[Amended 2-17-2003 by Ord. No. 2144]
The Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer shall administer and enforce the provisions of this Part 2. This broad responsibility includes, but is not limited to, the following specific duties:
To supervise the registration of all existing street graphics;
To review and pass upon applications for street graphic permits;
To inspect existing and newly constructed street graphics to determine compliance with this Part 2, and where there are violations, to initiate appropriate corrective action;
To review and forward to the Plan Commission all applications for variances, appeals and amendments;
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
To maintain up-to-date records of the applications and of any official actions taken pursuant thereto;
To periodically review the provisions of this Part 2 to determine whether revisions are needed, and to make recommendations on these matters to the City Council at least once each year;
To provide information to the general public on matters related to this Part 2;
To remove illegal signs from public or private property as is made and provided for in § 302-2.31 of this Sign Code; and
To perform such other duties as the City Council may from time to time prescribe.
The owner of every existing sign, billboard or other street graphic for which a sign permit has not been heretofore issued under the former street graphics control ordinance of the City, adopted February 13, 1984, except those listed in § 302-2.17 of this Part 2, shall register the street graphic with the administrator on a prescribed form not later than 90 days after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Part 2. At the time of registration, the administrator shall inform the owner regarding the provisions of § 302-2.29.
After the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Part 2, no sign, billboard or other street graphic (other than those for which a sign permit has been heretofore issued under the former street graphics control ordinance of the City adopted February 13, 1984, and except those listed in § 302-2.17) shall be erected, expanded, altered, relocated or reconstructed without a street graphic permit issued by the administrator.
Application. Every applicant for a street graphic permit shall submit to the administrator, in narrative and graphic form, all of the items of information listed below.
Items of information:
Name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
Name and address of the owner of the premises on which the street graphic is to be erected, if different from Subsection A(1)(a);
Location of the building, structure or lot where the proposed street graphic is to be erected, and the zoning district classification of the premises;
Description of the proposed street graphic, indicating proposed location, dimensions, area, overall height, illumination, and method of support or attachment;
The nature and location of traffic control devices located within 150 feet of the proposed street graphics;
Amount of street frontage that the establishment which proposes to display the street graphic has, and the total area of all existing signs on the premises; and
Such other information as the administrator shall reasonably require to determine full compliance with this Part 2.
The applicant shall pay to the City Clerk the fee prescribed in § 302-2.34 when the application for the street graphic permit is filed with the administrator.
Insurance requirements. The administrator shall not issue a permit for any street graphic which is so located that it might fall upon a public right-of-way until the applicant has obtained a liability insurance policy covering all damages or injuries which might be caused by such an event. The applicant shall be responsible for keeping the policy in force, and shall keep on file with the City Clerk proof of such insurance (including a copy of the insurance policy or policies providing coverage for the same, to include the currently effective cover sheet or declaration of coverage sheet pertaining thereto) naming the City as a co-insured. The policy or policies of insurance shall provide that same may not be cancelled without 30 days' prior written notice to the City.
A "nonconforming street graphic" means any sign, billboard or other street graphic located in the City that does not conform to one or more provisions of this Part 2, as from time to time amended; except such sign, billboard or street graphic for which a sign permit was heretofore issued under the former street graphics control ordinance of the City adopted February 13, 1984.
A nonconforming street graphic that does not pose an imminent peril to life or property may remain and be maintained by ordinary repairs until the amortization period has elapsed, but shall not be:
Altered or enlarged in such a way as to increase its nonconformity;
Replaced by another nonconforming street graphic (provided that changing the message on a changeable-copy sign shall not be deemed a violation of this provision);
Relocated unless it is made to conform with this Part 2; or
Reconstructed after incurring damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market value at the time of loss as determined by the administrator.
Further, whenever any existing street graphic located in an agricultural district or a residential district in the City is found to be nonconforming because it pertains to a commercial or an industrial use in violation of § 302-2.18, same may be replaced, relocated and/or reconstructed pursuant to Subsection A(1)(b), (c) and (d) of this section if in compliance with the requirements of § 302-2.19; notwithstanding it is located in an agricultural or residential district in the City.
Any street graphic that is nonconforming on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Part 2 because it violates one or more sections of this Part 2 shall either be removed or made to comply with this Part 2 within the time limit indicated in the following categories (which are based upon the cost or rental value of the street graphic). In the case of a street graphic owned by the user, the value shall be determined by the original cost of the street graphic. In the case of a leased street graphic, the value of the street graphic shall be determined by multiplying the periodic payment under the lease agreement by the total number of payments remaining due under the lease agreement.
Value of Street Graphic
Time Limit
Less than $5,000
Within 2 years
$5,001 to $15,000
Within 3 years
$15,001 to $25,000
Within 4 years
$25,001 to $35,000
Within 5 years
$35,001 to $45,000
Within 6 years
$45,001 or more
Within 7 years
Provided that any street graphic which would be conforming but for the fact that it is a nonconforming commercial or industrial use located in an agricultural district or residential district shall be exempt from amortization.
Any street graphic that becomes nonconforming because of an amendment to this Part 2 shall either be removed or made to comply with this Part 2, as amended, within the amortization period provided in this Part 2, as amended.
Whenever the administrator finds, by inspection or otherwise, that any street graphic is in violation of this Part 2, the administrator shall notify the responsible party (and the owner of the property where the violation exists if the responsible party is other than the property owner) and shall order appropriate corrective action.
Contents of order. The order to take corrective action shall be in writing and shall include:
A description of the premises sufficient for identification;
A statement indicating the nature of the violation;
A statement of the remedial action necessary to effect compliance;
The date by which the violation must be corrected (which may be the same date as the date of order where the administrator finds that the street graphic poses an immediate peril to life or property);
A statement that the alleged violator is entitled to confer with the administrator if he or she so desires;
The date by which an appeal of the corrective action order must be filed, and a statement of the procedure for so filing; and
A statement that failure to obey a corrective action order shall result in revocation of the street graphic permit, and may result in remedial action by the City.
Service of order. A corrective action order shall be deemed properly served upon the owner of the offending street graphic if it is:
Served upon him or her personally;
Sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, restricted delivery, to his or her last known address, which shall be deemed served on date receipted for; or
By posting in a conspicuous place on the premises where the violation exists.
[Added 2-17-2003 by Ord. No. 2144]
In addition to issuing a citation and proceeding to seek a fine for a violation of any provision of this Part 2, the Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to revoke any street graphic permit in accordance with the procedures established in the preceding § 302-2.30 of this code. Maintenance of a sign is unlawful if it is installed and maintained without first having obtained a sign permit for the sign in accordance with the requirements of § 302-2.17 of this code or upon revocation of a permit issued under and pursuant of this code.
Signs installed on public property without a permit and permission of the governmental authority who holds and owns the property where the sign is installed are illegal signs and, notwithstanding anything contained in this code to the contrary, may be summarily removed by the Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer without prior notice to the sign owner.
Except for illegal signs removed from property under the preceding Subsection B, illegal signs shall be removed by the person who installed and maintains the same or the owner of the property where the sign is installed and maintained. Upon the failure of the responsible person or persons to remove the unlawful sign, the Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer may cause the sign to be removed.
Notwithstanding the procedures established by § 302-2.30 of this Sign Code, the Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be repaired or removed summarily and without notice, at the expense of the permittee or the owner of the property on which it is located.
Any expenses incurred by the City for the repair or removal of a dangerous sign or the removal of an illegal sign, if not paid within 30 days after the City has issued and delivered a statement therefor, shall be a lien upon the real property on which the sign was located. Notice of the lien may be filed by the Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the county where the property on which the sign was located is situated. The lien may be foreclosed as in cases of foreclosure of real estate mortgages or mechanic's liens by the City instituting an action to foreclose the lien in the Circuit Court of the county where the real estate is located.
The City shall not be responsible for the condition or storage of signs removed as provided herein after giving the sign owner and/or the owner of the property on which the removed sign was located a twenty-day notice and opportunity to retrieve the sign.
Whenever any violation of this Part 2 occurs, or is alleged to have occurred, any person may file a written complaint on forms provided by the administrator. The administrator shall record such complaint, promptly investigate the same and take such remedial action as the administrator deems necessary, including issuance of a corrective action order pertaining to the same.
[Amended 4-20-2015 by Ord. No. 3180]
Any person who is convicted of a violation of this Part 2 shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $750. Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the City from taking any other lawful action that may be necessary to secure compliance with this Part 2, including filing a suit in equity for injunctive relief.
[Amended 1997 by Ord. No. 1604]
All fees shall be paid to the City Clerk. Said fees are intended to defray the administrative costs connected with the processing and administration of the listed permits and procedures; and do not constitute a tax or other revenue-raising device. The fees to be paid shall be in the amount and for the term to be set by City ordinance from time to time.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Secs. 15.44.330 through 15.44.360, regarding the Street Graphics Advisory Committee, which immediately followed this section, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).