The position of Municipal Housing Liaison (MHL) for the Borough of Old Tappan is established by this chapter. The Borough shall make the actual appointment of the MHL by means of a resolution.
The MHL must be either a full-time or part-time employee of Old Tappan.
The person appointed as the MHL must be reported to the court and thereafter posted on the Borough's website.
The MHL must meet all the requirements for qualifications, including initial and periodic training, if such training is made available by COAH or the DCA.
The Municipal Housing Liaison shall be responsible for oversight and administration of the affordable housing program for the Borough of Old Tappan, including the following responsibilities which may not be contracted out to the administrative agent, or the administrative agent appointed by a specific developer:
Serving as the municipality's primary point of contact for all inquiries from the state, affordable housing providers, administrative agents and interested households;
The implementation of the affirmative marketing plan and affordability controls;
When applicable, supervising any contracting administrative agent;
Monitoring the status of all restricted units in the Borough's Fair Share Plan;
Compiling, verifying and submitting annual reports as required;
Coordinating meetings with affordable housing providers and administrative agents, as applicable; and
Attending continuing education opportunities on affordability controls, compliance monitoring and affirmative marketing as offered or approved by the Affordable Housing Professionals of New Jersey (AHPNJ), if such continuing education opportunities are made available by COAH or the DCA.
Subject to the approval of the court, the Borough of Old Tappan shall designate one or more administrative agent(s) to administer and to affirmatively market the affordable units constructed in the Borough in accordance with UHAC and this chapter. An operating manual for each affordable housing program shall be provided by the administrative agent(s) to be adopted by resolution of the governing body and may be subject to approval of the court-appointed Special Master or the court. The operating manual(s) shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Borough Clerk, in the office of the Municipal Housing Liaison, and in the office(s) of the administrative agent(s). The Municipal Housing Liaison shall supervise the work of the administrative agent(s).