[Adopted 11-4-1958 by Ord. No. 58-1 (Ch. 18, Part 1, of the 1988 Code of Ordinances)]
As used in this article and following words and terms shall be construed as follows:
The agreement dated as of April 16, 1958, between the Township and the Authority.
The Washington-East Washington Joint Authority, as presently or hereafter constituted.
Includes natural persons, partnerships, organizations and corporations.
Such rules and regulations as the Authority may from time to time adopt and promulgate with respect to any matter affecting the maintenance and operation of the sewerage system and with respect to the collection of sewer rentals imposed by this article.
All sanitary sewers, all lateral sewer service connections and all main collecting sewers and trunk lines included in the sewerage system.
The existing sewerage facilities within the service area of the Authority, together with all renewals, replacements, additions, extensions and enlargements from time to time made with respect thereto, but does not include stormwater sewers.
All persons owning or occupying property having connections to the sewerage system along sewers, easements or rights-of-way deeded to the Authority by the Township.
The Citizens Water Company of Washington, Pennsylvania, and any successor thereto.
From and after the effective date of this article it shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or to permit to be discharged into any sewer any roof or surface water, or the flow from any groundwater collection system, or any matter determined by the regulations of the Authority to be dangerous or harmful to, or the discharge of which into a sewer would adversely affect, the sewerage system or the functioning thereof, or the process of sewage treatment and disposal; or to discharge or to permit to be discharged into any sewer any industrial or process waste which is not preliminarily treated in the manner from time to time prescribed by the regulations of the Authority in order to make them reasonably harmless to the sewerage system and to the processes of sewage treatment and disposal.
[Amended 1-14-1974; 5-10-1977 by Ord. No. 77-3; 4-26-1983 by Ord. No. 83-1; 5-22-1984 by Ord. No. 84-3; 6-24-1986 by Ord. No. 86-1; 2-27-1990 by Ord. No. 1-1990; 3-3-1992 by Ord. No. 1-1992]
On and after March 1, 1992, all users shall pay annual sewer rentals for the sewerage service furnished by the Authority, based on the following schedule of rates and in accordance with the classifications and other provisions below set forth, and with the regulations of the Authority:
Basis for determination of amount of sewerage service. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, the amount of sewerage service furnished to each user shall be deemed to be equal to the amount of water supplied to such user by the Water Company; and the consumption of sewerage service, expressed in terms of gallons per month or gallons per quarter, shall, except as otherwise hereinafter provided, be equal to the consumption of water as metered by the Water Company.
Rates for users. Sewer rentals shall be computed by multiplying the usage in 1,000 gallons as determined in Subsection A above by the rates that apply in Schedule I, by the rates that apply in Schedule II and by the rates in Schedule III, and by the rates that apply in Schedule IV, and then adding the products of these four calculations for the total bill. Sewer rentals shall be due at these monthly or quarterly rates from all users who discharge sewage containing no process or industrial wastes or other matter more concentrated than domestic sewage as determined in the regulations of the Washington-East Washington Joint Authority:
Schedule I
Debt Service Rate
Per Month
Per Quarter
Minimum charge
Usage Block
Per Thousand Gallons
First 5,000 gallons per month or 15,000 gallons per quarter or any part thereof
Next 5,000 gallons per month, or 15,000 gallons per quarter, or any part thereof
All usage in excess of 15,000 gallons per month or 45,000 gallons per quarter, or any part thereof
Schedule II
Operation and Maintenance Rate
For usage of 1,000 gallons per month or quarter or any usage in excess of 1,000 gallons per month or quarter
Schedule III
Pump or Lift Station Rate
For customers whose sewage must be pumped through the use of a pump or lift station into the normal gravity sewage collection system of the Authority
Per thousand gallons usage
Schedule IV
Grinder Pump Rate
For customers in districts that are to be charged for the use of sewer grinder pumps
Per thousand gallons usage
Adjustment of sewer rental for wastes stronger than sanitary sewage. For users discharging wastes having a higher concentration of settleable solids and organic matter than domestic sewage, as determined by regulations of the Authority, the rates set forth in Subsection B shall be adjusted for concentration in accordance with the regulations of the Authority.
Users using private water supplies. For users using water, all or part of which is from a source other than the Water Company, there shall be a sewer rental, separate from and in addition to any sewer rental based upon the consumption of water from the Water Company. Such separate and additional sewer rental shall be measured by the quantity of water from the private sources which is discharged into the sewerage system and shall be at the same rate as is set forth in § 345-3B. Each such user shall, at his own expense, install a meter or meters to measure the quantity of water received from sources other than the Water Company, which are discharged into the sewerage system. No meter shall be installed or used for such purpose without approval of the Authority. If such user fails to install an approved meter or measuring device, the Authority shall determine the amount of the waste discharged to the sewerage system and shall impose charges based upon such determination.
Water not discharged into the sewerage system. Whenever a user uses water from the Water Company, but such water is not discharged into the sewerage system, the quantity of such water shall be excluded in determining the sewer rental payable by such user. The quantity of such water shall be measured by a device or devices approved by the Authority and installed by the user and without cost to the Authority; provided, however, that, in reference to industrial and commercial users, where, in the Authority's opinion, it is impractical to install a measuring device continuously to determine the quantity of such water, the Authority may determine said quantity in such manner as it may prescribe.
Observation facilities. Where required by the Authority, any user other than a domestic user shall install a suitable manhole to facilitate observation, sampling and measuring of wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly and safely located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Authority. The manhole shall be installed by the user at his expense and shall be maintained by him in a safe condition at all times.
Inspection. The Authority or its authorized agent shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurements, sampling and testing in accordance with the regulations of the Authority.
Notice of change in character of waste. Any user who discharges industrial or process wastes into any sewer and who shall change his methods of operation so as to alter the type of waste previously discharged shall notify the Authority 10 days previous to such change, in order that the Authority may have the opportunity to sample the wastes and determine whether or not such wastes will be injurious to the sewerage system.
User charge system; operations and maintenance. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Title 40, EPA 35.935-13, the user charge set forth in Schedule II, Operation and Maintenance Rate, is subject to annual review and revision as necessary.
The owners of properties served by the sewerage system and the users of water in or on said properties shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of the sewer rentals and penalties hereby imposed.
The Authority is hereby authorized, empowered and appointed, for and on behalf and as agent of the Township, to collect the sewer rentals and penalties hereby imposed, either from the owners of the properties receiving sewerage service or from the users of water upon said properties, or from both the owners and the water users; and to enforce the payment of such sewer rentals and penalties in any manner now or hereafter authorized by law.
The sewer rentals and penalties hereby imposed shall be a lien on the property served, and all delinquent bills therefor shall be entered as a lien against such property; and such lien shall be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of Washington County, Pennsylvania, and collected in the manner provided by law for the filing and collection of municipal claims.
[Amended 2-23-1988 by Ord. No. 1-88]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300, and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days. Every day that a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense.