[1983 Code § 163-16]
The owners and occupants of premises abutting and bordering upon any street, avenue or highway in the Borough shall remove all ice and snow from the sidewalks of any such street, avenue or highway abutting or bordering their premises within 24 hours after the same shall have fallen or be formed thereon.
[1983 Code § 163-17]
The owners and occupants of premises abutting or bordering upon any street, avenue or highway in the Borough shall remove all grass, weeds and impediments from the sidewalk of any street, avenue or highway abutting on such premises within three days after notice in writing to remove the same has been delivered to them by a Police Officer or other official of the Borough. In case such snow, ice, grass, weeds or other impediments shall not be removed by the owners and occupants in accordance with the provisions heretofore set forth, the same may be removed by or under the direction of the Chief of Police, and the cost thereof shall be certified by the Chief of Police to the Mayor and Borough Council, and upon examination by the Mayor and Council of such certificate, if found to be correct, it shall, by resolution, cause such cost to be charged against the premises for whose benefit such removal is made, which cost shall be a lien and tax upon such premises and which shall be added to and be a part of the taxes next to be levied and assessed thereon and enforced and collected with interest in the same manner as other taxes are levied, assessed, enforced and collected against real property.
[1983 Code § 163-17.1]
Any person owning, leasing or occupying any house, store or other building or vacant lot abutting any public street in the Borough of Pompton Lakes shall, at his or their charge and expense, sufficiently repair and maintain in good repair the sidewalk and the curb of the street in front of such house, store, building or lot in accordance with the specifications outlined in Articles V and VII of this chapter.
[1983 Code § 163-18; Ord. No. 2014-09]
For violation of the provisions of this article, the owners and/or occupants of the subject premises of the violation, either as individuals, partners or corporations, shall be subject to a fine of $50 per day for a first violation. Each and every day such violation shall continue shall be considered a continuing violation of this article and the penalties set forth herein shall apply to each separate and specific offense.
In such case as a plea of guilty is entered by the violator, such plea may be entered by mail to the Municipal Court of Pompton Lakes and the penalties set forth may be paid by mail without the requirement of a Court appearance unless the summons shall require same. The penalty shall also include costs of Court whenever an appearance is required.
For all subsequent violations, a Court appearance is required and the penalty shall be not more than $500 per day for each subsequent violation plus costs of Court.
[1983 Code § 163-19]
The imposition and collection of fines and the terms of imprisonment imposed by this article shall not bar the right of the Borough to collect the cost of removal of snow, ice, grass, weeds and other impediments in the manner herein authorized under subsection 13-29.2. The remedies provided in subsections 13-29.2 and 13-29.4 of this article shall be considered cumulative.