[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Pompton Lakes 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01. Prior history includes 1983 Code Chapter 197; and Ord. No. 1994-1-BOH. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[1983 Code § 197-25; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
Every license issued hereunder may, at any time during the term for which the same is so issued, be suspended by the Board of Health or its Health Officer pending a hearing to be granted to the holder thereof, pursuant to a notice to show cause to the Board why the said license should not be suspended further or revoked.
[1983 Code § 197-26; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
No such license shall be suspended unless the Health Officer shall file, with the Board of Health, a complaint or charges evidencing one or more violations of the Board of Health Code hereof, under which said license was originally issued.
[1983 Code § 197-27; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
During the period of any such suspension, every license so suspended shall be ineffective, and the holder thereof shall, during the entire period of such suspension, cease the operations of any business or discontinue every activity or use permitted under the license suspended.
[1983 Code § 197-28; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
Any license issued under the provisions of the Board of Health Code may be revoked at any time by the Board of Health for just cause or if the licensee or any of the employees, agents or servants of said licensee shall violate:
Any of the provisions of the Board of Health Code or any amendment thereof or supplements thereto; or
The Sanitary Code of the Department of Health of New Jersey specifically applicable to the subject matter for or upon which said license was issued.
[1983 Code § 197-29; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01; 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-02]
Prior to revocation or suspension of a license, a licensee may require a hearing before the Board of Health. Except in cases where the Health Officer determines that there exists a danger to health, safety and welfare, the license shall not be suspended or revoked until any requested hearing is concluded and a decision provided to the licensee. If a hearing is requested, in writing, notice shall be served on the licensee of the date, time and place of the hearing not less than seven days prior to same. The notice shall provide a brief statement of the alleged basis for the suspension or revocation and the remedy sought. Notice shall be hand delivered to the place of business or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to the business address or address of the owner/operator. At the hearing, the charges shall be presented by the Health Officer or designee. The licensee shall be permitted to offer testimony, with or without the assistance of counsel. A determination of dismissal, suspension or revocation shall be provided to the licensee in writing not less than 30 days after the hearing date.
Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude the licensee from any legal or equitable right conferred by the laws of the State of New Jersey or the United States.
If a license is suspended or revoked, the establishment shall cease operations and the licensee shall not operate the establishment, either directly or indirectly, under any other valid license.
Nothing herein shall be construed from preventing a suspended or revoked licensee from re-applying for a license.
[1983 Code § 197-30; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
The time and place for such hearing shall be fixed at the reasonable discretion of the Board; provided, however, that an unreasonable time shall not be permitted to elapse between the date of any suspension of license and the date fixed for the hearing.
[1983 Code § 197-31; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
Notice of the time and place of any hearing held under this chapter shall be given by the Board of Health to the holder of the license.
[1983 Code § 197-32; readopted 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. BH 17-01]
A licensee who fails to appear at the time and place fixed for such hearings, without just cause for the absence as determined by the Board of Health, shall not be entitled to any further hearing, and in that event his license shall, as a matter of course, be forthwith revoked.