[Adopted 10-5-1995 as Title 6, Ch. 5, of the 1995 Code]
Removal and replacement of curb and gutter and sidewalk for driveway entrances shall be in accordance with the attached drawing.[1]
Editor's Note: See the drawing included as an attachment to this chapter.
If the curb and gutter is to be removed to within 36 inches or less of an existing joint, storm inlet or curb end, then the existing curb and gutter shall be removed all the way to the joint, inlet or curb and gutter end.
The entire curb and gutter section shall be removed after it has been saw cut at both ends. The curb and gutter shall be saw cut to an adequate depth before removal so that smooth vertical faces remain after removal.
Breaking off or sawing off the back curb portion will only be permitted on a temporary basis during construction. Ends must be tapered so that no vertical faces are left remaining on the curb and gutter.
The new curb and gutter shall match the existing section in all dimensions.
Curb end tapers at curb cuts shall be a minimum of 15 inches in length and at the end of curb sections shall be three feet in length.
Drive entrances at the curb shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width and a maximum of 24 feet in width for residential property, and a maximum of 35 feet in width for commercial property.
Prior to pouring of concrete, the owner/contractor shall contact the Director of Public Works to request an inspection of the forms. The form installation shall be complete by the scheduled inspection time. Inspections shall be scheduled 24 hours in advance. In addition, the owner/contractor shall schedule a final inspection when all work is complete, including patching of any damaged asphalt.
There shall be no standing water in the excavation at the time of inspection or at the time of pouring concrete.
The bottom of the excavation shall be four-inch minimum compacted granular material.
The concrete shall be six bag mix.
Joints in the curb and gutter shall be installed or saw cut at approximate ten-foot intervals. A 1/2-inch expansion joint shall be provided at one end. No longitudinal joints will be permitted in the gutter line.
Care shall be taken when removing the existing curb and gutter in order not to damage the existing asphalt. Any asphalt damage shall be replaced in kind at the expense of the owner. Asphalt shall be hot mix and equal in thickness to the existing street thickness, minimum three-inch. If asphalt is damaged and removed, a front form, on the asphalt side, will be required prior to pouring concrete.
No concrete shall be placed when the air temperature is less than 40° F. Any owner/contractor pouring curb and gutter during a time when it may be damaged by plowing/street salting operations does so at their own risk and will be responsible for replacing damaged concrete if so directed by the City.
The new curb and gutter shall be protected and not driven on for three days from the time of pour.
The entire construction area shall be adequately protected by barricades or cones.
All joints and curb edges shall be tooled and all work done in a workmanlike manner.
No person shall alter the grade of any curb or gutter or any part of such curb or gutter unless authorized or instructed to do so by the Director of Public Works.
Service. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be served personally on the owner or his/her agent, and in case the owner or agent cannot be found, such notice shall be published in the official newspaper and a copy of the notice mailed to the owner's last known address.
Contents. Such notice shall specify that the curb and gutter shall be constructed in accordance with § 398-23.
All curbs and gutters shall be constructed in accordance with specifications established herein and any additional specifications which shall be on file for inspection in the City Clerk-Treasurer's office.
When required. No person shall lay, remove, replace, raise, lower or repair any curb and gutter without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Director of Public Works unless ordered to do such work in accordance with § 398-22.
Fee. The fee for such curb and gutter permit shall be set by resolution of the Common Council and shall be paid to the City Clerk-Treasurer at the time of application.
Application and issuance. The Director of Public Works shall receive all such applications and issue such permit.
Any person who shall be found guilty of violating any provision of this article shall be subject to penalties as provided in § 1-3, General penalty, of the City Code.