[Ord. No. 691 A1 § 1]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean any person who engages, either through himself or by an agent or contractor, in a land subdivision or the construction of two or more buildings within the Borough, or undertaking any project involving the construction or improvement of any street.
Shall mean the Director of the Department of Public works appointed by the Borough, or such person or persons as shall succeed to that office, powers and duties.
Shall mean the runoff, natural or otherwise, of any surface or underground water including, but not limited to, rainfall.
Shall mean the owner, tenant, lessee or person in charge of or in control of, or in possession of any building or premises, or part t hereof, or of any personal property.
Shall mean the person, firm or corporation having the legal title to lands and premises or to personal property.
Shall mean that portion of the street lying between the curb lines.
Shall mean the pavement between the curbline and street line.
Shall mean the area between the curbline and the street line, whether paved or unpaved.
Shall mean any dedicated public thoroughfare, road, avenue or highway, whether accepted or unaccepted, including the sidewalk area.
Shall mean the dividing line between the street and the lot.
[Ord. No. 683 A2 §§ 1 — 3]
No permit authorized by this section shall be granted except pursuant to a written application signed by the person desiring the permit, or his/her agent, which application shall set forth such facts as are hereinafter required by the provisions of this section.
In case any permit shall be refused by any officer authorized to issue the same, an appeal of such a determination may be taken to the Mayor and Council; and the Mayor and Council, after hearing the applicant and the officer and such other evidence as may be produced, may either direct the issuance of such permit or sustain the refusal of the officer.
No permit shall be issued until the fee therefor shall have been paid to the officer authorized to issue such permit. The permit fee for all work started prior to the issuance of a permit covering same shall be twice the regular fee as herein required.
[Ord. No. 683 A3 §§ 1 — 8]
No street or public way shall be improved by any person until permission shall have been granted by resolution of the Mayor and Council upon formal application in writing as herein provided, accompanied by three complete sets of plans, maps, profiles and specifications for the project. It shall be within the discretion of the Mayor and Council to refuse permission to improve any street, highway or public way unless the same is proposed to be fully improved by grading, the construction of sanitary sewer mains and laterals, storm sewers and catchbasins, gas and water mains and laterals, curbs, sidewalks and pavement therein.
The plans, maps, profiles and specifications shall be referred to the Borough Engineer, who shall submit his report and recommendations to the Mayor and Council before approval is granted. All construction work shall be done under the general supervision of the Borough Engineer, and the applicant shall agree to pay his supervision and inspection fees.
In the construction of new streets, the applicant shall, as a part of the improvement, install and pay for street name signs to be installed at such places as may be designated by the Director of Public Works; and shall likewise plant shade trees in the sidewalk area at a location to be determined by the Director of Public Works.[1]
Editor's Note: For additional regulations regarding shade trees, see Chapter 26, Trees.
The maps, plans and specifications shall indicate surface contours of the surrounding land, and shall make proper provision for the drainage and runoff of rainfall and surface waters from such lands and streets, indicating the place where the same will be eventually deposited or discharged.
No permit shall be issued for the improvement of any street unless and until adequate provisions are indicated on the map or plans for the proper drainage and disposition of surface water therefrom.
The applicant shall, prior to the issuance of a permit, enter into an agreement with the Borough, setting forth his/her entire undertaking in connection with the improvement. All legal charges in connection with the preparation of the agreement and the approval of the bond shall be paid by the applicant. The provisions of the agreement shall be substantially as follows:
That the applicant shall agree to construct the required improvements in the street or streets.
That the applicant shall furnish a bond of a surety company authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey, in an amount agreed upon by the Mayor and Council, to insure the installation of the improvements and the performance of the agreement.
That all work shall be done in a competent and workman-like manner within a specified period of time.
That the applicant shall agree to comply with the ordinances of the Borough of Tenafly and the laws of the State of new Jersey in the performance of the work, and also shall agree to insure against liability for injury or death by accident to his/her employees employed upon the work as required by the laws of the State of New Jersey.
That the applicant shall agree to maintain the improvement for a period of one year after completion and acceptance by the Borough and to repair or rectify all defects, sinking wear and tear, washouts or any other condition detrimental to such streets during that period.
No street shall be deemed accepted by the Borough until it has been completely and fully improved and accepted by ordinance.
The Borough Engineer shall make a final inspection of completed streets immediately upon being notified by the developer of their completion, and report his/her findings in writing to the Mayor and Council.
The approval of the construction shall be by resolution of the Mayor and Council.
After approval, as above set forth, the developer shall deposit with the Borough an amount sufficient to defray the costs of drawing, publishing and recording of the ordinance accepting the street or improvement.
The Mayor and Council shall, upon being satisfied that all of the prerequisites herein provided have been met, introduce an acceptance ordinance.
The passage of an acceptance ordinance shall not in any way be deemed to release the developer from any of the provisions of his/her contract or from the obligations of his/her bonds.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any general improvement work undertaken by the Borough itself.
[Ord. No. 691 A4 § 1; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 93-01 § 1]
All permits required by this section shall be issued by the Borough Clerk following approval of the application by the Director of Public Works and the submission by the applicant of a bond running to the "Mayor and Council of the Borough of Tenafly" or in lieu thereof a cash bond in the amount sufficient to defray the cost of replacing the pavement excavated in case the applicant fails to replace such pavement in a manner acceptable to the Director. The minimum amount of either bond shall be $750. Upon the issuance of such a permit the Borough Clerk shall notify the Chief of Police of the character of the work authorized.
[Ord. No. 691 A4 § 2; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 07-17 § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to make any street opening in or tear up or disturb the surface of the roadway of any street, park, or public place without securing a written permit from the Borough for each separate undertaking; provided, however, that any public utility corporation having pipes, conduits or rails in any public street or place may proceed with an opening without a permit when emergency circumstances demand the work to be done immediately, provided notice is given to the Borough Engineer describing the emergency nature of the work and further provided that the permit could not reasonably and practically have been obtained beforehand. The person shall thereafter apply for a permit on the first regular business day on which the Office of the Borough Clerk is open for business; said permit shall be retroactive to the date when the work was done.
[Ord. No. 691 A4 § 3; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 93-01 § 1; Ord. No. 2014-17]
The following permit fees are established and shall be paid to the Borough Clerk before the permits are issued, for opening any road paved with Portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, bituminous penetration macadam, water-bound macadam with or without bituminous dressing or asphalt surface treated pavement, $15 per square yard or fraction thereof; minimum nonrefundable fee $150. For opening any unimproved road, $10 per square yard or fraction thereof; minimum nonrefundable fee of $50.
[Ord. No. 691 A4 § 3; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2]
The person, firm or corporation to whom such permit is issued shall guard the excavation or excavations by suitable barricades and warning signs by day and suitable barricades and lights by night until the excavation is safely closed. It is the responsibility of the permittee to maintain such road opening in a safe condition for traffic until such time as he/she replace the pavement and the pavement replacement shall have been approved by the Director of Public Works.
[Ord. No. 691 A4 § 4; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2]
The permit for any such excavation shall state the maximum time allowed for the completion of the excavating, and the back-filling shall be completed within the time stated in such permit. The material to be used for such back-fill shall be earth, or earth and crushed stone in event quantities. No stone larger than six inches in diameter, and no shale rock shall be used for such purpose. It shall be within the discretion of the Director of Public Works to require crushed stone dust if, in his/her opinion, the available earth fill is unsuitable. No more than six inches of material shall be back-filled at one time. Upon back-filling an amount not exceeding six inches, the same shall be thoroughly moistened and tamped and thoroughly compacted before any further back-fill is placed. It shall be within the discretion of the Director of Public Works to require tamping by means of a pneumatic ram tamper in place of the puddling method. The back-filling shall be continued until the top thereof, after being thoroughly tamped, shall be one inch higher than the surface of the pavement. All excess materials shall be removed. Immediately upon the completion of the back-filling the Director of Public Works shall be notified, and it shall be his/her duty to make an inspection of the work for compliance with the provisions of this section. The excavated pavement shall be replaced by the permitted upon notification of the Director of Public Works, who after completion of the pavement replacement shall make a final inspection and immediately notify the Borough Clerk in writing of his/her approval in order that the bond may be returned.
[Ord. No. 691 A5 § 5; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2]
Whenever possible, excavations shall be made on either side of the pavement, and pipes to be laid shall be driven from one excavation to the other so as not to disturb the pavement. No boring or tunneling under the pavement of any road shall be done except by special permission of the Director of Public Works, and under his/her personal supervision. When necessary to excavate across the entire roadway of any road, the work shall be performed so that at least one-half of such roadway shall remain open to traffic. No person shall permit any street or road to be closed to travel by reason of any excavation made there in pursuance of this Section.
[Ord. No. 691 A5 § 6; Ord. No. 983 §§ 1, 2]
Any public utility corporation having the lawful right to construct or maintain pipes, conduits or tracks in any public street or place may file with the Borough Clerk a bond running to "The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Tenafly," in the sum of $1,000 conditioned for the making of all excavations in accordance with the provisions of this section, and further conditioned that it will restore the pavement of any roadway excavated, torn up or disturbed by it or under its authority to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, within five days after notice from such Director of Public Works, and that in case of its failure so to do, it will upon demand pay to the Borough the cost of restoring such pavement, also to pay a fee of $2 for each opening within 30 days after each such opening. Such bond shall be renewed each calendar year. The corporation, upon filing such bond, shall be entitled to make excavations for the purpose of construction or maintenance of its pipes, conduits or tracks for a period of one year.
[Ord. No. 07-17 § 2]
No permit shall be issued by the Borough Clerk to any person which shall allow an excavation or opening in a paved and improved street surface less than five years old, unless the applicant can clearly demonstrate to the Borough Administrator that public health or safety requires that the proposed work be permitted or unless an emergency condition exist. If by resolution adopted by the Borough Council a permit is issued to open any paved and improved street surface less than five years old, a penalty charge shall be made for opening, except that the penalty may be waived by resolution of the Mayor and Council in the event the work is of an emergency nature. The penalty charge shall be on a sliding scale and shall be equal to 2% of the cost of restoring the opening for each unelapsed month or fraction thereof of the five year restricted period. No work shall be performed in connection with a street opening permit issued pursuant to this section before 9:00 a.m. and all work shall be completed and any excavation trenches shall be closed or covered by 4:00 p.m., unless emergency conditions exist as described in subsection 20-4.2 herein above.
[Ord. No. 601 A8 §§ 1 — 18, 20, 21]
No person shall permit any building, structure, erection or any part thereof, to encroach upon or extend over, under or into any public street or public place, excepting as permitted and authorized in this section.
The owner of every building, structure or erection, which either in whole or in part, encroaches upon or extends over, under to into any public street or place, shall cause such encroachment to be removed within 10 days after receiving written notice from the Director of Public Works so to do. Every day that such owner shall fail, refuse or neglect to comply with that order after the expiration of the period of 10 days, shall constitute a separate and distinct violation of this section.
No person shall obstruct or permit the obstruction of any street or public place by the storage or placing of any building material or other material or merchandise thereon and permitting the same to remain longer than is necessary to convey the same on or into private property, unless a permit shall be obtained from the Borough Clerk. No permit shall be granted which permits the use or obstruction of more than one-quarter of the width of the roadway of such street or public place at any point.
The application for the permit shall state the kind and character of material to be stored or placed in such public street or place, the exact location where the same is to be stored or placed, and the maximum length of time that such obstruction shall continue. The Director of Public Works may impose conditions in any permit issued under this section with respect to keeping the sidewalk open for travel and any other conditions which he/she shall deem proper in the interest of the public safety and convenience. The fee for such a permit shall be $2. The permit shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place on or near the material, and shall be kept there so as to be readily accessible to inspection.
No cellarway or hoistway shall be constructed in any public street without a permit issued by the Borough Clerk. The fee for such permit shall be $5. No permit shall be granted for any cellarway or hoistway which extends into the street more than five feet from the property line. All such cellarways or hoistways shall be covered with iron doors flush with the sidewalk, and when opened shall at all times be protected by either guard rails or chains. No cellarway or hoistway shall remain open so that the sidewalk or street is obstructed for a longer period than is necessary for the reasonable use thereof.
No person shall move any building or structure across, along or through any street or public place without obtaining a permit from the Borough Clerk. The fee for such permit shall be $50.
A deposit of $50 in cash shall accompany any application. From this amount an inspection fee of $4 will be charged for each inspection necessary prior to and during the moving of such building, and also regardless of whether permit is granted or rejected; the number of such inspections to be left to the judgment of the Department of Public Works. If, in the judgment of the Department of Public Works, a larger deposit is necessary, applicant will be so informed and must deposit that additional amount before further action will be taken on such application.
An applicant shall fill out all questions in detail on the regular application blank and give all information necessary relating to the moving, without any attempt to minimize the hazards connected therewith.
It shall be required that the Construction Official shall cause a proper examination to be made of the building to see that same is substantial in every respect for the purpose of moving. The place from which the building is to be moved and the place where the building is to be located are to be approved by the Borough authorities so that the applicant may meet all the requirements of the zoning law or any zoning ordinance which may then be in force.
Permits in writing must be obtained from the utility corporations whose appliances may be interfered with, as the Borough does not assume any responsibility for damage to poles, wires, cross arms, street lights, automatic signals or other structures which may be damaged by such moving.
No wedge, bar or spike shall be driven into the surface of streets, and no trees shall be cut, trimmed or in any way interfered with and no Borough property shall be used except special permission, in writing, is granted by the Department of Public Works and full responsibility for any damage thereto is accepted by the applicant for a permit.
No building which is to be on the Borough streets more than five days shall be moved over any Borough street unless the detour which may be required on a Sunday or holiday is conveniently located and in proper condition.
The owner and the contractor moving the building shall jointly and severally be responsible to the Borough for the moving of any building, and both shall save the Borough harmless from all damage of every kind and assume full liability for all damages.
The time of moving must be so arranged as to cause the least inconvenience to the public at large. This time shall be specified in the permit and shall be strictly adhered to. All other requirements specified in the permit which are not part of these rules shall also be adhered to, and any deviation therefrom shall mean revocation of the permit. The route to be taken shall be specified in the permit.
Under no circumstances shall an applicant begin moving operations until a permit, in writing, is secured.
No person shall place any sign or advertisement, or other matter upon any pole, tree, curbstone, sidewalk or elsewhere, in any public street or public place, excepting such as may be authorized by this or any other ordinance of the Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: For similar regulations, see also subsection 3-1.15, Posting Notices Prohibited.
No person shall injure, deface, obliterate, remove, take down or disturb, or in any other manner interfere with or disturb any signboard containing the name of any street or public place, or any bulletin board, or sign or notice erected, posted or placed, bearing the name of the Mayor and Borough Council or any office of the Borough.
No person, firm or corporation shall place or permit to be placed any ashes, garbage, dirt, paper, tree limbs or branches, garden refuse or other waste material upon any street or public place; provided that clean ashes or sand may be placed upon ice which has formed upon any sidewalk.
No person, firm or corporation shall burn any leaves or other waste material or cause same to be burned upon any street or public place.
No person shall throw or place, or permit or aid the throwing or placing of glass, tacks or other sharp substance upon any public street or public place.
No person shall remove, displace, break or change any sign or lights or signals set up or placed in any street or public place as a warning of danger, or indicating an excavation or obstruction, or showing that any street or public place is closed to traffic; and no person shall, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, extinguish any light used for any of those purpose.
No person shall open any manhole or remove the cover thereof, unless such opening shall be guarded by a guard rail, and shall be so marked by both day and night as to be plainly seen at a distance of 50 feet, which guard rail shall be maintained so long as such manhole shall remain opened or uncovered.
No person shall coast by sleigh or sled upon any street, unless such street or the portion thereof used for coasting shall be closed to vehicular traffic.
The Police Chief of his designee may close any street or public place or section thereof to public traffic the purpose of repairing, constructing or reconstructing the same. The Mayor and Borough Council may be resolution designate certain street or portions t hereof upon which coasting by sleigh or sled will be permitted at certain times of the day, and may direct that such street or portion thereof shall be closed to vehicular traffic during such hours. When any street or public place or portion thereof is closed, there shall be a sign at each end of the portion closed, plainly visible to approaching traffic, reading substantially as follows: "STREET CLOSED." No person shall drive or cause to be propelled any vehicle over that street or portion thereof so closed and marked. For the purpose of this section a sleigh or sled used for coasting shall not be construed to be a vehicle.
No person, firm or corporation shall place or erect any electric light, telegraph, telephone or other pole in or upon any street or public place except pursuant to permission granted by the Mayor and Borough Council. No wires shall be run or strung upon any pole at a distance less than 18 feet from the ground.
No person, firm or corporation shall connect foundation drains, sump pumps, surface drains or other constant or semi-constant sources of water into the gutter of any street or public place.
It shall be the responsibility of the Department of Public Works to maintain the pavement and to clear snow from all streets and thoroughfares which have been accepted by ordinance duly adopted by the Mayor and Borough Council. The Public Works Department shall not undertake the maintenance or snow removal upon any street or highway which has not been accepted by ordinance except by resolution of the Mayor and Borough Council authorizing such work.
It shall be the responsibility of any person, firm or corporation owning or operating trucks from which earth, stones or similar debris has been dumped or spilled upon any street or thoroughfare to remove same.
No mortar, concrete or similar material shall be mixed or placed upon the surface of any street or sidewalk.
[Ord. No. 691 A6 §§ 1 — 10, 19; Ord. No. 983 §§ 4, 5]
The owner of occupant of premises abutting any blue stone or concrete sidewalk shall maintain such sidewalk at all times in a good and passable condition at a grade which will prevent water accumulating thereon, and shall replace any flagstone which become broken, and shall maintain the flagstones so that the joints are even. The surface of all concrete sidewalks shall be kept properly roughened so as not to become smooth and slippery.
No person shall remove, excavate or disturb any sidewalk or curb except for the sole purpose of relaying or repairing same, without a permit therefor, which permit shall state the maximum length of time that it shall remain in force. The fee for such a permit shall be $2.
During the time that any such sidewalk shall be removed, provision shall be made by the permittee for safe and convenient means of passage by pedestrians.
In case any sidewalk becomes out of repair, the owner or occupant of the lands abutting such sidewalk shall, upon receipt of written notice from the Director of Public Works, repair or cause the same to be repaired and made in a good and passable condition conforming with the requirements of paragraph a.
No person shall make an opening through a concrete curb for the purpose of connecting a leader drain into the gutter without a permit therefor from the Borough Clerk. The fee for each such opening shall be $2.
No person shall place any bridging over any gutter or any pipe or other obstruction in any gutter without first having secured the consent of the Mayor and Council.
No person shall place or permit to be placed upon any sidewalk or sidewalk area any object or thing that shall in any manner encumber or obstruct such sidewalk or sidewalk area or render travel upon such sidewalk or sidewalk area dangerous or unsafe. No steps, walls, fences, driveway curbs or similar features shall extend into the sidewalk area, nor shall hedges or shrubbery be permitted to project into a sidewalk area so as to obstruct pedestrian traffic.
No person shall place or maintain any drop awning extending over any sidewalk, which when lowered shall be less than seven feet above the sidewalk.
Temporary awnings may be erected across a sidewalk and permitted to remain for a period not exceeding 24 hours, provided the same shall be securely fastened, and shall be so arranged as to permit travel along the sidewalk.
No person shall lower a concrete curb for the purpose of providing a driveway across a sidewalk without a permit therefor from the Borough Clerk. The fee for such a permit shall be $10.
A concrete curb shall not be broken off at pavement level in order to construct a driveway. Sections of the curb shall be removed and a new concrete curb constructed, providing a dropped section for the driveway. The minimum thickness of the base of the new curb shall be nine inches, the minimum depth below the gutter grade shall be 15 inches and the minimum height of the dropped section above the gutter grade shall be 1 1/2 inches. Concrete for curb reconstruction shall be Class B, New Jersey State Highway Specification.
No person shall remove a section of asphalt rolled curb for the purpose of constructing a driveway across a sidewalk without a permit from the Borough Clerk. The fee for such a permit shall be $5. The apron shall consist of a compacted stone base course dustbound not less than four inches in depth with a bituminous concrete or penetration macadam surface course not less than 1 1/2 inches in depth.
No person, firm or corporation shall cast or throw ice or snow upon a public street or thoroughfare from which snow has been plowed or removed.[2]
Editor's Note: For regulations concerning the removal of snow, ice, weeds and grass, see Chapter 12, Property Maintenance.
Any person who is denied a permit under this section has the right to appeal to the Mayor and Council for a special exception by filing a notice of appeal with the Borough Clerk within the 10 days of receiving notice of the denial of the permit. Such notice of appeal shall include a brief statement of the relief requested. Upon receipt of any such notice of appeal, the Mayor and Council will hear the appeal at its next regular meeting, at which time the owner and any other persons appearing in the matter will be heard or afforded the opportunity to be heard. The applicant shall cause to be served upon all property owners within a 100-foot radius of the property in question, at least seven days prior to such hearing, a notice by certified, return-receipt-requested mail or by acknowledged personal service which shall include the time, date and location of such hearing together with a brief statement of the relief requested. Proof of service of notice shall be required to be submitted prior to the hearing. The Mayor and Council of the Borough shall have the power to grant such a special exception upon a specific finding by it, that the granting of such special exception will not adversely affect the intent and purpose of § 20-6.
[Added 10-5-2021 by Ord. No. 21-16]
Editor's Note: For regulations concerning the Removal of Snow, Ice, Weeds and Grass, see Chapter 12, Property Maintenance.
[Ord. No. 691 all; Ord. No. 04-30]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. No. 207 §§ 1 — 4; New ]
Any and all pipes or drains extending from the property line to, under and across any sidewalk or sidewalks within the Borough, which by reason of insufficient size, or being improperly laid, or permitted to be stopped or obstructed, so that the same overflow and permit the escape of water between the property line and the curbline, are hereby declared to be nuisances, and the owner of the lands drained by any such pipes or drains shall, within five days after written notice by the Borough Clerk stating the location of any such nuisance, abate the same.
The placing and depositing, or permitting to be placed or deposited sand, earth, dirt, rubbish or other obstructions in any gutter along any public street, so that the natural flow of surface water is in any way obstructed or impeded, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and the person placing or depositing any such sand, earth, dirt, rubbish or other obstructions in any gutter along any public street, so that the natural flow of surface water is in any way obstructed or impeded, shall be subject to the penalties set forth in paragraph d hereof.
The owner of the lands abutting upon any gutter along the public street in which shall have been placed or deposited sand, dirt, earth, rubbish or other obstructions, so that the natural flow or surface water is in any way obstructed or impeded, shall within five days after written notice from the Borough Clerk, remove any such sand, dirt, earth, rubbish or other obstruction and, in case of his/her failure so to do, it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to remove such sand, dirt, earth, rubbish or other obstruction, and the cost thereof shall be reported to the Borough Council. The Borough Council shall, by resolution, assess such cost upon the lands of the abutting owner, and shall forward a certified copy of such resolution to the Collector of Taxes, who shall collect such assessment.
The notices herein provided for shall be served either personally or by posting a copy of such notice in a conspicuous place upon the premises affected. The date of posting shall be considered the date of service of the notice.
Any person who shall fail, after notice, to comply with the provisions of paragraph a hereof; and any person who shall place or deposit any sand, dirt, earth, rubbish or other obstructions in any gutter along any public street so that the natural flow of surface water is in any way obstructed or impeded, as prohibited by paragraph b hereof, and any person who shall, after notice, fail to comply with the provisions of paragraph b shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.