[Prior history includes Ord. No. 02-22]
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
Owners of houses within the Borough of Tenafly are eligible for the technical and financial assistance made available through the "Housing Rehabilitation Program," provided the following:
The owner must be a "very-low" (defined as households earning 30% or less of the regional median income by household size), "low" or "moderate" income household as defined in the applicable provisions of the "Substantive Rules" of the New Jersey Council On Affordable Housing (COAH) at N.J.A.C. 5:93-1, et seq. or must agree to rent the house to be rehabilitated to either a "very-low," "low" or "moderate" income household;
The unit proposed to be rehabilitated must be a housing unit with health and safety code violations that require the repair or replacement of a "major system" as determined in writing by the Borough Construction Code Official upon inspection of the unit relative to the prevailing standards of the "BOCA National Existing Structures Code." The term "major system" includes a roof, plumbing (including wells), heating, electricity, sanitary plumbing (including septic systems) and/or a load bearing structural system;
The proposed rehabilitation activity shall be limited to the repair or replacement of a "major system" as defined hereinabove, and shall not include luxury improvements, the purchase of appliances or improvements that are strictly cosmetic;
The proposed rehabilitation activity shall be deemed by the Borough Construction Code Official, in writing, to be sufficient to remove the applicable existing health and safety code violation(s) and to bring the unit up to the standards of the "BOCA National Existing Structures Code"; and
The owner must agree, in writing, to comply with all of the applicable requirements of these "Housing Rehabilitation Program" ordinance provisions.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
The rehabilitated housing unit shall be occupied only by a household which is either a "very-low," "low" or a "moderate" income household at the time of initial occupancy of the unit subsequent to its rehabilitation.
Each rehabilitated housing unit shall, for a period of at least six years from the date of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy in the case of an owner-occupied unit, or for a period of at least 10 years in the case of a rental unit, be occupied only by a "low" or "moderate" income household.
Rents of rehabilitated housing units shall be affordable to "low" or "moderate" income households in accordance with the applicable provisions at N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.4 of COAH's "Substantive Rules", and shall specifically include an allowance for utilities in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.4(h).
There shall be a recorded deed or declaration of covenants and restrictions applied to the property upon which the rehabilitated housing unit is located running with the land and limiting its subsequent rental or sale within the requirements of paragraphs b and c above.
The "Housing Rehabilitation Program" program shall be affirmatively marketed to the "Northeast Housing Region" consisting of Bergen, Hudson, Passaic and Sussex Counties in accordance with the "Affirmative Marketing Plan" provisions in Section 35-1209.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
The Borough of Tenafly designates the Borough Administrator, or his substitute appointment by resolution, as the "administrative entity" to administer the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" in accordance with the following:
The administrative entity shall administer the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" including advertising, income qualifying prospective renters, setting rents and annual rental increases, maintaining a waiting list, distributing the grants and/or low interest loans, securing Certificates of Occupancy, qualifying properties, handling application forms, filing deed restrictions and monitoring reports, and affirmatively marketing the "Housing Rehabilitation Program."
The administrative entity shall develop the necessary application and financial statement forms as approved by COAH to be used by an owner of a substandard housing unit applying for a grant or loan for the purpose of rehabilitating the unit.
The administrative entity shall develop a "Rehabilitation Manual" that complies with COAH's "Substantive Rules" and summarizes the administration of the Tenafly Borough "Housing Rehabilitation Program." The "Rehabilitation Manual" shall include a sample copy of the deed or declaration of covenants and restrictions to be applied to property, and also shall describe the following:
The staff of the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" and its responsibilities;
The procedures for the marketing of the "Housing Rehabilitation Program;"
Eligible repairs and improvements;
The amount of money available for the rehabilitation;
Financing terms;
Income qualification criteria;
The procedures for filing applications;
The procedures for review and approval of the rehabilitation work, including interim inspections; and
The length of the affordability controls on the rehabilitated unit.
The administrative entity shall maintain a file on each applicant to the Tenafly Borough "Housing Rehabilitation Program," including the following information:
The name of the applicant;
If the application is not approved, the reasons for the disapproval;
If the application is approved, the following shall be noted:
Proof of income eligibility (Federal tax return);
The initial inspection report of the Borough Construction Official;
The bids submitted by interested contractors;
The final contract(s) to do the required work;
Periodic reports as to the progress of the required work;
A copy of the final inspection report of the Borough Construction Official; and
A copy of the recorded deed or declaration of covenants and restrictions applied to the subject property.
The administrative entity shall report quarterly to the Tenafly Borough Council on the status of the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" in the Borough, including the following information:
The number of applicants who have filed for participation in the "Housing Rehabilitation Program;"
The number of units found to be substandard housing units which are occupied by "low" or "moderate" income households; and
A financial statement for each rehabilitated housing unit and each unit to be rehabilitated, including the amount of money expended or to be expended for actual rehabilitation activities versus administrative costs.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
The Borough of Tenafly shall provide $10,000 per unit for up to the maximum 23 units to be rehabilitated during the course of the "Housing Rehabilitation Program." In accordance with COAH's "Substantive Rules," no more than 20% of the rehabilitation costs may be expended for administrative expenses, and the actual rehabilitation costs shall average at least $8,000 per unit in order to maintain eligibility for rehabilitation credits from COAH for all of the assisted dwelling units.
The Borough of Tenafly shall provide $80,000 of the total $230,000 to fund the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" within one year of the date it receives a Judgment of Repose.
During each subsequent year, for a period of four additional years, the Borough of Tenafly shall provide $37,500 to fund the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" provided that:
No more than $37,500 need be in the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" fund during each year subsequent to the first year's funding; and
Any unused moneys from a prior year remaining in the fund may be carried forth and credited towards the following year's funding requirement.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
Interested owners shall secure information and application packets from the administrative entity via the Borough Clerk by visiting the Tenafly Borough Municipal Building during the Borough Clerk's regularly scheduled office hours.
Interested owners shall submit a completed application to the administrative entity via the Borough Clerk.
The administrative entity shall review the application for completeness and, once an application is complete, determine whether the owner is eligible in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 35-1201.
Upon a determination by the administrative entity that the owner is eligible, the Borough Construction Code Official shall inspect the subject unit to determine whether it has the required health and safety code violations that require the repair or replacement of a "major system" as defined Section 35-1201, paragraph b, and whether or not the proposed description and cost of the work needed to improve the unit will meet the parameters of the "Housing Rehabilitation Program." The Construction Code Official's determination shall be submitted in writing to the Housing Authority.
If the Borough Construction Code Official determines that the unit is eligible for rehabilitation, but recommends an amended description and cost estimate of the work necessary to rehabilitate the unit, the applicant will be asked to revise the application to satisfactorily address the comments of the Construction Code Official.
When the Borough Construction Code Official determines that the unit is eligible for rehabilitation and that the agreed upon work plan to rehabilitate the unit is satisfactory, the Construction Code Official shall notify the administrative entity in writing.
Once the Construction Code Official has notified the administrative entity in writing that the agreed upon work plan to rehabilitate the unit is satisfactory, the administrative entity shall arrange, in consultation with the Tenafly Borough Council, for a grant and/or a low interest loan in accordance with Section 35-1206. The rehabilitation work may begin as soon as the applicant and the appropriate representative of the administrative entity have signed all necessary agreements.
During the course of the completion of the rehabilitation construction, the Borough Construction Code Official periodically shall inspect the unit to make certain that the construction is proceeding satisfactorily in accordance with the approved work plan.
After completion of the rehabilitation construction, the Borough Construction Code Official shall inspect the unit and, if the rehabilitation construction has been completed satisfactorily, shall certify in writing to the administrative entity that the rehabilitation work has been completed in accordance with the approved work plan.
Should the Borough Construction Code Official find upon inspection that the rehabilitation work has not been completed in accordance with the approved work plan, the Construction Code Official shall so notify the administrative entity which will determine a suitable remedy.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
An eligible owner may receive a grant and/or a low interest loan for the rehabilitation.
If a low interest loan is given to the property owner, the administrative entity shall work with the owner to establish a realistic loan repayment schedule.
If the applicant does not meet the established loan repayment schedule, the administrative entity shall collect the uncollected funds as well as the accumulated interest at the time of the sale of the unit.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
The following terms shall apply to low interest loans made for the rehabilitation of an eligible housing unit:
The administrative entity may make a loan to an applicant for all or a part of the total amount of the cost of rehabilitation. Although the loan will be made to the applicant, the proceeds of the loan will be paid to the individual(s) or business(es) who sell the material and/or labor for the project. Owners who contribute "sweat equity" will not receive financial remuneration for their efforts.
The interest rate will be fixed at an annual rate not to exceed 2%.
Payments on the loan principal and interest will be deferred for a ten-year period, since all units are to be rental units.
Payment of the loan principal and the interest due will become payable in full at the end of 10 years, unless the owner elects to continue the affordability controls on the "Affordable Unit" for an appropriate period of time, in which case the loan principal and the interest due will become payable when the affordability controls cease. No interest will be charged after the 10th year if the owner chooses to defer repayment of the loan principal in exchange for extending the affordability controls on the "Affordable Unit."
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
In the event that sufficient funds are not available to provide grants and/or low interest loans to every eligible owner, at least 50% of the available assistance shall be awarded to applications that will result in the rehabilitation of housing units occupied by "low" income households.
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
The administrative entity shall be responsible to prepare and execute a "Rehabilitation Marketing Plan" which shall, at a minimum, consist of the following:
At least one well publicized public meeting to be held in the Tenafly Borough Municipal Building to discuss and explain the "Housing Rehabilitation Program;"
A large poster highlighting the main features of the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" to be prepared and hung in the Tenafly Borough Municipal Building at all times;
The issuance of periodic press releases to the Bergen Record and the official newspapers of Tenafly Borough regarding the "Housing Rehabilitation Program" in order to promote interest in the "Housing Rehabilitation Program;" and
Program marketing materials will be prepared by the administrative entity which shall summarize the "Housing Rehabilitation Program." Marketing materials shall be mailed to all residents of the Borough of Tenafly prior to March 31st of each calendar year included in COAH's "Substantive Certification" of Tenafly Borough. The marketing materials will discuss all terms, conditions and eligibility criteria, including the following:
The administrative entity and its responsibilities regarding the "Housing Rehabilitation Program;"
The eligible repairs and improvements to a substandard housing unit;
The amount of money available for the repairs and improvements;
The financing terms of low interest loans;
The criteria for owner eligibility;
The application procedures;
The procedures for review and approval of the repairs and improvements by the Borough Construction Code Official, including periodic inspections of the work in progress; and
The duration of the affordability controls to be contained within the deed or the declaration of covenants and restrictions.