Before filing of an application for the approval of a preliminary plat or certified survey map, the subdivider is encouraged to submit a conceptual plan and to consult with City staff for advice regarding general subdivision requirements. Information on meeting dates, agenda deadlines and filing requirements may be obtained from the City Clerk-Treasurer. The conceptual plan would show the relationship of the proposed subdivision or certified survey to traffic arteries and existing community facilities. This consultation is neither formal nor mandatory but is intended to inform the subdivider of the purpose and objectives of these regulations, the Master Plan, Comprehensive Plan components and plan implementation devices of the City and to otherwise assist the subdivider in planning his development. The subdivider will gain a better understanding of the subsequent required procedures.
Prior to filing an application for the approval of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall attend a preliminary consultation meeting with the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee may waive this requirement for small projects.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Submission. Before submitting a final plat for approval, the subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat and a letter of application. The subdivider shall submit 20 copies of the preliminary plat. The preliminary plat shall be prepared in accordance with the standards of this chapter, particularly § 472-20, and the subdivider shall file copies of the plat and the application as required by this section with the City Clerk-Treasurer at least 30 days prior to the meeting of the Planning Committee at which action is desired. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall submit copies of the preliminary plat to the Planning Committee and to the City Engineer for review and written report of his recommendations and reactions to the proposed plat.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Public improvements. Simultaneously with the filing of the preliminary plat or map, the owner shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer a concept report addressing sewer and water service feasibility, drainage facilities and center-line profiles showing streets in the subdivision.
Property owners' association; restrictive covenants. A draft of the legal instruments and rules for proposed property owners' associations, when the subdivider proposes that common property within a subdivision would be either owned or maintained by such an organization of property owners or a subunit of the City pursuant to § 236.293, Wis. Stats., and proposed deed restrictions or restrictive covenants, shall be submitted at the time of filing the preliminary plat with the City Clerk-Treasurer.
Environmental assessment.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Filing requirement. An Environmental Assessment Checklist (Appendix A)[1] shall be completed by the subdivider for review by the Planning Committee with the preliminary plat, or preferably as part of the preapplication conference, for any subdivision or land division by certified survey which the City has authority to approve.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Purpose. The purpose of this Environmental Assessment Checklist is to provide the basis for an orderly, systematic review of the effects of all new subdivisions upon the community environment in accordance with the principles and procedures of Wisconsin Statutes set for local subdivision regulation. The Planning Committee will use these procedures in determining land suitability. The goals of the community in requiring this checklist are to eliminate or reduce pollution and siltation to an acceptable standard, assume ample living space per capita, preserve open space and parks for recreation, provide adequately for stormwater control, maintain scenic beauty and aesthetic surroundings, administer to the economic and cultural needs of the citizens and provide for the effective and efficient flow of goods and services.
Coverage. The Environmental Assessment Checklist shall apply to all reviewable subdivisions and land divisions by certified survey. The Planning Committee may waive the requirement for the filing of an Environmental Assessment Checklist for land divisions by certified survey of less than five acres total area.
Preliminary checklist for environmental assessment of plats, land divisions and community development plans. An Environmental Assessment Checklist form as required under this subsection is available from the City Clerk-Treasurer. The Planning Committee shall review the checklist annually.
Affidavit. The surveyor preparing the preliminary plat shall certify on the face of the plat that it is a correct representation of all existing land divisions and features and that he has fully complied with the provisions of this chapter.
Supplementary data to be filed with preliminary plat. The following shall also be filed with the preliminary plat:
Use statement. A statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units; types of business or industry so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards and congestion of population; and
Zoning changes. If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the areas, including dimensions; and
Area plan. Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed for the subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the requirements of § 472-20A(5) for the remainder of the property so as to show the possible relationships between the proposed subdivision and future subdivision. In any event, all subdivisions must be shown to relate well with existing or potential adjacent subdivisions.
Street plans and profiles. The subdivider shall provide preliminary street profiles showing existing ground surface, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision when requested.
Soil testing. The subdivider shall provide a preliminary soils report, listing the types of soil in the proposed subdivision, their effect on the subdivision and a proposed soil testing and investigation program. Pursuant to the public policy concerns prescribed in § 472-9, the City Engineer may, in addition, require that borings and soundings be made in specified areas to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and water conditions, including depth to bedrock and depth to groundwater table. A minimum of one boring per 1,000 feet of center line street to a minimum depth of 15 feet is required.
Referral to other agencies and utilities.
Utilities. The subdivider shall also forward a copy to the local electric, gas, cable television and telephone utilities. When the subdivider expects the City to act as the transmitting authority in accordance with § 236.12, Wis. Stats., the application shall state that the transmittal responsibility lies with the City of Colby, shall contain a list of the other authorities to which the plat must be submitted and shall be accompanied by such additional fees and copies of the plat as are necessary to be transmitted to such authorities.
State agencies. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall, within two days after the filing of the preliminary plat, transmit copies to the Wisconsin Department of Administration, additional copies to the Department of Administration for retransmission of copies to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation if the subdivision abuts or adjoins a state trunk highway or a connecting street and an adequate number of copies to the Planning Committee. The Wisconsin Department of Administration and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation shall be hereinafter referred to as "objecting agencies." The City Clerk-Treasurer shall also transmit a copy of the preliminary plat to other affected City boards, commissions or departments for their review and recommendations concerning matters within their jurisdiction.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Action by outside agencies. Within 20 days of the date of receiving the copies of the preliminary plat, any state or county agency having authority to object under Subsection I(2) above shall notify the subdivider and all approving or objecting authorities of any objection based upon failure of the plat to comply with the statutes or rules which its examination is authorized to cover, except that the Department of Administration shall have 30 days in which to act, or, if all objections have been satisfied, it shall so certify on the face of a copy of the plat and return that copy to the approving authority from which it was received. The plat shall not be approved or deemed approved until any objections have been satisfied. If the objecting agency fails to act within the twenty-day limit or the Department of Administration fails to act within 30 days, it shall be deemed to have no objection to the plat. The recommendations of City agencies shall also be transmitted to the Planning Committee within 20 days from the date the plat is filed.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Committee action.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The Planning Committee shall, within 90 days of the date the preliminary plat was filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer, approve, approve conditionally or reject such plat and shall state, in writing, any conditions of approval or reasons for rejection, unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. Failure of the Planning Committee to act within 90 days or extension thereof shall constitute an approval of the preliminary plat, unless other authorized agencies object to the plat. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall communicate to the subdivider the action of the Planning Committee. If the preliminary plat is approved, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall endorse it for the Planning Committee.
Upon approval of the preliminary plat, the Planning Committee shall refer copies of the preliminary plat as approved to the City Clerk-Treasurer. An abstract of title or registered property report may be referred to the City Attorney for his examination and report.
Effect of preliminary plat approval. Approval or conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall entitle the final plat to approval, provided the final plat conforms substantially to the preliminary plat, including any conditions of that approval, conforms to applicable local plans and ordinances and is submitted within 36 months of the last required approval of the preliminary plat. If the preliminary plat is approved, the final plat must be approved by the Common Council within 36 months or the preliminary plat approval is void. Previous preliminary plat approvals shall not constitute grounds for approval upon resubmission.
Preliminary plat amendment. Should the subdivider desire to amend the preliminary plat as approved, he may resubmit the amended plat, which shall follow the same procedure outlined herein, unless the amendment is, in the opinion of the Planning Committee, of such scope as to constitute a new plat, in which such case it shall be refiled.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Filing requirements.
The subdivider shall prepare a final plat and a letter of application in accordance with this chapter and shall file 20 copies of the plat and the application with the City Clerk-Treasurer at least 21 days prior to the meeting of the Planning Committee at which action is desired. The owner or subdivider shall file 20 copies of the final plat not later than 36 months after the date of approval of the preliminary plat; otherwise, the preliminary plat and final plat will be considered void unless an extension is requested in writing by the subdivider and for good cause granted by the City of Colby. The owner or subdivider shall also submit at this time a current certified abstract of title or registered property report and such other evidence as the City Attorney may require showing title or control in the applicant. A written transmittal letter shall identify all substantial changes that have been made to the plat since the preliminary plat. When the subdivider expects the City of Colby to act as the transmitting authority in accordance with § 236.12, Wis. Stats., the application shall state that transmittal responsibilities lie with the City and shall contain a list of the other authorities to which the plat must be subjected and shall be accompanied by such additional fees and copies of the plat as are necessary to be transmitted to such authorities.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
If the City is acting as the transmitting authority, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall, within two days after filing, transmit copies to the Wisconsin Department of Administration, and additional copies to the Department of Administration for retransmission of copies to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation if the subdivision abuts or adjoins a state trunk highway or a connecting street, copies to all affected City boards, commissions and committees and the original final plat and adequate copies to the Planning Committee. The Wisconsin Department of Administration and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation shall be hereinafter referred to as "objecting agencies."
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat as approved and to the requirements of all applicable ordinances and state laws and shall be submitted for certification of those agencies having the authority to object to the plat as provided by § 236.12(2), Wis. Stats.
The City Clerk-Treasurer shall refer copies of the final plat to the Planning Committee, and one copy to the City Engineer. The recommendations of the Planning Committee and City Engineer shall be made within 30 days of the filing of the final plat. The City Engineer shall examine the plat or map and preliminary plans and specifications of public improvements for technical details and, if he finds them satisfactory, shall so certify in writing to the Planning Committee. If the plat or map or the plans and specifications are not satisfactory, the City Engineer shall return them to the owner and so advise the Planning Committee.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The final plat shall be examined by the City Engineer, City Planner, City Attorney or other qualified staff to determine whether the final plat conforms substantially to the preliminary plat. Any such conclusions shall be made a part of the record of any meeting at which the final plat is considered, pursuant to § 236.11(1)(c), Wis. Stats.
Planning Committee review.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The Planning Committee shall examine the final plat as to its conformance with the approved preliminary plat, any conditions of approval of the preliminary plat, this chapter and all applicable ordinances, rules, regulations, Comprehensive Plans and Comprehensive Plan components which may affect it and shall recommend approval, conditional approval or rejection of the plat to the Common Council.
The objecting state agencies shall, within 20 days of the date of receiving their copies of the final plat, notify the subdivider and all other approving and objecting agencies of any objections, except that the Wisconsin Department of Administration has 30 days in which to make objections. If there are no objections, they shall so certify on the face of the copy of the plat and shall return that copy to the City of Colby. If an objecting agency fails to act within 20 days or the Department of Administration fails to act within 30 days, it shall be deemed to have no objection to the plat.
If the final plat is not submitted within 36 months of the last-required approval of the preliminary plat, the Planning Committee may refuse to make a recommendation and advance the final plat and the Common Council may refuse to approve the final plat.
The Planning Committee shall, within 45 days of the date of filing of the final plat with the City Clerk-Treasurer, recommend approval, conditional approval or rejection of the plat and shall transmit the final plat and application along with its recommendations to the Common Council. The Planning Committee may hold the matter in abeyance if there is incomplete or inadequate information.
Council review and approval.
The Common Council shall, within 60 days of the date of filing the original final plat with the City Clerk-Treasurer, approve or reject such plat unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. If the plat is rejected, the reasons shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a written statement of the reasons forwarded to the subdivider. The Common Council may not inscribe its approval on the final plat unless the City Clerk-Treasurer certifies on the face of the plat that the copies were forwarded to objecting agencies as required herein, the date thereof and that no objections have been filed within the time frame prescribed in Subsection B(2) or, if filed, have been met.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The Common Council shall, when it determines to approve a final plat, give at least 10 days' prior written notice of its intention to the Municipal Clerk of any municipality within 1,000 feet of the final plat.
Upon failure of the Common Council to act within 60 days, the time having not been extended by mutual written agreement and no unsatisfied objections having been filed, the plat shall be deemed approved.
After the final plat has been approved by the Common Council, required improvements are either installed or a contract and sureties insuring their installation is filed, all outstanding special assessments have been made and park and recreation fees required by this chapter have been paid to the City, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall cause the certificate inscribed upon the plat attesting to such approval to be duly executed and the plat returned to the subdivider for recording with the County Register of Deeds. Recording fees shall be paid by the subdivider.
Pursuant to § 236.25(2)(b), Wis. Stats., the County Register of Deeds cannot record the final plat unless it is offered within 12 months after the date of last approval of the plat and within 36 months after the first approval of the plat.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The subdivider shall file proof of recording of all deed restrictions, covenants, agreements or other documents required to be recorded with the Register of Deeds as a condition of approval. In the event any such document may not be recorded prior to the recording of the plat, the subdivider shall provide duplicate originals of all such documents along with written authorization for the City to record such documents, at the subdivider's expense, in the event they are not recorded at the same time as the final plat.
Final copies. The subdivider shall file 10 copies of the final plat as approved with the City Clerk-Treasurer for distribution to the approving agencies, affected utilities and other affected agencies for their files. One Mylar copy shall also be filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer.
Partial platting. The final plat may, if permitted by the Planning Committee, constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record at the time.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Use of certified survey map.
A certified survey map, prepared and recorded in accordance with § 236.34, Wis. Stats, and the requirements of this article, and having been approved by the Common Council, may be used in lieu of a subdivision plat to divide or consolidate lands, or dedicate lands, provided that one of the following conditions is met:
The division or consolidation is of any lot, outlot, parcel or other lands previously approved by the City and recorded with the Clark or Marathon County Register of Deeds as a subdivision plat, certified survey or Assessor's plat, of any size, which results in not more than four lots, outlots, parcels or mortgage descriptions being created by any division or successive division, regardless of any changes in ownership, within any five-year period; or
The division or consolidation is of any lot, outlot, parcel or other lands previously recorded with the Clark or Marathon County Register of Deeds, including those recorded by a metes-and-bounds description, provided any of the resulting parcels are not less than 35 acres in size, and which results in not more than four lots, outlots, parcels or mortgage descriptions being created by any division or successive division, regardless of changes of ownership, within any five-year period.
In the event a proposed land division does not meet the above requirements, the proposed land division must be pursued as a subdivision plat.
The certified survey map shall include the entire original parcels of land owned or controlled by the subdivider, including those proposed for division or consolidation. The subdivider shall comply with all requirements of this chapter, including Article VII, Design Standards, and Article VI, Required Improvements, when a certified survey map is used. A certification of the approval of the certified survey map by the Common Council shall be inscribed legibly on the face of the map. A certificate of the City Clerk-Treasurer stating that there are no unpaid special assessments or taxes on the lands shall be included on the certified survey map.
The applicant for a land division shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer 20 acceptable reproductions of a certified survey map and a written application requesting approval.
Referral to Planning Committee. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall, within two normal workdays after filing, transmit the copies of the map and letter of application to the Planning Committee.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Review by other City agencies. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall transmit a copy of the map to all affected City boards, commissions or departments for their review and recommendations concerning matters within their jurisdiction. Their recommendations shall be transmitted to the Planning Committee within 14 days from the date the map is filed. The map shall be reviewed by the Planning Committee for conformance with this chapter and all ordinances, rules, regulations, Comprehensive Plans, Comprehensive Plan components and neighborhood plans.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Review and approval. The Planning Committee shall, within 40 days from the date of filing of the certified survey map, recommend approval, conditional approval or rejection of the map and shall transmit the map along with its recommendations to the Common Council. The Common Council shall approve, approve conditionally and thereby require resubmission of a corrected certified survey map or reject such certified survey map within 90 days from the date of filing of the map unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. If the map is rejected, the reason shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a written statement forwarded to the subdivider. If the map is approved, the Common Council shall cause the City Clerk-Treasurer to so certify on the face of the original map and return the map to the subdivider.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The applicant shall file a copy of the approved certified survey map, together with the approving resolution, with the County Register of Deeds within 12 months after the date of the last resolution of approval and not later than 36 months after the date of the first resolution of approval.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
No building permits shall be issued and no improvements shall be made until the certified survey is recorded and a document recording number is filed with the Building Inspector.
Reapprovals. Submittals of previously approved certified survey maps for replatting or reapproval by the Common Council shall be in accordance with § 472-16.
Replat approval procedures. Except as provided in § 70.27(1), Wis. Stats., when it is proposed to replat a recorded subdivision, or part thereof, so as to change the exterior boundaries of a recorded subdivision, or part thereof, the subdivider or person wishing to replat shall vacate or alter the recorded plat as provided in §§ 236.40 through 236.44, Wis. Stats. The subdivider or person wishing to replat shall then proceed, using the approval procedures for preliminary and final plats prescribed in this article.
Hearing. Whenever a preliminary plat of a replat is filed, the Planning Committee shall schedule and hold a public hearing before it acts on the plat. Notices of the proposed replat and public hearing shall be published as a Class 3 notice and be mailed, at the subdivider's expense, to the owners of all properties within the limits of the exterior boundaries of the proposed replat and to the owners of all properties within 200 feet of the proposed replat.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Review time line. Whenever an approved final plat is submitted for reapproval within 36 months of the initial resolution approving the plat, and which is substantially in conformance with the approved plat, and which has not been recorded with the Register of Deeds, said plat shall be reapproved by the Common Council. No final plats shall be reapproved by the Common Council following the expiration of the thirty-six-month period. Such plats shall be submitted as a new plat. All previous approvals shall be null and void and shall have no further bearing on the subsequent review and approval of the plat by the City.
Lot dimensions. Where lots are more than double the minimum size required for the applicable zoning district, the Planning Committee may require that such lots be arranged so as to allow resubdivision of such parcels into normal lots in accordance with the provisions of the chapter.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Adequacy of public facilities determination. A preliminary plat, final plat or certified survey shall not be approved unless the Planning Committee and the Common Council determine that adequate public facilities and public services will be available to meet the needs of the proposed land division and that no public funds other than those already provided in an adopted capital or operating budget are required.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Submittal of information. The applicant shall furnish any data requested by the City Clerk-Treasurer, who shall transmit this information to the appropriate commission(s), committee(s) and staff for review; the City Clerk-Treasurer shall act as coordinator of the reports from staff to the Planning Committee and Common Council on the adequacy of water, sanitary and storm sewers, fire service, police, parks and open space and recreation facilities, transportation facilities, roads and schools.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Review of adequacy. Public facilities and public services for a proposed land division may be found to be adequate when the following conditions exist:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The proposed land division is located in an urban service area where adequate sewer service is presently available for extension, under construction or designated by the Common Council for extension of sewer service, and funds are specifically provided for such extension either from public or private financing. The Planning Committee and the Common Council shall consider the recommendations of the City Engineer and the appropriate committee(s) on the capacity of trunk lines and of sewage treatment facilities and any other information presented.
The proposed land division is located within an urban service area contiguous to an arterial transmission water main of adequate capacity for the proposed development or if the water distribution system that is needed is under construction or scheduled for construction and funds, either public or private, are available for the program. The Planning Committee and the Common Council shall consider the recommendations from the City's utilities and the City Engineer and the appropriate committee(s) on line capacities, water sources and storage facilities, as well as any other information presented.
The City Clerk-Treasurer verifies to the Planning Committee and the Common Council that adequate funds, either public or private, are available to ensure the installation of all necessary stormwater management facilities.
The Director of Public Works can demonstrate to the Planning Committee and the Common Council that street maintenance and refuse collection services, either public or private, are so situated that adequate and timely service can be provided so as not to involve danger or injury to the health, safety or general welfare of the future residents of the proposed land division or existing City residents.
The Planning Committee verifies that the future residents of the proposed land division can be assured park, recreation and open space facilities and services which meet the standards of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The Police Department, EMS and Fire Department verify that timely and adequate service can be provided to the residents.
The proposed land division is accessible by an existing or officially mapped, publicly maintained, all-weather roadway system, adequate to accommodate both existing traffic and that traffic to be generated by the proposed land division in accordance with the Official Map and City standards.
Project phasing. Where the Planning Committee and the Common Council determine that one or more public facilities or services are not adequate for the proposed development, but that a portion of the area could be served adequately, or that careful phasing of the development could result in all public facilities and public services being adequate, conditional approval may include only such portions or may specify phasing of the development.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Officially mapped parcels. No land shall be divided which has been officially mapped as public lands, stormwater management facility or is determined by the Common Council to be unsuitable for use by reason of flooding, bad drainage, soil or rock formations with severe limitations for development, severe erosion potential or unfavorable topography, or any other feature likely to be harmful to the health, safety or welfare of future residents or landowners in the proposed land division or of the community.
Extraterritorial areas. The above requirements shall not apply to those areas outside the corporate limits of the City of Colby and within the City's extraterritorial limits. Areas within the City capable of being served by public sewer and water shall be required to connect to the City of Colby public water distribution and/or public sewerage system as required by the City Engineer.
Application required. No person, firm or corporation shall divide any land located within the 1-1/2-mile extraterritorial plat approval jurisdiction of the City of Colby without first filing an application and a certified survey map with the City for approval by the Planning Committee.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Preapplication procedure.
Before filing an application for approval of a certified survey, the subdivider shall consult with the Planning Committee and shall:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Prepare a preliminary sketch for review and approval.
Complete an Environmental Assessment Checklist.
This procedure will assist the developer in appraising the objectives of these regulations, the Master Plan, the Official Map and other pertinent City ordinances.
The preapplication information shall be submitted to the Planning Committee for review and approval 15 days prior to the time when the application will be considered.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Land division by certified survey procedure.
For land divisions by certified survey as defined in § 472-15, the procedure for approval by the City shall be as specified in § 472-15. The Planning Committee may require approval of the certified survey map by the pertinent town board before acting as specified under this section.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The City of Colby will attempt to seek consistency of locally adopted town plans.
The purpose of requiring approvals under this chapter is to ensure the health, safety, morale, comfort, prosperity and general welfare of the City of Colby. This chapter shall not be interpreted as placing any responsibility or liability on any City official, City employee or the City as a municipal corporation for the granting of approval or the denial of any approval. All approvals rendered as part of this chapter shall be considered as being approved conditionally based on the information and circumstances apparent at that time.
Approvals issued by the City shall not be construed as an assumption or expression of any responsibility, warranty or guarantee for the design or construction of any improvements within the land division.