There shall be a Department of Administration (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43), the head of which shall be the Business Administrator (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-44). He may designate an employee of the divisions of the Department as Assistant Administrator in his absence, or to have such other functions, powers and duties as may be assigned by the Business Administrator.
Division of Administration. Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Division of Administration.
Under the direction of the Business Administrator, the Division shall:
Prescribe and install uniform forms and procedures for budget preparation by all departments.
Develop and administer the municipality's personnel program, including up-to-date job classifications and pay plans, active recruitment of needed personnel, in-service training programs and a complete system of personnel records of municipal officers and employees.
Coordinate the processes of appointment and removal of municipal employees within the various departments, and to this end review and approve proposed appointments and discharges of personnel prior to any such action by any department to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Personnel Ordinance, codified in Chapter 19, Personnel Regulations.
Have and exercise the functions, powers and duties of city purchasing agent as provided by the Optional Municipal Charter Law, N.J.S.A. 40:69A-44.
Supervise telephone, mail, office equipment and furnishings and other office services.
Place, purchase and review property, liability and other insurance surety bonds as required for city purposes.
Advise and report on all insurance matters upon or with respect to risks insured for the benefit of the city or to protect it against any claims, demands or liability whatsoever.
Prepare warrant checks for signature of the Treasurer.
Prepare payrolls for certification of the Business Administrator.
Administer all matters relating to the financial status, rights and benefits of employees of the municipality under the employees' benefit and welfare programs.
The Business Administrator or such person delegated by him shall supervise any request for special services and shall designate the appropriate employee to perform the services.
The Administrator shall establish procedures for utilization of municipal employees and inform, in writing, the Mayor of procedures established.
Division of Planning and Zoning. Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Division of Planning and Zoning, the head of which shall be the Business Administrator.
The division, subject to the provisions of the Charter and this chapter, shall:
Advise and assist the Mayor and Council in regard to the planning of public improvement aspects of all matters related to the development of the municipality.
Study the operation and effect of land use controls and their administration within the municipality and report thereon to the Mayor and Council.
Develop and administer programs and activities for the rehabilitation of housing and the conservation of neighborhoods.
Conduct continuous studies and collect statistical and other data to serve as the basis for planning recommendations.
Conduct studies and prepare materials for the Master Plan or general plan of development for the municipality.
Prepare, evaluate and present to the Planning Board plans for redevelopment and renewal of the municipality.
Provide such staff assistance as the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment may require in the performance of their functions.
For purposes of budgeting, personnel and purchasing, the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board are allocated and assigned within the Division of Planning and Zoning in the Department of Administration.
Division of Municipal Court. For the purpose of budgeting, personnel and purchasing, the statutory agency known as the "Municipal Court" shall be allocated and placed within the Division of Municipal Court in the Department of Administration.
Division of Public Works. Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Division of Public Works, the Director of which shall be the Business Administrator. The Division shall perform the duties assigned to it. There shall be a Superintendent of Public Works, who shall be responsible for the daily coordination of the various offices of the division. The Superintendent shall issue all permits dealing with water, roads, waste disposal, etc., that are authorized.
Office of Building and Grounds. Under the supervision of the Director, the Office of Building and Grounds shall:
Plan, develop and administer public recreational facilities and parks as authorized.
Provide, maintain and repair playgrounds, playfields and indoor and outdoor recreational facilities as authorized.
Cultivate, plant and maintain all public parks, rights-of-way and property, including removal and protection of plant and tree life as authorized.
Operate, maintain and provide janitorial services for city-owned buildings as authorized.
Office of Roads. There shall be an Office of Roads, the head of which shall be the Road Foreman, who shall:
Maintain and repair the streets, culverts and drainage of the municipality and construct and reconstruct such streets as may be authorized by the Director.
Clear and remove snow and ice from the streets and provide such services as may be required in the interest of public safety as authorized by the Director.
Maintain and repair the vehicles of the Department and those of other departments of the city as authorized by the Director, subject to budgetary allowances.
Office of Sewer. There shall be an Office of Sewer. The Office of Sewer shall:
Maintain and operate the various sewage pumping facilities throughout the city as authorized.
Maintain and clean the city's sanitary and storm sewers, lines and mains as authorized.
Cultural and Heritage Advisory Commission.
There shall be a Cultural and Heritage Advisory Commission consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.
The Commission shall advise and make recommendations on matters of important cultural and historical events affecting the City of South Amboy.
The Commission, with the approval of the Mayor and Council, shall sponsor such events which promote an awareness of culture within and the history of the City of South Amboy.
Each Commissioner shall be appointed to a three-year term commencing on the first day of January. For the purposes of incorporating the Advisory Commission, two Commissioners' appointments shall expire on December 31, 1978.
Division of Rental Housing. (Ord. No. 7-2006)
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Division of Rental Housing, the head of which shall be the Business Administrator. The Division, subject to the provisions of the Charter and this chapter, shall:
Keep and maintain all records regarding rental housing in the City of South Amboy, except those records required, by law, to be maintained by the City Clerk;
Schedule and coordinate all inspections required by law;
Issue notices for inspections and the collection of fees and costs;
Collect all fees and costs;
Maintain accounting records pursuant to the direction of the Department of Finance;
Report to the Mayor and Council on all activities of the Division;
Coordinate the activities of the Division with the Office of the City Clerk and other City Departments;
Provide those services, as directed by the Mayor or the Business Administrator.