[HISTORY: §§ A186-1—A186-5 adopted 12-16-98 by Ord. No. 34-1998 as amended through December 31, 2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Consent is hereby granted to Middlesex Water Company, its successors, transferees and assigns to construct, lay, maintain and operate the necessary mains, pipes and appurtenances for the rendering of water services beneath such public roads, streets, avenues parks, parkways, sidewalks, lanes, alleys, squares and other public places as it may deem necessary for its corporate purposes and to construct and maintain hydrants on or along such roads and other places within the service areas of the city within the entire boundaries of the City of South Amboy.
Consent is hereby granted and a franchise to provide water service throughout the City of South Amboy is hereby created in favor of Middlesex Water Company, its successors, transferees and assigns.
Whenever an opening or excavation is made for purposes aforesaid, Middlesex Water Company shall restore such public places to a condition at least as good as exited prior to the commencement of such opening or excavation and shall comply with all ordinances of the City of South Amboy regarding road openings.
The Middlesex Water Company shall seek the approval of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities or its successors of this franchise and consent; this Ordinance No. 34-1998 shall be effective upon such approval and shall continue in effect unless and until revoked by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
All services and activities undertaken by Middlesex Water Company hereunder shall be in accordance with the applicable Statutes and Regulations of the State of New Jersey and the Board of Public Utilities and any tariffs of Middlesex Water Company.
[Adopted 12-16-98]
This Chapter A186 shall take effect upon final adoption and publication according to law, subject to the provisions contained herein as to effective dates.