[Adopted 10-16-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-1]
Providing for the northernmost entry point from State Route 8 on Muddy Creek Drive to be one-way for entrance only in the southbound direction to a north point 350 feet to a spur road back to State Route 8 to travel in a south direction for entry from State Route 8 only to that point.
The Township has undertaken evaluation by the Township Engineer through approval of PennDOT of the designated safety concerns and traffic devices necessary with that laid out on a design identifying traffic devices and signals necessary and the placement of the same following the Vehicle Code, Title 75, Pa.C.S.A. §§ 3308 and 6109(a)(4).
From the entry point of State Route 8 onto Muddy Creek Drive in the northernmost point shall be one-way for a distance of 350 feet to an intersecting point coming to the first road, which is an existing spur road off Muddy Creek Drive that reconnects with State Route 8, being a point with this section of road now one-way in the south direction only.
The Board of Supervisors has undertaken review with the Township Engineer and the Township Engineer along with PennDOT evaluation have designated the sign markings and notice requirements of which the Township accepts and as set forth on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit 1 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The within article is based on the engineering study and evaluation of the Township Engineer and pursuant to the Vehicle Code requirements and PennDOT marking requirements, the Township authorizes the placement of all signage, notices and markings on said road to be undertaken along with the required initial warning to be placed on said road.
The Township further sets forth any violation of this article shall be a summary offense or as set forth in the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code and any violation enforceable under the Vehicle Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as set forth or hereafter amended based on the designation of roadway.