The Engineer shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. He shall from time to time upon his own initiative, and whenever directed by the Council, inspect the premises for which permits have been granted to ensure compliance with the terms of the permit and of this chapter. He shall report all violations to the Council and take any action deemed necessary in the circumstances.
The Engineer shall be paid for his services at fees to be set forth annually by ordinance.
For the purpose of administering and enforcing the provisions of this chapter, any authorized officer, agent or employee of the city shall have the right to enter any land where soil removal operations are being conducted in order to examine and inspect the land and the operations.
For the purpose of properly maintaining and conducting the business of the city in a manner which will properly promote the health, welfare and safety of the community, the proper collection of local real estate taxes as and when they fall due is essential. In order to promote these purposes, it is provided that any failure to pay the local real estate taxes on any property upon which a soil removal permit has been or hereafter shall be granted shall subject the holder of said soil removal permit to have same canceled and any further soil removal action thereon suspended or forbidden until such tax arrearages, with all interest and penalties thereon, are paid in full, provided notice of said arrearages and said proposed action is served on the holder of such soil removal permit, giving five days' notice thereof by ordinary mail addressed to his last known address.
The Engineer may, upon a determination that any violation of this chapter has occurred, serve a stop order upon the owner or excavator to forthwith cease all operations until said violation is corrected.