[1983 Code § 163-26]
The lines of all sidewalks must conform to the lines as shown on a map of Pompton Lakes Borough or established by the Borough Engineer and approved by the Borough Council. All grades shall be established by the Borough Engineer, subject to approval of the Borough Council.
The width of all sidewalks on all streets in this Borough shall be not less than four feet on each side thereof.
The specifications for the laying and construction of bluestone sidewalks in the Borough of Pompton Lakes shall be as set forth in the following sections.
[1983 Code § 163-27]
The sidewalks are to be regulated and graded from the curbline to the property line, to the proper grade. Such portions as are abovegrade shall be excavated, and such as are below the grade shall be filled in. Where the fill is greater than one foot, it must be filled in layers and thoroughly tamped and compacted. All grading for the walks must be of sufficient depth to allow for a six-inch foundation and a two-inch sand cushion to be placed under the flagstone.
[1983 Code § 163-28]
Upon the subgrade shall be placed a four-inch layer of coarse gravel, free from loam or earth, or clean steam-boiler cinders, which shall be well compacted to a uniform grade. Upon this, a layer of clean, coarse sand two inches in depth shall be placed for a bed for the flagstone.
[1983 Code § 163-29]
Flagstones to be used shall be of the best grade bluestone, equal in quality to the best North River bluestone, not less than four feet in width, even on its face, hard, sound and free from cracks, seams or other imperfections. Flagstones are to be as nearly uniform as possible in size, acceptable to the Borough Engineer and approved by the Borough Council and free from lumps or voids. Each stone shall be chisel-dressed on the four edges. On the front and back, edges are to be dressed a distance of at least 1/2 the depth of the flag down from the top and square with the face. Where the flagstones join, the edges shall be dressed the full depth of the flag down from the top and square with the face thereof. The flagstones shall be laid on the sand foundation by skilled workmen. The outer edge of the flag shall be laid to a true line and grade, a proper distance from the curbline, with a pitch toward the curb of 1/4 inch to the foot. The flagstone walk shall be placed in the center of the sidewalk, and the outer edge of the same shall be placed at an elevation so as to have a rise of 1/2 inch per foot above the top of the curb grade. The outer edges shall be neatly and evenly dressed so as to leave the walk straight and of uniform width and free from drill holes.
The flagstones shall not be less than two inches in thickness for a four-foot flag, and not less than 2 1/2 inches in thickness for a six-foot flag.
After the flags are in place, they are to be struck with a rammer in order to bed them firmly and the joints filled with a portland cement grout, and the soil in front of and in back of the flag shall be made solid.