The provisions of this section shall apply to buildings, structures, signs, lands and uses which become nonconforming as the result of the application of this chapter, as amended, to the property on which they are located or from reclassification of the property under any subsequent amendments to this chapter.
Where a structure or structure and premises in combination existed lawfully prior to adoption or amendment of this chapter, and becomes nonconforming as a result of passage of this chapter or amendment, it may remain in the same use, provided the following conditions are applied:
A nonconforming use may be expanded by a maximum of 100% beyond the lot area it occupied when this chapter was adopted or amended to create the nonconformity, provided the expansion does not violate any setback areas and the height of the building is not increased beyond the maximum height limits. A nonconforming use in a building shall not be expanded so as to displace a conforming use.
If a nonconforming use is discontinued for a period of at least one year and an intent to abandon such use has been demonstrated, any use of the property thereafter shall be in conformance with the development regulations for the zoning district wherein the property is located.
A nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use, provided that an application for the second use is filed as an interpretation with the Zoning Hearing Board and the Board finds that the proposed use is equally compatible or more compatible with the uses permitted in the zoning district than the preceding nonconforming use.
Each succeeding owner of a nonconforming commercial or industrial use shall receive approval of the Zoning Officer before commencing operation and securing an occupancy/use permit to assure that the use will be operated in the same manner.
Once a nonconforming use is changed to a conforming use, it may not thereafter revert to nonconforming status. If a nonconforming use occupies a building and area of the lot outside the building and the use is discontinued, the nonconforming use of the lot shall also cease.
The structural maintenance or repair to a safe condition of any nonconforming structure shall not conflict with the provisions of this article.
Where a structure existed on a property at the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it affecting the property and does not conform to the requirements of this chapter or amendment regarding height, setbacks from street or lot lines, lot coverage, etc., such structure may remain, subject to the following provisions:
No structure shall be enlarged or altered so that its height or proximity to property lines creates a nonconformity or increases an existing setback or height nonconformity.
Replacement of a nonconforming structure shall be done with respect to the setback and height requirements for the zoning district wherein the property is located. Where the owner alleges a hardship, he may appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board to grant approval of replacement of the foundation of the building proposed to be replaced. In no case shall the replacement make more nonconforming the original nonconforming structure.
The Zoning Officer may, at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, identify and record all lots and uses of land and buildings in the Township made nonconforming by adoption of this chapter. All uses that are not permitted by right or are not conditional uses in a particular zoning district shall be considered as nonconforming.
The Zoning Officer shall keep the record current as amendments to this chapter create new nonconforming uses, and as removal of buildings and uses eliminates nonconforming uses.
The owner of a property with a nonconforming use may request the Zoning Officer to issue a letter of nonconformity for the use, thereby establishing the use as legally nonconforming and subject to the rights accorded nonconforming uses. In making such a request, the property owner shall provide documentation establishing the date of commencement of the use or occupancy of the structure accommodating the nonconforming use.