There is created the office of Health Officer, who shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the City Council.
The Health Officer shall be an enforcing officer of the Board of Health, and shall see to the enforcement of all rules of the Board and shall see to the enforcement of quarantine. He shall give to the Council information and advice concerning the health of the City and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the City Council.
It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to make or cause to be made analysis of any food or drink alleged to be tainted or unwholesome and to analyze the drinking water of the City whenever requested to do so by the City Council.
The Health Officer shall assist in the enforcement of all ordinances relating to the sale or storage of food and drink intended for human consumption, and shall make or cause to be made such tests and analyses and inspections as may be necessary for this purpose.