When requested by the Township, a user shall submit information on the nature and characteristics of its wastewater within 90 days of the request. The Township is authorized to prepare a form for this purpose and may periodically require users to update this information.
No significant industrial user shall discharge wastewater into the POTW without first obtaining a wastewater discharge permit from the Township, except that a significant industrial user that has filed a timely application pursuant to § 278-88, Wastewater discharge permitting: existing connection, of this Part 5 may continue to discharge for the time period specified therein.
The Township may require other users to obtain wastewater discharge permits as necessary to carry out the purposes of this Part 5.
Any violation of the terms and conditions of a wastewater discharge permit shall be deemed a violation of this Part 5 and subjects the wastewater discharge permittee to the sanctions set out in Article XXIII, Administrative Enforcement Remedies, and Article XXIV, Judicial Enforcement Remedies, of this Part 5. Obtaining a wastewater discharge permit does not relieve a permittee of its obligation to comply with all federal and state pretreatment standards or requirements or with any other requirements of federal, state, and local law.
Any user required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit who was discharging wastewater into the POTW prior to the effective date of this Part 5 and who wishes to continue such discharges in the future, shall, within 90 days after said date, apply to the Township for an wastewater discharge permit in accordance with § 274-90, Wastewater discharge application contents, of this Part 5, and shall not cause or allow discharges to the POTW to continue after 180 days of the effective date of this Part 5 except in accordance with a wastewater discharge permit issued by the Township.
Any user required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit who proposes to begin or recommence discharging into the POTW must obtain such permit prior to the beginning or recommencing of such discharge. An application for this wastewater discharge permit, in accordance with § 274-90, Wastewater discharge application contents, of this Part 5, must be filed at least 90 days prior to the date upon which any discharge will begin or recommence.
All users required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit must submit a permit application. The Township may require all users to submit as part of an application the following information:
Identifying information.
The name and address of the facility, including the name of the operator and owner.
Contact information, description of activities, facilities, and plant production processes on the premises.
Environmental permits. A list of any environmental control permits held by or for the facility.
Description of operations.
A brief description of the nature, average rate of production (including each product produced by type, amount, processes, and rate of production), and standard industrial classifications of the operation(s) carried out by such user. This description should include a schematic process diagram, which indicates points of discharge to the POTW from the regulated processes.
Types of wastes generated, and a list of all raw materials and chemicals used or stored at the facility which are, or could accidentally or intentionally be, discharged to the POTW.
Number and type of employees, hours of operation, and proposed or actual hours of operation.
Type and amount of raw materials processed (average and maximum per day).
Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewers, floor drains, and appurtenances by size, location, and elevation, and all points of discharge.
Time and duration of discharges.
The location for monitoring all wastes covered by the permit.
Flow measurement. Information showing the measured average daily and maximum daily flow, in gallons per day, to the POTW from regulated process streams and other streams, as necessary, to allow use of the combined wastestream formula set out in § 274-77, National Categorical Pretreatment Standards, Subsection C [40 CFR 403.6(e)].
Measurement of pollutants.
The categorical pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process and any new categorically regulated processes for existing sources.
The results of sampling and analysis identifying the nature and concentration, and/or mass, where required by the standard or by the Township, of regulated pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process.
Instantaneous, daily maximum, and long-term average concentrations, or mass, where required, shall be reported.
The sample shall be representative of daily operations and shall be analyzed in accordance with procedures set out in § 274-109, Analytical requirements, of this Part 5. Where the standard requires compliance with a BMP or pollution prevention alternative, the user shall submit documentation as required by the Township or the applicable standards to determine compliance with the standard.
Sampling must be performed in accordance with procedures set out in § 274-110, Sample collection, of this Part 5.
Any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Township to evaluate the permit application.
Incomplete or inaccurate applications will not be processed and will be returned to the user for revision.
All wastewater discharge permit applications, user reports and certification statements must be signed by an authorized representative of the user and contain the certification statement in § 274-113, Certification statements, Subsection A.
If the designation of an authorized representative is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility or overall responsibility for environmental matters for the user, a new written authorization satisfying the requirements of this section must be submitted to the Township prior to or together with any reports to be signed by an authorized representative.
A facility determined to be a nonsignificant categorical industrial user by the Township pursuant to § 274-75, Definitions, "significant industrial user," must annually submit the signed certification statement in § 274-113, Certification statements, Subsection B.
The Township will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. Within 60 days of receipt of a complete wastewater discharge permit application, the Township will determine whether or not to issue a wastewater discharge permit. The Township may deny any application for a wastewater discharge permit.