21 days of the billing date. The total actual cost incurred by the Borough of Woodstown for employee labor shall be billed at the employee's hourly rate plus 21% and added to the cost for any equipment utilized by said municipal employee to correct the offending condition. The authorized cost for said equipment is detailed herein.
Push lawn mower
$75/per hour
Weed trimmer
$30/per hour
Riding lawn mower
$100/per hour
$50/per hour
$250/per hour
Pickup truck
$100/per hour
Small dump truck
$150/per hour
Large dump truck
$200/per hour
$250/per hour (4 hrs min)
Road sweeper
$125/per hour (1/2 day min)
Road sweeper
$800 (full day)
$250/per hour
Air compressor
$200/per hour (4 hrs min)
Cement mixer
$150/per hour
If the full amount due to the Borough is not paid within 21 days of the bill being sent, the Municipal Clerk or designee of the Borough of Woodstown shall cause to be recorded in the Tax Collector's office a sworn statement showing the cost and expense incurred for the work and the date, block and tax lot on which said work was completed, and the recordation of such sworn statement shall constitute a lien and privilege on the property and shall remain in full force and effect for the amount due in principal and interest, plus costs of court, if any, for collection until final payment has been made; said costs and expenses shall be collected in the manner fixed by law for the collection of taxes. Sworn statements recorded in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be prima facie evidence that all legal formalities have been complied with and that work has been done properly and satisfactorily, and shall be full notice to every person concerned that the amount shown in the statement, plus interest, constitutes a municipal lien against the property designated or described in the statement and that the same is due and collectable as provided by law.